Have you told anyone about your WLS?



  • lorilbuckner1
    lorilbuckner1 Posts: 172 Member
    This journey is so intensely personal. The important thing is that you do what you are comfortable with. I have made no effort to hide it but I haven't broadcast it either! I have told my friends, some colleagues and close family. I have been blessed with a having a great support group as a result. Very few negative responses, but I can honestly say I don't really care about those!! LOL Not everyone understands where I've been and where Im going and that's OK. Recently I was shopping for yogurt and as they were restocking the cooler, the lady asked what specifically I was looking for. When I told her she offered an alternative as they were out of what I wanted. When I told her no thanks, too many carbs, she asked if I was following Weight Watchers or something similar. Out of my mouth popped "Oh no Im a bariatric patient" before my brain even registered the question!! She responded Good for you! How are you doing? She went on to ask where I had it done and if I was happy with the facility etc. Never thought I'd be having that conversation with a stranger in the dairy section!
    As for people being worried or concerned, I had done enough research and had gotten 2nd opinions from my Cardiologist, Neuro Surgeon, General Surgeon and my friend who is an Interventional Radiologist. I left no stone unturned and that alleviated the concerns of those who were worried!
    The bigger your support group the better!

    Good luck in your journey!!
  • JamesAztec
    JamesAztec Posts: 524 Member
    I just want to know what is IRL SIL?
  • IslandSneezerooo
    IslandSneezerooo Posts: 268 Member
    IRL = in real life
    SIL = sister in law
  • jesswagspgh
    jesswagspgh Posts: 18 Member
    I'm very open about this journey. My weight struggle has never been a secret. So why would I keep a huge step like this a secret?

    I've received nothing but support, love, & encouragement. Pre & post op have been hard but the people around me are very supportive to make sure I know there is more to look forward to than the nausea & liquid diet. I pray each of you have a support system like it
  • CEK0220
    CEK0220 Posts: 171 Member
    I have only select people. I have trust issues and I am that person that will second guess myself if anyone says anything negative. I will be glad to talk to anyone after the fact, but for now I prefer to just tell those few that "need" to know, and some of the more trustworthy folk (friends).
  • ac7nj
    ac7nj Posts: 266 Member
    CEK0220 wrote: »
    I have only select people. I have trust issues and I am that person that will second guess myself if anyone says anything negative. I will be glad to talk to anyone after the fact, but for now I prefer to just tell those few that "need" to know, and some of the more trustworthy folk (friends).

    I'm the same way and didn't even tell family. Now at 7 months out a few of my friends have asked what I did and wanted to do what ever it was, know. I have just made it to maintenance, now I'm not so interested in keeping the information private.
  • CEK0220
    CEK0220 Posts: 171 Member
    I wish we cold like posts on here, because I would like your post ac7nj!
  • mbk830
    mbk830 Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks to everyone who has posted on here. I just recently started going down the WLS path. I've only told two friends. One was incredibly supportive even offering to go to my appointments with me. The other said he would help in any way he could but expressed significant concerns. I think my biggest worry is telling my parents....and that nothing is ever secret at work; everyone will know as soon as I'm out for a few weeks.