Motivation, Support and Accountability Thread, February 2nd - 8th



  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hello everyone!

    Welcome to the group astro_katie!

    Today went well....I ate within my goal and logged everything, and have no cravings like I did the last couple days so the night will end well. I do not know why when I get overwhelmed and tired I totally lose control. Today my daughter caused me a huge amount of stress (like usual), but she is away at school so I put that in check and it is not going to affect me right now. Thankfully my son does not cause me stress like that!

    My goals are not doing wonderful so far...morning hydration out the window lol
    Same with going to bed at 10! I am still tired too, cuz I had a really hard time getting out of bed this morning, and just now fell asleep in my chair sitting up for 30 minutes or so! I am off work the next two days so looking forward to sleeping in!

    I have not reached my step count yet today, so I am going to do my 30 minute dancing mini goal right after I post this. I will be dancing to dancehall, perhaps some usual!!

    joco- glad you did the mini goal! Glad you are able to control your urges! Have you gone seven months without any pizza at all? Or seven months without binging on it? I love pizza, it is my favorite food!

    matt- good stuff on the 5K!
    I do not think I would want to exercise with my son, lol, I would not even be able to keep up walking with him let alone anything else!

    Skittles - still going strong I see, way to go!! :D

    Here are a few sample songs from my playlist for dancing!

  • astro_katie
    astro_katie Posts: 62
    edited February 2015
    Hi and thanks for the welcome!
  • astro_katie
    Hmmm I'm very sure I posted more than that....
    Anyway, completed the water physio goal like a boss. And I'm totally owning my tracking in MFP too! Been a better week for me for once!

    Found a Zumba playlist on YouTube I'll try the mini challenge to instead:

    Keep up the good effort and work everyone!!
  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    Hi! Newbie here!

    My goals are:
    1. Attend my 2 water physio sessions
    2. Log everything I eat
    3. Chew on gum when I'm 'Bored Hungry' instead of over eating
    4. Try for 1 bottle of plain water a day (terrible at drinking it! Working on it)

    I'll give the dancing mini challenge a go, I managed an awkward nutbush a couple of months ago on crutches, I should be able to do it again....10 times. Lol

    Weeks already coming to a close, hope everyone is well

    Water was hard for me too. I put mine in a cup with a helps some :) Welcome!

  • WVMountainMamma
    WVMountainMamma Posts: 43 Member
    Just checking in! Lost 8.4 last week for my first week. I'm sure some is water weight, but that's okay! Taking care of 2 sick teens, but now I have that feeling like I'm getting something! I hope not!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    everyone is just doing amazing. keep it up.

    as for today I have boxing <--- new profile photo with me in my gloves haha I was practicing last night and my husband took some photos so I said what the heck I'll add it on here lol. I also meet with my personal trainer today. the first day. I got a deal at the gym for 3 classes 45min each. to see if I like it. and I also have boxing today.

    yesterday wasn't the best eating day for me I have onion rings, a milk shake and a burger. not the best meal and I felt crappy after and still a little sick from it. I also did 2 aqua classes yesterday but that doesn't help with the bad food choices. today I'm going to make good food choices.
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    Accountability thread, huh?

    I've fallen off the smart eating track this week. I know it's just a flimsy excuse, but I'm blaming my period (sorry for the TMI, guys). On the bright side, I didn't finish off the ENTIRE bag of tortilla chips in one sitting, which I suppose is progress.

    I've only been to the gym once this week; I skipped aqua aerobics last night to go to Drag Queen Bingo instead. I did choose a turkey burger over a regular burger so that's something.

    I'm also using "the contest for $10,0000 doesn't start until Saturday" as an excuse for not trying harder.

    I'll be back on track soon, I hope.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I wanna go to Drag Queen Bingo!!! I think I would have been tempted by that too lol

    This week is not my best week! Last night, even though I was really tired, I was also stressed out (daughter), and ended up staying up until 3am!!! 3am!! Craziness! I was reading a thread on a message board here that took a few hours it was so long....and I ended up eating chips and cookies at 1am cuz I was so hungry from being up so late. I tend to lose control when I am up too late at night which is one of the reasons I try and go to bed early, but have not been doing good with that goal at all.....and it is always junk, I mean, who wants to eat celery at 1am??

    Today I was going to try for my 20K badge, but that is not happening...seeing as it is already after noon and I have only been awake less than an hour.....I am going to try and make my 10K though....and hopefully go to the gym even if it is just for weights. I have some errands to run, which is why I should have been gone hours ago.....I think this week is a bit of a bust....I am gonna try and get my eating in check today, but my goals did not go well.....I did do the mini goal last night and it was fun!

    WVMountain - that is amazing! Great loss, keep it up!!

    Flora - dont worry about TMI, we all know how bodies work, say what you want!

    I just want to add I do not really drink plain water either, I have issues with that...I do not drink soda, like ever, I do not like anything with carbonation, and being a near lifelong diabetic, I do not drink anything with sugar, so I basically live off Mio and Crystal Light.....
  • zilannoj
    zilannoj Posts: 138 Member
    Italian_Buju, it's seven months since my last binge. It's weird saying that.

    I was exhausted yesterday but still managed to walk to work/home and get some more walking in with my boyfriend and dog after work. My leg pain has returned, but it doesn't last very long. I usually feel better at the end of my walk. It's not too bad, so I'll give it some time before I'm worried. It's mainly muscle pain.

    My goals are going well. I have walked to work everyday and walked home the last two nights. I might try and exceed my goal by walking home tonight and tomorrow too. Two miles used to feel so long. It's nice that they feel so short, because I'm trying to walk everywhere instead of taking the bus/light rail.

    I think I might dance again tonight and tomorrow night.
  • astro_katie
    Thanks for the idea WVMountainMamma! I used to put a splash of lime cordial in it and that worked, so I might give it a go again.
    I'm going to have to stop drinking soda too Italian_Buju, I believe I'm getting headaches from it. Yay!!!....
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,624 Member
    I'm with Italian_Buju i want to go to drag bingo too lol

    well I did the boxing class and I met with my trainer. and as of now my food is good ( I am going to just take it a meal at a time so I don't over do my self with bad choices.

    @Italian you can do the 20k, keep the goal in mind and push for it
    @Jocoblossoming wtg for the walking, walking really is the best for us. and I hope the pain goes away
    @astro I haven't had pop in maybe a year a half so you can do it, just take your time. I now mostly only drink water, with once in a blue moon have unsweet ice tea just to change it up a bit. lol but mostly water for this girl haha

  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    I just add vodka to my water.. since I started doing that I drink lots of water. and my days have gotten sooooo much better :)
  • PJB80
    PJB80 Posts: 4
    Hi new to the group :)
    Goals for this week would be
    1. Log in daily
    2. Get exercise in
    3. Find something to get into when I get hunger cravings.
  • matfatcowboy
    matfatcowboy Posts: 114 Member
    welcome PJB80!
  • PJB80
    PJB80 Posts: 4
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    When I was a kid, all we ever had in the house was soda.....both my sister and myself have not had soda in many, MANY years, maybe close to two decades.....neither of us like anything with any carbonation at all, ever
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    OMG this is the most stressful week I have had in a long time! First work, then my daughter, now my fur baby.....I try and take life one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once, this is an example of those times.....this week is a bust....
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Well, there is science staring me in the face.....after five days of little exercise and crappy stress eating, I have gained back one pound. The good news is, I am not feeling stressed today....most of the things causing me stress are either done, or at least lessened for the time being. I am really tired though cuz I barley slept last night anxious for the vet to open this morning. Am back on the ball today though, however, instead of weighing in Monday like the last couple of weeks, I am going to wait until the following Monday to give me some time to fix this up.....

    Where is everyone? I feel like I am talking to myself lol
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Um, that is weird, right now when I posted the reply right above this one, I saw there are FOUR posts that I did not see beforehand today, OR yesterday......

    Skittles - I will get that 20K badge! I am a slow walker so I need a day that I am off and can basically walk off and on all day.....gonna have to try again in two weeks!

    Welcome to the group PJB80!

    Matt - I bet that makes it go down MUCH easier lol
  • astro_katie
    Ah Italian_Buju, you've had such a hard week but that last post sounded like you were going back to your old happy self. You have been able to see how your body reacts to stress and how you react to the stresses in your life.
    This is the point where I've started to learn that I need to review my stresses and how to tackle the my eating and activity next time it happens, because knowing our luck Italian_Buju it will probably happen again :\
    I sincerely hope that it gets better for you and good luck with the 20 K jeez that's a lot!!! Haha

    I had a really bad night last night I actually didn't get to sleep till this morning at about 7 AM. I just could not fall to sleep it was really annoying.
    So that kind of threw out my eating today, not a super bad way, but I made smarter choices. Like instead of going to Maccas I turned in into subway which is a better choice than what I was going to have. But I totally ate the entire foot long.

    I managed 15 minutes of the mini challenge with some slight pain issues afterwards in my broken leg, but some medication and a rub down and it doesn't feel too bad now.

    Hoping everyone is well and making better choices for themselves! :D