I hear all the cool people are here...

Rockmaker Posts: 37 Member
But more importantly the people who are okay with low carb, because it seems like some people are not.

I'm new here and I'm on my first week of atkins. I have very little knowledge of low carb diets and I'd love to learn more. This is something I'm committed to do because I like the idea of my body using stored energy instead of using the quick energy of carbs. If anyone would like to add me that would be great. Feel free to give this newbie advice, I hate being new but we all have to start somewhere I guess. dd7rn2ru7fr5.jpg



  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Welcome Rockmaker! And yes, this is a wonderful place for low carbers of all kinds, and everyone seems really accepting that we're all different. I only joined MFP 20 days ago, and this group about 15 days ago.

    Your photo is loading slowly but it's looking totally awesome so far. I'm an avid photographer too.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    Welcome Rockmaker. I am also doing the Atkins WOE. I am leaning towards the old 72 version because this is the one I did back then and it worked well for me. Here is a link to a blog with the information for it in pretty plain fashion. I need to keep things simple around here as I have a pretty busy lifestyle even though I am retired.

    There is a Launch Pad at the top of the group posts. Lots of good information there combined by generous folks for us newbees.

    Yes we are a pretty cool group.
  • sbom1
    sbom1 Posts: 227 Member
    edited February 2015
    (*) (means "like") Welcome!
  • KeithF6250
    KeithF6250 Posts: 321 Member
    Out before 6 this morning shoveling snow powered by a cup of coffee with coconut oil. Expecting minus 20 this weekend, does that count as cool?
  • annieboomboom
    annieboomboom Posts: 176 Member
    Lots of information if you scroll through posts.
    Lots of angst, lots of support. Just takes individual decision to commit.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    Welcome to the land where we eat bacon by the pound, not the slice :)
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    Welcome! You will gets lots of support for your new low carb lifestyle here!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Glad you found us. It's the only reason I even look in the big forum (aka the Litterbox). To drop, breadcrumbs...er...I mean shredded cheese, to lead low-carbers to a safe haven.
    Welcome. :star:
  • Rockmaker
    Rockmaker Posts: 37 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hey, wow, thanks everyone for responding, I wasn't expecting that!

    @grannyMay I shot that photo at Bryce as the sun was setting and rain showers started to sweep in. It's a large picture so the servers at myfitnesspal have to finally do some work and get in shape :o

    @shadesofidaho I'm definitely going to check out the blog and the launchpad, thanks for pointing me there.

    @sbom1 (*) (thanks!)

    @keithF6250 Negative 20 and shoveling snow is cool and pretty basa$$! The coconut oil/coffee/butter/bulletproof thing sound interesting since I just switched to black coffee.

    @annieboomboom Thanks!

    @strawmama You know I have not eaten bacon for years, but I suppose it's good for the low carb diet, i'll put it on my shopping list!

    @sljohnson1207 Thank you!

    @stillonamission Thanks, it definitely feels like I'm in the right place.

    @baconslave There is definitely a learning curve when you first join and you are low carb.

  • sbom1
    sbom1 Posts: 227 Member
    @strawmama You know I have not eaten bacon for years, but I suppose it's good for the low carb diet, i'll put it on my shopping list!

    I hadn't either (except occasional turkey bacon). JOY!! Bacon is amazing!
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Some of this is standard advice, some of this is what has worked for me.

    1. Plan ahead. While you are first starting, picking a "plan" that's already set up may be useful for you. At least plan your meals out in advance (I'm bad at doing that) so you're not standing in the kitchen at 6:30pm deciding to go grab a burger & fries. Also, if you're cooking for more than just you, don't cook a whole separate meal. Make a stir fry and let them eat rice with theirs. Make a pot roast and let them eat potatoes. Make things in batches so you don't have to cook every single night and so you can have something in the freezer when you don't want to cook.

    2. Tea or coffee is marvelous with cream (get the kind with 0 carbs)...or butter, and if you choose your tea wisely, can be a way to 1) finish out the amount of fat you need for the day and 2) help settle you down for bedtime.

    3. Eat more fat, and try for a wide range. Butter & coconut oil rock, but I also cook with tallow (beef fat - I make bone broth and use the fat that separates out from there) and schmaltz (chicken fat) and bacon grease.

    4. Don't forget about water & salt. The best way I've heard water is explained is to drink your weight (kg) in ounces each day. I aim for at least that much. Don't be scared to add salt to your food. Since you won't be eating as much pre-processed food most likely, buy some good sea salt (Celtic or Himalayan are the ones I like the best) and add it until it tastes good. I also drink a cup of broth most mornings with a good bit of salt in it.

    5. Don't play too much with non-sugar sweeteners at the beginning. A lot of people still have blood sugar reactions to sugar alcohols. Sweet tastes can still make you want to eat more sweets. I do best when I don't sweeten things at all.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    edited February 2015
    Welcome! This is a good group with a mix of people...some do Atkins, some keto, some "slow" carbers, and everything in between. Great way to find what works for you!
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    Welcome Rock. The natives are friendly here. :smile:

    I don't believe people don't eat bacon!! 0.0 I order meat from a farmer. There's a delivery this morning. 1/8 of a beast PLUS 14kgs (about 30lbs) of farm fresh, free range bacon and a huge pork roast that should produce some delicious crackling. Mmmmmm.... bacon.
  • dawlfin318
    dawlfin318 Posts: 227 Member
    Biggest tip I can share is, get your sodium daily! I had a rough start when I did not heed that advice. Welcome and yeah, the cool people are in here.
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    Welcome to the LCD forums, way cooler, way more tolerant and a heck of lot more informed. Best of luck in your journey!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Non Food Post ;)
    Rockmaker wrote: »
    @grannyMay I shot that photo at Bryce as the sun was setting and rain showers started to sweep in. It's a large picture so the servers at myfitnesspal have to finally do some work and get in shape :o

    Ha ha, poor MFP servers ;) I clicked on the photo to make it larger, it's really stunning! Perfect lighting to set the scene to its best. I've never seen a sight like that, Australia can't compete in that category. The Google Earth view looks amazing (though less competition-worthy) too.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Rockmaker wrote: »
    Hey, wow, thanks everyone for responding, I wasn't expecting that!

    @grannyMay I shot that photo at Bryce as the sun was setting and rain showers started to sweep in. It's a large picture so the servers at myfitnesspal have to finally do some work and get in shape :o

    @shadesofidaho I'm definitely going to check out the blog and the launchpad, thanks for pointing me there.

    @sbom1 (*) (thanks!)

    @keithF6250 Negative 20 and shoveling snow is cool and pretty basa$$! The coconut oil/coffee/butter/bulletproof thing sound interesting since I just switched to black coffee.

    @annieboomboom Thanks!

    @strawmama You know I have not eaten bacon for years, but I suppose it's good for the low carb diet, i'll put it on my shopping list!

    @sljohnson1207 Thank you!

    @stillonamission Thanks, it definitely feels like I'm in the right place.

    @baconslave There is definitely a learning curve when you first join and you are low carb.

    Yes . Learning curve is putting it mildly. If you haven't yet experienced it, they can be downright hostile and nasty. As if we are peeing in their pool. It's absurd. Or have a plague that we will infect them with. They don't understand that we count calories and use moderation just like they do. It just looks different than their version, and they can't or won't make the connection. It's all about perspective.

    And also, eat bacon, And your photo is GORGEOUS.
  • jjejjtu
    jjejjtu Posts: 1,324 Member
    I am new to this forum and to this way of eating as well. Finding this group has been one of the best things for me. I spent a good portion of today reading through the posts and feeling like I have finally found a positive, supportive place. Support for this diet is not something I have in my "real" world. I have been feeling very on my own with this journey, and like no one will understand. And here are a bunch of people who do, it's wonderful!
  • Rockmaker
    Rockmaker Posts: 37 Member
    edited February 2015
    @twibbly Thanks for that advice, I have been lacking water and today I took four bottles of water out and put them on the table just so I know I have to drink these.

    @meIRC117 Thanks for the warm welcome.

    @Sajyana I cooked bacon for the first time in a decade today. It was good but I'll tweak the brand and the length of time I cook it till I can say it's great!

    @dawfin318 Sodium, how do I know if I'm getting enough? My salt shaker is out of service since I started last Saturday. According to my daily totals I'm meeting or exceeding my sodium level just from the food I eat which is accurately noted in my food diary. I'm asking because sometimes I don't feel well and I'm wondering if sodium and other electrolytes are lacking.

    @DAM5412 Thanks, after a rough start on the main board I feel confident I've found my home.

    @GrannyMayOz I really appreciate your comment on my photo. After a couple of days and mediocre shots in Bryce I was leaving the park because it was cloudy and starting to rain and everyone was heading for the exit. But I pulled over one last time and shot this during an amazing moment when the sun started shinning through the clouds. I was the only one there. Mother Nature is truly amazing and she's my best friend <3

    @baconslave It reminds me of Pink Floyds "Us and Them". I'm sure they mean well. People are different though. I've been mostly vegetarian for at least half a decade, and I still gain weight. This week is the first time in years that I've bought meat in the supermarket. That may explain why I wasn't head over heals with the bacon I made today, but I'm definitely open to learning what brands to buy and how to cook it right. And thank you for the compliment on my photo.

    @looking4better Welcome, it's nice to have you around.

    Again I would like to thank everyone for being so welcoming and helping me along the low carb diet path, I really appreciate all your help!