Level 3

Started level 3 today (20th Feb) man it is hard! Level 1 was hard until day 3 and level 2 was hard until around day 5/6 with planks continuing to be hard, but I cant see me ever being strong enough for this haha! Never the less I will push through, 8lbs down so far :) xxx


  • erock115
    erock115 Posts: 30 Member
    Started level 3 too. Those Rockstar jumps...omg. it's not pretty. Finally can do a few real push ups here and there but not the entire time. Can't wait til never have to be on 1/2 knees. Down 5 lbs & clothes are looser. Keeping me motivated.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Level 3 is fun!! I have to be careful with the rockstar jumps so I modify. I have bad knees and hips. :\
  • AliciaJade93
    AliciaJade93 Posts: 122 Member
    erock115 wrote: »
    Started level 3 too. Those Rockstar jumps...omg. it's not pretty. Finally can do a few real push ups here and there but not the entire time. Can't wait til never have to be on 1/2 knees. Down 5 lbs & clothes are looser. Keeping me motivated.

    I'm awful at push ups too!! I can go half way down in a full push up and can so about 5 haha then I'm dying, I'm so weak in the upper body! Xxx
  • priyaFitnessFreak
    priyaFitnessFreak Posts: 105 Member
    Level 3 day 1 done! I still have 5 days of level 2 left but I wanted some change. It was tough as expected but I still liked it better than L 2. That one is a killer! I hate those non-ending planks!
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    Starting Level 3 today. I've had a lot of personal things going on so I've fallen off the wagon the last couple of days.. Will update my measurements/weight on the other post and then get my butt back in gear.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ripped wk 4 today. It is insanely fun!!!!! fms7ayk72x12.jpg
  • AliciaJade93
    AliciaJade93 Posts: 122 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »
    Ripped wk 4 today. It is insanely fun!!!!! fms7ayk72x12.jpg
    Needed this!! I'm lying in bed at 10:21pm still not having worked out, will now get up and do day 3 lvl 3!!!

    Then go back to bed, haha
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    I finished level 3 day 1. I really didn't want to. I would rather sit around feeling sorry for myself. Lol I didn't have much energy in it, but I still did it, which I think is better than skipping it.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    All, a little is better than nothing at all!!!! Keep it up! <3
  • AliciaJade93
    AliciaJade93 Posts: 122 Member
    Done lvl 3 day 3! Thank you for the motivation @Alf1163!!

    My way of thinkig about this is also "if I don't work out today, I will fall back into old habits, the thing that will push me towards my goal is that this time won't be the same as every other time I've tried to live a healthy lifestyle, this time I am actualyly going to get off my bum, even when I can't be bothered, and do my workout, if it's only ten minutes of if it's an hour, something is better than nothing"

    Obviously there are exclusion I.e injury, rest days etc but on days where I am planning a workout and can't be bothered that is my thinking that gets me up, I have tried this before and every time fallen back into "I cant be bothered today, maybe tomorrow" and tomorrow never came, but not this time, this time its for good!!

    Keep going everyone, you're doing so well ❤
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Level 3 done this morning along done push muscles strength training. Might have lifted a little too much, left lower back in little pain. Hmm comes with territory. LETS DO THIS!!!!
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    Level 3 Day 2 done! I'm going to be honest, I don't think level 3 is that bad. ((don't kill me!)) I don't seem to burn as many calories, I don't seem to have to work as hard (minus a few moves). Maybe that's because with some of the moves, the advanced is too difficult, but the beginner is too easy? I just don't feel like I'm getting much of a workout anymore.
  • AliciaJade93
    AliciaJade93 Posts: 122 Member
    ksnel3 wrote: »
    Level 3 Day 2 done! I'm going to be honest, I don't think level 3 is that bad. ((don't kill me!)) I don't seem to burn as many calories, I don't seem to have to work as hard (minus a few moves). Maybe that's because with some of the moves, the advanced is too difficult, but the beginner is too easy? I just don't feel like I'm getting much of a workout anymore.

    No I know exactly what you mean!! I try and do the advanced moves where possible and when I do that I sweat ALOT but with moves like the plank rows with a leg raise, I can't do the advanced because my wrists aren't strong enough to support my body yet, but when I do it on my knees, I feel it's way too easy, even with heavy weights!! Xxx

  • AliciaJade93
    AliciaJade93 Posts: 122 Member
    P.S day 4 level 3 done, half way through tomorrow! Xxx
  • moreliz88
    Day 1 of level 3(:
    9 more days to go..

  • AliciaJade93
    AliciaJade93 Posts: 122 Member
    edited February 2015
    Day 25/30, half way through lvl 3!!! Almost there now :) workouts are getting easier since I've pushed myself to do the advanced non modified versions since day 2. I can do the ab hold to plank move all the way through, only one I struggle with is jumping lunges, I have no balance I keep wobbling and having to correct myself causing me to miss a few and have to go slower, oh well, its about the effort I suppose! Xxx

    Edit: mispelt words.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Ripped this morning and resistance trng!!! Woohoo!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Where is everyone????? I had to do ripped in 30 week 4 again this morning because I couldn't find any 30DS level 3 videos on youtube!!!! It looks like they have been deleted!! Help!!! But ripped wk 4 is very similar. I felt burnt out this morning though. I still did it along with leg work and then 30 mins of swimming. Have an awesome day!!!
  • ksnel3
    ksnel3 Posts: 107 Member
    Just finished L3 Day 3!! I skipped yesterday and did my own strength/resistance exercises. There is a lot of jumping in L3 and I do it while my kids are napping so I've been holding back a little as not to wake them. Lol Today my kids are out of the house and I finally got a good workout in for L3! I also did the advanced when I could and it definitely made it much more difficult!!
  • AliciaJade93
    AliciaJade93 Posts: 122 Member
    Finished lvl 3 day 5 today, didn't really give it my all. I prefer to workout in the evening as that's when I'm most productive but was forced to do it in the am as I had work 1pm - 11pm and knew when I got home I'd just want to sleep! Still got a bit of a sweat on, which is good, but not as much as normal!

    Any one else feel like this group is getting quieter?? Xxx