Over 50s Ladies - Our Special Needs



  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    Well, its July 11, 2015 and I have decide I will not beat myself up today over my carb intake. I remember when I started using my plate format I lost like 5lbs in a weight. So, I decide to use that did method with attempting to lose weight and monitor my carbs. I will have to eat more due to my diabetes but or should I say more often. I have learn if I have a craving just get it over with and move on with life. I did not do very well yesterday staying within my 1200 calories maybe today will be a little better . I know for me I have to have some cabs to keep from crashing. I know for me I must exercise every day and I know for me I must consume my 64 ounces of water daily. I have not been eating alot or between meals since starting low carbs. I eat when I am hungry but I know to keep the blood sugar in check I must eat small meals as instructed more often. Wow, I am getting so tired of eating meat it is really getting to me. I use to be vegetarian and just consuming more meat on low carbs is starting to make me want to be vegetarian again. Does anyone have any advice on the matter?
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    Been a little down so haven't posted for a couple days. I think it's cause the weather was changing, gone from smoke to clouds and a little rain, tho we definitely need the rain !! I hope it clears up soon, I miss sitting outside this time of night and looking at the stars :)
    @Kate, are you getting any rain yet?
    @May, yes, that is me in the picture. I used to avoid pictures like the plague but am getting more comfortable with it now !
    Working inside today, looked in a cupboard, then took everything out and washed all my mom's old china and put it all back but boxed up some stuff for good will. Then my compulsiveness took over and I went through 6 more cupboards and 2 drawers, where on earth does all that stuff come from LOLOL!!! Purging things I haven't used or looked at for a few years. Feels good to get stuff done !!
    Huge welcome to the new members on here. Lots of wonderful friendly people on here, I love reading all of your adventures, successes and trials and tribulations. You all inspire me to keep going ! Hope everyone has a great weekend xo
  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    Well, today is July 12, 2015 oh how time flys. I will start today off with my water, walk and then some breakfast. My Blood sugar is at 113 not so bad mainly due to the fact I ate 4 times yesterday. Mainly by focus because I was not really hunger at all but I got it in. Well, I went over my calories and carb but I do not feel like I want to eat everything in site. So, here I go today off to what I believe to be a good start I will only consume my 30 carbs today some way some how. Now, I am on my way to success got to do what works. I decide to weigh every other day not sure if this is a good method. My scale do not seem to be change still at the same two pounds I lost. I am starting to think something must be wrong with the scales. I notice my weight that had disappeared years ago seem to be coming back again. I notice my fingers and lower legs seem smaller I am just saying something must be changes. Now to really get these things to drop some weight and my bully. I might be on to something great soon.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning friends! The Sun is shining, but still smoke in the air. I have been paying more attention to trying to hit close to my protein goal for a few days so I am happy about that. Carbs were at 4 carbs again yesterday, so I am good with that. My exciting day will probably include going to the grocery store...I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 204 Member
    @GrannyMayOz, the hummers are abundant this morning, even with the smoke. A lot of Ruby Throated Hummers today, glowing in the sunlight like jewels. I watched them so long that my BPC is cold lol.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Hello beautiful Ladies ! I feel I have been neglecting you, as I have had little time to post. I have read all the posts however. Welcome to all new members !

    It was a pretty stressful week at work due to being relocated due to the flood. They have set me up temporarily with a laptop in someone else's office, so that is awkward when the evening managers come in. I brought up some minimal supplies from my desk and have been working out of a shopping bag, kind of like "camping" work. I sure miss my little kitchenette in the basement, for making my fresh BPC mid morning. I have been making it at home instead and bringing it to work in a thermos. I find that I haven't been drinking enough water at work without my little kitchen. I bring a 4 cup container of ice and water to work with me daily and up to now have been refilling it midday. But now I have no where to refill since with the construction/restoration going on, they have pulled out all the plumbing in the lunch room. I try to make up for it later after work, but perhaps I should try to find a larger container to bring with me. I like to get most of my water intake done before evening so I can sleep through the night.

    I took Friday off work, and spent 9 hours at my mother's place in the garden. I had a ton of weeding to do. I can't believe how much the garden has grown in one week ! The veggies have grown but also the weeds. I honestly spent 8 hours bending over pulling up weeds. I tried my dad's ancient hoe at first but it turns out it was actually my grandmother's hoe, so it was older than I thought, and when I tried to use it, it felt like the handle would break off, so I was back to pulling by hand. I thought my lower back would suffer, but I was OK. And I saw Dr Randy yesterday am, so I'm really OK. But boy am I sore ! It feels like I have done a million squats ! I am still sore this am.

    We had a lovely meal at my mother's place Friday. My daughters came down and met us. My mom has this awesome recipe for flank steak and it is one of our favorites. I finally have the marinade recipe in my head. She uses 3 Tbsp Dijon mustard, 1 Tbsp soya sauce ( we use tamari), the juice of 1 lime, 1/2 tsp thyme, and 1/2 tsp black pepper. Marinate the flank steak....I don't know how long, all day at least I would think. Then BBQ. I had more veggies than I've had in a long time that night...probably one week's worth of veggies and fruit ! But I thoroughly enjoyed it, as some of my friends already know.

    So after that meal, I decided to fast and I wasn't sure for how long, but I'm still going. I decided yesterday that I wasn't hungry enough to eat, so I'm shooting for a 48 hour fast which I will break at supper tonight with T-Bone steak. But I'm at almost 42 hours without solid food right now as I type and I am not hungry, so not even sure about eating yet. Is that bad ? I feel amazing though. I worked all day in the heat the other day while fasting, and I have been on a couple of walks throughout the weekend while fasting. I really think that eating keto makes us better adapted to go for longer periods of time without eating. This hasn't prevented me from performing all the same activities I'd usually do, from a big grocery shopping trip to gardening or walking or laundry etc. Very interesting and very empowering. I have not even gotten a headache, which is sometimes my indication that I need to eat something or drink more water. I hadn't done much fasting since starting keto, as I didn't think it would be necessary. It was my habit to do weekly fasts and I think I should resume the habit.

    Yesterday I did take it easier since I was so sore. It was all about me. Just did my fasting, went for a walk, then stretched out in the sun like this Kitn likes to do, read a book, had a nap in my comfy outdoor recliner, with the real Kitn nearby. Just lovely.

    I hope you all are having a great weekend !
  • fangirlish
    fangirlish Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Sunday to you all, hope everyone is having a great day. Enjoying a lovely day here.

    @Karyn - wow, only 4 carbs for an entire day? That's quite impressive.

    So question: what do y'all think about using a water additive like Mio? I struggle with getting enough water and have started adding a squirt of additive to the water to make it more palatable. It's working, I am drinking more water - but I also know that artificial sweeteners, flavors and coloring are not good for us. I'm just wondering if I would be doing more harm than good by using them.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 204 Member
    @Kitnthecat, amazing fast!

    @fangirlish, I just started this about 7 weeks ago and I set my carbs at 15 grams a day, but I am always below 10. I didn't know enough about keto to think it might be considered very low, but I am OK with it and keeping it there. As for the Mio, I know the artificial sweeteners can make some people stall, but I understand why people use them if they don't like plain water.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hi ladies, taking a chance to sit & reflect for a few minutes.
    @May. Sometimes a heartfelt hug is worth more than all the thanks in the world. I know DIL to be's family is not going to thank anybody for anything, but that's ok. I just want her & my son to have a lovely day with no worries. Also I'm a bit of a control freak so when they asked for my help they knew I would get everything back on track. The most frustrating/angering part is some of her family said they'd do this or that & then oops they can't. That's why delegating is not my strong suit. It's usually faster & easier to just do it myself. Still have backup plan for emergency cake, tho. I have this awful feeling that promise isn't going to be kept either.
    @Cindy. No rain yet, but they keep promising. Smoke was less thick today so could at least work in yard for a few hours.
    I still haven't got a dress for wedding yet. Was hoping to be down a size or 2, & was waiting for mother of bride to pick her colour. Now with black eye grandbaby gave me I think I'll try & coordinate with it. Should be purpley-green in 12 days, lol.
    Daughter & I designed programs til 1:00 am Friday nite & I printed them Saturday with only a few glitches (I thought). Midnight last night we caught a spelling error (crap)! So off to do them again. 4 different people had proof read them & we all missed it.
    Working on brooch bouquet tonight & hopefully finishing touches on dress tomorrow. Then maybe I can breathe again.
    Tummy was off yesterday so cals were way down & today still not able to handle coffee (which I drink a lot of). I'm hoping it's just nerves as I don't have time to be sick. Don't know if it's tummy problems or no coffee but really haven't been hungry. Sure that will change soon tho. No noticeable difference on scale.
    Hope everyone had an awesome weekend.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning awesome friends! Its Monday, sun is out, but still smokey and smelly here. Winslow is very upset at me this morning as his blankies are in the washer and his favorite toy is in the dishwasher. Going to try and play cards with the gals tonight if I can sit comfortably. Trying a new recipe to bringyalong, Buffalo Chicken Dip. Pretty low Carb and tons of fat. I will bring celery sticks to replace the chips :-) I hope you all have a really good day.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Good morning/evening ladies. I think it's a beautiful day here, but smoke is back so no sunshine just heat. I feel so bad for all the people who've been evacuated due to the fires (I shouldn't complain about smoke here). Last night had 1/2 cup fresh strawberries & cream. Wow, it was great I remember my mum saying they had fresh cream with everything when they were growing up. Now I know why. Having first coffee in 2 days so going to see if coffee is affecting my hunger levels. I drink it black except when BPC, so don't know how it can, but caffeine is a weird product.
    Have an awesome Monday everyone.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 204 Member
    Good morning! Busy day today, nothing fun, its mainly errands . Having lunch with an old friend, maybe. The menu where she wants to eat is not really Keto friendly, but I can fit it in if I eat half of a Greek salad. I predict I will be having a big dinner lol. Had game night last night with 15 girlfriends. I made Buffalo Chicken Dip and it was a success...High fat and low carb and they never even knew it :) have a great day!
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Hello all, hope you're all having a great day. Jane, I'm so sorry you're still not feeling well; I keep thinking about you and hope the antibiotic is helping.

    Update on taking the Heart Calm supplement. It could be just a fluke, but I think it's helping. I'm having fewer palpitations, and I think I'm sleeping a little better. I actually slept 7 hours one night---I can't remember when I last did that. I haven't needed to take electrolyte tabs, so that must be the effect of the potassium in the Heart Calm. I'm going to keep taking it b/c it seems to be having good effect. I'm pretty happy about having fewer palpitations.

    I haven't gained any unusual weight since increasing my calories! Just my normal 3 lb fluctuation. It would be so nice to have a new loss, but at least I'm not gaining new weight. It's sometimes kind of hard to get up to the 1400 cal mark b/c I get full so quickly, but I'm trying to keep as close to my BMR as I can get.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Hello wonderful Ladies. That's great news @Ellen about the Heart Calm!

    @Kate hope you're coping with all the goings on. We did have a little rain here and most of the smoke is gone. Very hot and muggy lately though.

    @Karyn, it looks like you are doing so well ! I love your positive messages to us.

    @Faith, I hope you're still hanging in there, just give it time.

    @fangirlish, I can't remember if I've greeted you. Your avatar looks a little like me in real life, only my hair is shorter ! I haven't tried those water additive things, but stay away from most products like that due to additives and artificial sweeteners.

    Hi @Cindy, wish I had your energy ! Come on over to my place to help me sort things out !

    I need lots of energy for work these days. I feel kind of defeated. The flood in our basement, where my office is, has been so frustrating. I had only grabbed enough supplies to do immediate work last week, in utter confusion and lack of direction and communication. I asked my superiors ( since they didn't tell us) what the plan would be, where we would work, where I could leave some of my documents, supplies etc, because I needed to go back downstairs into the construction zone to retrieve them, and we were told that this was only temporary and that we may be back down stairs as soon as the carpet was lifted. Meanwhile the manager's office where I have been camping/working out of a totebag and a few binders, has been inhospitable. When I asked them where I could designate an area for my stuff, they would not consider giving me adequate space. I asked my boss what I should do and she really doesn't see what the issue is, so that's a dead end. But at least since the big boss told us that we would be downstairs again soon, it shouldn't have been much of a problem. I just had a niggling feeling that I would miss doing part of my job because all my stuff was downstairs.

    Well, I should have made time to go down there yesterday, because today all of our cubicles and desks were dismantled, and all of our stuff was placed in boxes by strangers, all mixed up. I had documents on my desk that needed attention, for instance and I don't know where they are. They are all packed up where we can't get to them, and my stuff and the dietitian's stuff next to me are mixed up together by the looks of it, along with our personal belongings. Sigh. To top things off, noise, ergonomics and air quality are bad. I miss my basement and my co-workers. Where I am situated is separated from the others, and is a hub of activity. And everyone is grouchy. I'm hoping for a lottery win this week, then I will start a round the world trip and get out of there ! I sure wish they had told us that our work areas would be taken apart and asked us if we wanted to pack our own stuff or get anything else before they touched it. I would have even come in after work to do it ! My blender, MCT oil and other personal things are down there along with all the work stuff all in a mess.

    The only good thing happening is the fun I'm having with the fasting. So far so good. Trying for one meal per day this work week. The one meal I have been having is so filling that I haven't wanted to eat more often anyway.

    Thanks for letting me vent Ladies....well I had a captive audience really, you had no choice, but thanks.

  • fangirlish
    fangirlish Posts: 100 Member
    Good morning, all. A nice day here after a very stormy and dangerous day/night yesterday. Still picking up the pieces in general but the house is intact and we're safe, and that's what matters, right?

    Thanks, @kitnthecat and @azcowgirrlup, for commenting on my water additive question. I generally avoid all the artificial stuff, but have always struggled with getting enough water and this seems to help. I'm hoping to use it to build the habit and then wean myself off the additive slowly but keep the water habit. Sometimes we just gotta play some tricks on ourselves, I guess.
    RATSMITH69 Posts: 127 Member
    Hello dear Ladies,

    Welcome to all of those that have joined this fantastic group. We are supportive, funny, informative, and very glad to have you join us!!

    I hope those of you in and around the fires are safe. Fires are worse than water in my opinion. Prayers and good thoughts for you all.

    Congrats on the weight losses and finding supplements that are working for you. I'm still taking the Ash and Valerian root but cannot vouch for their effectiveness with everything else going on..

    Good stuff:

    All three houses are demolished and the foundations have been repaired and enlarged (making them 2 foot higher). They are now telling us building should begin by Sept 1st. I wasn't expecting the long delay but I guess it's worked out for the best as we haven't been ready to deal with all of the contractors and decisions that would be required. Small blessings counted.

    My Grandflowers have birthdays soon. Lilly will be 3 this month and Rose will be 2 next month. They are happy, healthy, smart, and funny little monsters!! They are keeping me going these days.

    And now the debbie downer:

    A little personal history... my youngest brother passed in March 2011. This was a very sudden and unexpected heart attack at the age of 44. He was my best friend and, as corny as it may sound, the wind beneath my wings. He was alone at work and not found until the following morning and I had to identify him. My Mother went into a deep depression that she has only this year started to come out of. I got custody of his then 15 year old daughter who has gone on to college and is doing very well. I am learning that I never properly grieved his loss.

    On June 13 my oldest brother was in a motorcycle accident -- for those of you that know Texas he was leaving the ROT Rally. He had several broken bones and collapsed lung. He seemed to be pretty good for a full week, laughing, joking, and giving the nurses a hard time. We lost him on June 21st. He had had a heart attack last year and due to this accident he had several blood clots that broke loose that simply did not make it thru his heart.

    I still can't really breathe thru this. I keep trying to find the good things - - he wasn't alone, we had a whole week with him, I had some really great conversations with him, he was happy and surrounded by love - - but all I end up coming back to is that he was only 56 and I am just not ready, I'm not ok, and I can't, I just can't.

    So, there ya go. I know all of you ladies have been thru horrid times yourself and I believe you all understand where I'm coming from. I'm grateful to be able to log in and read all of the funny, sad, challenging, and oh so supportive post from all of you. I'm really sorry to be a downer, I try very hard not to be, but this one is kicking my butt.
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Oh @RATSMITH69, I'm so sorry to hear about both of your brothers. I know such sorrow as yours from experience; I've also lost two in recent years, both from terrible, sudden illness. I'm so glad you were able to spend a week with your brother before his recent passing. Those conversations, the love and joy---they are sweet memories that will comfort you time and time again. Please know that it's not a downer to share your losses; we care, and as far as we are able, share your sorrow and offer our support. Give yourself time to grieve; tears can help bring relief and healing.
  • FaithMathias
    FaithMathias Posts: 56 Member
    Hello @RATSMITH69 as a Grief Counselor I can tell you it is one of the hardest journeys in life but one day we look back and wonder oh how did I survive that. Take your time to not attempt to get pass it , just learn to cope with it.
    Ladies, I am doing okay with my carb intake some days are better than others and I have decided to weigh on once a week. I find myself not really hungry and having to focus myself to eat to get calories and carbs. Most days I am at 65-77 carbs. I know I cannot have it both ways counting calories and carbs. So, I set daily goals to stay below 80 on carbs and 1300 on calories. Now, I realize if I get the calories I do if not its not the end of the world. I have to keep my exercise going and that has made a great impact on me . As I probably said before I have limitation due to a spinal infusion surgery in 2012 but I do what I can. Well today, I will be off to the indoor track as much as I enjoy the outside weather. I will be going to the in door trace this week mornings or evening as long as I get my hour of walking in I am good. I would like to walk in the mornings and evening if possible , so one thing at a time. Off to the inside track I go and of course I will consume 22 ounces of water while I am there, thanks to my water bottle.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,057 Member
    Oh @RATSMITH69 , I'm so sorry to hear your news. I was actually thinking about you and all your trouble with flooding, and even though I have been bellyaching about my flood in my work office which has inconvenienced me, I can't imagine what you must be going through having to deal with the loss of your homes and loved one as well.

    I know I really held my own emotions in while dealing with my Dad's death 1.5 years ago, even though I was so close to him. I had to be the strong one you see. I wish I could have just let my grief out.

    Please remember to allow yourself time to deal with this, and try to take care of yourself ! We all care about you here !
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hi ladies. So much going on here. @ratsmith personal loss is something that takes a lot of time to get over. Allow yourself to grieve. Hi to the newbies, almost one daily it seems. I am having a cheat day today. Don't even ask me how many carbs I'll be ingesting. It felt like I was on the verge of cheating anyways. So why not make a day out of it. I'll probably fast for 2 days after this, maybe on Sat and Sunday. OK gotta run see ya later.