February 2015 Miles tracking



  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Friday was a much needed rest day and Saturday was mostly strength. Today was my long run day, I did 7.3 on the elliptical (80 minutes). I may log another mile or so if I have to go out and take a turn at snow removal.
  • HatherM
    HatherM Posts: 404 Member
    So I'm not doing well this month so far with my walking goals, I've been down for a week with flu, so I think I may have to re-evaluate my goal for this month, to make it more realistic.
    It's great to see everyone else doing so well though :smile:
  • jemsurf
    jemsurf Posts: 168 Member
    Slow start to this month for me too. Toe is still hurting and I'm trying to take it easy. I've been out of town every weekend so far, which is usually when I run the most miles. I have a 10K this Saturday and am looking forward to the beautiful 50s weather. My goal is to hopefully break my PB of 1:04:41 :D
  • neurex
    neurex Posts: 58 Member
    My leg / knee has been acting up, so I've cut back a lot. I've learned more about proper running form, warming up, and core exercises, so once I recover I hope I can prevent further injury. Frustrated.

    Good luck on your 10K, jemsurf!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    I am way behind on my goals for this month. I got knocked with a nasty cold this week and havent been able to run or walk without breaking down into coughing fits. I feel a lot better today so I am going to get moving again.

    Have fun at your race jemsurf!
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    neurex wrote: »
    My leg / knee has been acting up, so I've cut back a lot. I've learned more about proper running form, warming up, and core exercises, so once I recover I hope I can prevent further injury. Frustrated.

    Good luck on your 10K, jemsurf!

    Good luck with your knee/leg. I have had knee problems off and on throughout my life. A lot of times the problems originate in your hips (weak hips causing your gait to be out of whack). While you are looking into things to do to inform your form, maybe look into strengthening your hips. It has made a TON of difference for me.
  • jemsurf
    jemsurf Posts: 168 Member
    My original plan was to run a half marathon March 14. Due to the state of my toe after my 10K yesterday I've decided to push my half back and run another 10K in March. I had lots of cramping in my foot and developed a nice little blood blister on my big toe (same foot as my broken toe.) To be preventative I'm not going to push my training just to possibly prolong my injury or cause further damage. I'm now looking at April or May to compete in my first half. I did however beat my PB yesterday, and plan on beating it again in March.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    jemsurf wrote: »
    My original plan was to run a half marathon March 14. Due to the state of my toe after my 10K yesterday I've decided to push my half back and run another 10K in March. I had lots of cramping in my foot and developed a nice little blood blister on my big toe (same foot as my broken toe.) To be preventative I'm not going to push my training just to possibly prolong my injury or cause further damage. I'm now looking at April or May to compete in my first half. I did however beat my PB yesterday, and plan on beating it again in March.

    Congrats on the PR. I think you are making a smart decision about the half. It is better to give your toe time to heal and be ready for a race in April/May then to push it and do more damage and then be out for months trying to recuperate. It least you had this chance to test it in a race environment and make a smart and informed decision.
  • jemsurf
    jemsurf Posts: 168 Member
    Brutal 5 miles today after pushing so hard during my 10K on Saturday. Toe felt a little tender, but I managed. Beautiful weather still. It's been in the 50's for most of February so far, which is about 20 degrees warmer on average for this time of year. Can't complain :)
  • jemsurf
    jemsurf Posts: 168 Member
    Officially signed up for my first Half-Marathon April 11. :D I'm super anxious and ready to tackle it. I should be at 100% health by then.
  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    jemsurf wrote: »
    Officially signed up for my first Half-Marathon April 11. :D I'm super anxious and ready to tackle it. I should be at 100% health by then.

  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    Falling off a bit with my half marathon training. Been battling a nasty cold the last week/ week and a half and I am afraid if I push it will blow up into a bad case of bronchitis. So I will definitely be short on my miles this week. I finally feel almost 100% I am skipping my long run today and am going to try and easy back in to doing shorter runs this week. If I am still feeling good by the end of the next week I will go back to my regularly scheduled half marathon training. Race is only 5 weeks away but I figure it is better to scale back for a couple of weeks instead of pushing and then not being able to do the race at all (which actually happened for this same race last year).
  • jemsurf
    jemsurf Posts: 168 Member
    My DIY project to myself for my birthday on Saturday, and I made a matching one for my sister. I guess now the only thing to do is get more medals :-)
  • larosa217
    larosa217 Posts: 41 Member
    Nice project Jen!
  • jemsurf
    jemsurf Posts: 168 Member
    Way to go @larosa217 on reaching your February miles goal. That's bad *kitten*!!!
  • larosa217
    larosa217 Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks @jemsurf‌

    I wasn't sure if I was going to make it after the doctor told me I had to take the week off from riding. Now to push it over the top the rest of this week!

    Also, I'll be attending a class at REI tomorrow evening so that I can possibly get back into running.
  • neurex
    neurex Posts: 58 Member
    mamarundrc wrote: »
    While you are looking into things to do to inform your form, maybe look into strengthening your hips. It has made a TON of difference for me.

    Thanks for the suggestion! I will plan on adding hip exercises.

  • neurex
    neurex Posts: 58 Member
    jemsurf wrote: »
    Officially signed up for my first Half-Marathon April 11. :D I'm super anxious and ready to tackle it. I should be at 100% health by then.


  • mamarundrc
    mamarundrc Posts: 1,577 Member
    jemsurf wrote: »
    My DIY project to myself for my birthday on Saturday, and I made a matching one for my sister. I guess now the only thing to do is get more medals :-)

    LOVE IT!