I hear all the cool people are here...



  • fatchimom
    fatchimom Posts: 256 Member
    Why yes, yes, we ARE the cool group!!!!I am new as well and still experimenting. I eat very few carbs-try to stay under 20 grams. Unfortunately, most of them come from my sugar free creamer!! Oh well. I will probably switch to something different. I am seldom hungry doing this and eat what I feel like. Well, LCHF of course. The other night for dinner I had an egg white omelet with cheddar cheese and a small can of tuna. I know it probably doesn't sound very appetizing but it's what I was craving so it was delish! You'll figure it out and so will I. Just remember "everything is better with bacon!" Welcome!
  • KeithF6250
    KeithF6250 Posts: 321 Member

    Saw them live in Chicago in 1972. Thanks for the reminder.
  • Rockmaker
    Rockmaker Posts: 37 Member
    @fatchimom I gave up cream and sugar (and a touch of baileys Irish cream) in my coffee a week ago when I started Atkins. It's a tough change I'll tell you but maybe later I can try the bulletproof coffee. Or, I could take your advice and put bacon in my coffee...Thanks for the welcome!

    @KeithF6250 You sir are a luck man to see Pink Floyd in concert. I never did. I do however have the album "Wish you were here" imprinted, note for note, into my memory. They have a new album, The Endless River, which just came out and I think it's fantastic.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    Welcome and good luck!
  • parkdad73
    parkdad73 Posts: 88 Member
    I would recommend reading (or the audiobook) Gary Taubs Why We Get Fat (and What We Can Do About It). Gary was a science news writer who started digging into things and the book is the layman's version of his Book Good Calorie/Bad Calorie. It was the information I needed that made me say, "This makes a lot of sense so let's try it." I lost 100 pounds in about 14 months.

    There is also a movie called Fathead (you can find the whole thing on Youtube - It was on Netflix when I found it) that is kind of the anti-Supersize Me. It isn't overly great but it goes into some of the political history as to why the government's Health Pyramid was designed the way it was.

    I was (still am) a major sugar addict. I averaged two 2-liters of Coke a day along with numerous sugary items for 15 plus years. Two ways I've been able to subdue the taste need for sweets is gum (Extra Winterfresh is personal fav) and Crystal Light fruit punch. If I stand myself staring at the cupboard wanting something sweet (since I have a houseful of kids) I reach for those instead.

    Also if you ever are urgently hungry and ready to reach for some quick carb filled item go for meat instead. We have jerky available most of the time in my house and I always have hamburger patties frozen ready to throw on the grill or pan. Consider meat in the Unlimited Column.

    While I personally believe low carb is the best way, I also believe that bodies are different and certain diets work best for different people. Low carb was the way for me, but obviously other people are losing weight on other types of diets. I imagine someday science will figure out there are a certain different numbers of body types (similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for personality) and diets that work for them. Once they do that they will produce dog food pellet type food that give exactly what each type needs per day but they will all taste like chocolate. Hmmmm....Chocolate.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Hey, you know the way to folks' hearts!
  • KeithF6250
    KeithF6250 Posts: 321 Member
    Rockmaker wrote: »
    @fatchimom I gave up cream and sugar (and a touch of baileys Irish cream) in my coffee a week ago when I started Atkins. It's a tough change I'll tell you but maybe later I can try the bulletproof coffee. Or, I could take your advice and put bacon in my coffee...Thanks for the welcome!

    @KeithF6250 You sir are a luck man to see Pink Floyd in concert. I never did. I do however have the album "Wish you were here" imprinted, note for note, into my memory. They have a new album, The Endless River, which just came out and I think it's fantastic.

    Thanks for the Pink Floyd tip. I've quit following music except when my grandkids play something new, in a rut I guess. I've got it playing background right now

  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me if you'd like. I definitely like this group over the main forums. When I'm on the main forums it's to look for low carbers. Though sometimes it's just for entertainment and occasionally I attempt to defend low carb. It's sort of like talking to the wall but I always wonder about people who read but don't post, you know?
  • Rockmaker
    Rockmaker Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for the welcome @siberianmomma!

    Thanks for weighing in @parkdad73 (see what I did there?). I'm always trying to learn more so thanks for the information. I can't even read these comments without a notepad in my hand, I just added Jerky to my shopping list. The pellet type food may come someday, but hopefully I'll be dust in the wind by then!

    Hey @totaloblivia how you doing?

    Music and Mother Nature, two of the best things in life @KeithF6250‌

    Thanks for the welcome @Sugarbeat, I think positive people who express their opinions influence people in such a way that we can never know.