You Be YOU, I'll Be ME Member Support in the LCD/Keto Groups



  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited February 2015
    Another duplicate... MFP is being weird with me lately.
  • KeithF6250
    KeithF6250 Posts: 321 Member
    I've only been here a short time but if I disagreed with you in a matter of fact I would check my facts very carefully. If we disagree in a matter of opinion, I would review my opinion but probably decide to agree to disagree. Certainly I can't recall anything you have written that I would classify a plus ungood or (horrors) double-plus ungood.

    As far as counting, I'll probably continue to count. I am almost as obsessed with data as you. In addition I recognize myself as being a clean plate person. If it is in front of me I will finish it mindlessly no matter what my state of fullness. At age 68 that probably will not change. Learning new things has become harder than even 10 years ago. Unlearning old things is not just a herd nut it is a rock.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Yep, and for a lot of people eating habits are ingrained behaviors as much as hormonal cues. After years of compulsively cleaning your plate, even when uncomfortably full, it's going to be hard to unlearn that behavior just because the fullness cues are now working better. I know my firm stance on counting not being important seems to dismiss the reality of those sorts of things, but that's simply because I am trying to keep things clear and simple. If someone discovers that they don't seem to self-regulate well without at least paying some mind to calories, then they probably will want to count. I have hope that eventually (maybe only after they hit their goal weight and continue counting for a while) they retrain their body so that they don't need to work so hard. Maybe it will never happen for some people. It's not the end of the world. But, I want people to aim for the easiest way possible (this way of eating can be hard enough in modern society as it is).
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    There is not a single person in this thread who has ever offended me, and I can't see any arguments here at all. I think we've all been discussing what is true for us, out of interest.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    I like the fact that the LC group is small.... But then I am known for tilting at windmills...

    HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH … so funny! Tilt away!
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    I was told this group is fairly inactive, and Reddit-Keto almost dead..I'd wanted to warm us up..and say how great pointed out..that we ARE small in number, have a base core of understanding, and are wonderfully supportive. If 7,800 people a day are commenting on one topic, the replies whiz by, we never get to meet them.

    Mostly in the big forms I see very young people, Bless'em, that don't have the wisdom many of us do. I remember that crazy intensity to fix the world, and insist others do the same.

    So let's NOT let our two groups slug along. If we share what we know, and wisely step back after presentation then we can all look at ideas and say…Ohhhh shiny!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    I was told this group is fairly inactive, and Reddit-Keto almost dead..I'd wanted to warm us up..and say how great pointed out..that we ARE small in number, have a base core of understanding, and are wonderfully supportive. If 7,800 people a day are commenting on one topic, the replies whiz by, we never get to meet them.

    Mostly in the big forms I see very young people, Bless'em, that don't have the wisdom many of us do. I remember that crazy intensity to fix the world, and insist others do the same.

    So let's NOT let our two groups slug along. If we share what we know, and wisely step back after presentation then we can all look at ideas and say…Ohhhh shiny!

    Reddit keto isn't dead, btw, it's on reddit, spread across 5 subs. The group here is just an exchange for people who talk there to friend each other here. The actual conversations start here. I've always found it funny, though, that in the main forums it's treated like lc is such a fringe thing...this group is the 7th largest on all of MFP, and the other 2 keto groups and a paleo group are in the top 25.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    JPW1990..I bow to superior wisdom, :)
    Now I will go pound the other girl!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I was told this group is fairly inactive, and Reddit-Keto almost dead..I'd wanted to warm us up..and say how great pointed out..that we ARE small in number, have a base core of understanding, and are wonderfully supportive.

    This was semi-true, and was definitely the prevailing opinion about this group for a long time. Part of the problem was there were 6,000 pinned threads that never changed, at the top of the group. People would come and check this place out and only look at the top of the page. They'd see the most recent posts were from months or years before, and they would leave. There were no active moderators and no way to contact the old ones. So, there was no way to remove all those threads to bring the active conversations more attention. There were active conversations, just not a whole lot. It was pretty steady in here, but not really crazy. Plus, many of us got tired of dealing with the main forums and didn't do much to draw attention to the activity here.

    Then Dragonwolf (or was it baconslave) was able to contact the admins of MFP and get added to the mod list, a few of the other active regulars volunteered to help clean things up, and we've tried to make it a point to make this place more active and friendly and welcoming to the low-carb outcasts from the main forums. So, it's gotten better. And we're seeing more activity from more new people, which is very exciting.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    thanks to all the moderators and posters who make this place motivational. Had a 1lb gain this week and am determined to re-focus with all the help that we get here. Love you all!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    edited February 2015
    FIT_Goat wrote: »

    Then Dragonwolf (or was it baconslave) was able to contact the admins of MFP and get added to the mod list, a few of the other active regulars volunteered to help clean things up, and we've tried to make it a point to make this place more active and friendly and welcoming to the low-carb outcasts from the main forums. So, it's gotten better. And we're seeing more activity from more new people, which is very exciting.

    Twas Dragonwolf. :smile:

    Sorry I'm MIA people. I've been hit hard with a plague the kids brought home. I'm going to go try to keep my head from exploding.

  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    edited February 2015
    baconslave wrote: »
    Twas Dragonwolf. :smile:

    Sorry I'm MIA people. I've been hit hard with a plague the kids brought home. I'm going to go try to keep my head from exploding.

    Plague is bad. Exploding heads are worse. Feel better quick!
  • yturie47
    yturie47 Posts: 170 Member
    Just a comment- This is a very helpful positive group from my POV. I check in daily to see whats up. It's so nice of the moderators to keep the threads moving along. I think you are all providing an excellent service for all the members. I found the main forums are kind of boring and don't seem to inspire me to keep trying new things like this group. For me personally it is easy to get discouraged, I certainly don't need other people adding to it!

    Of course trying to lose weight and change old habits is very difficult! Many people have some complicating factors, like age, stress, financial restrictions, family obligations and often one or more mental/physical health conditions. Knowing that, I really admire those who are continue to make the effort to learn and take care of oneself in spite of everything!

    Yesterday is but a memory and tomorrow only a dream, so make the most of today! .......someone once said :)
  • cassiemceachen
    cassiemceachen Posts: 1 Member
    I am just starting a keto lifestyle...currently trying to eat less of the carbs and adjust to higher fats and protein each day. It is so hard for me to cut out breads and pastas but every day I will get a bit closer. I'm hoping that I can commit to this lifestyle for my health, I don't want end up with diabetes. Glad there are other low-carbers here!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @cassiemceachen‌ The best way I have personally found to help rid yourself of the carb cravings is to gradually step them down every few weeks to find your personal sweet spot. Also, whenever you have a carb craving, have some fat first, before you allow yourself the carb. And add lots and lots of water, fats, and sodium (bullion broth drunk like tea is my favorite). it helps balance out the rest of the adjustments more easily. You'll find your stride soon enough.
  • yturie47
    yturie47 Posts: 170 Member
    I am just starting a keto lifestyle...currently trying to eat less of the carbs and adjust to higher fats and protein each day. It is so hard for me to cut out breads and pastas but every day I will get a bit closer. I'm hoping that I can commit to this lifestyle for my health, I don't want end up with diabetes. Glad there are other low-carbers here!

    Hey Cassie, I am right there with you. In fact I could have written your post...... determined to find out how to make this work for me too! (* (*) (*) (*) ) for effort!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,961 Member
    The thing that I love the best about this group, other than that it isn't the Litterbox, is how we accept and support the full spectrum of low-carb lifestyles. We aren't a nit-picky, exclusive-to-one-plan clique. As long as you are trying to be low-carb, or interested in learning about it, you're in. It just further proves that there doesn't have to be just one way to do things like THEY, i.e. the CICO zealots, claim. (I don't have anything against CICO/IIFYM in general, just those who persecute people who aren't like them.) Support matters here, not labels. Lots of you guys don't do things the exact way I do, and that is FANTASTIC. I keep learning so much and enjoy hearing about all the health improvements, SVs and NSVs. I'm here because I want everyone to succeed. And whichever road they take to get there, as long as they are happy and healthy, is a-OK with me. :heart:

    I was bragging about this group on an exclusively low-carb forum yesterday. Very proud of what is happening here in the LCD. :smile:
  • elleykat
    elleykat Posts: 75 Member
    Sugarbeat wrote: »
    Love it! Some of the things people post on the main forums boggle my mind but I try to remember they're on a journey to. At least here people accept the differences without the derision and fear mongering.

    Edited. I hate auto correct.

    I can't believe how MEAN people in the main forums can be... Yikes.
  • Sugarbeat
    Sugarbeat Posts: 824 Member
    elleykat wrote: »
    Sugarbeat wrote: »
    Love it! Some of the things people post on the main forums boggle my mind but I try to remember they're on a journey to. At least here people accept the differences without the derision and fear mongering.

    Edited. I hate auto correct.

    I can't believe how MEAN people in the main forums can be... Yikes.

    I think it makes them feel better somehow. If they can put us down, that means they're doing it right. If they agree that different paths work for different people, then their way must be wrong. I think Baconslave has it right, its like we're attacking them personally. It seems to be perfectly acceptable for them to attack others, though. I find myself visiting there less and less.
  • shadesofidaho
    shadesofidaho Posts: 485 Member
    HA at my blood test today the tech said he hopes the LCHF does not raise my cholesterol. I just said only in a good way. Maybe you should read about it.

    My only thing with LCHF/Atkins/Keto or anything in between I tend to get confused on what I am trying to do and some times not sure what I am trying to do other than to lose weight. I think I am trying to do Atkins or was it LCHF? but then look at so many keto folks enjoying so many more veggie carbs. But I do not think I will lose on that many carbs because of my poor WOE most of my life and carb addiction. At least for now I have my weight stable and maybe going down by 10th of a pound every few days. No more of the big upswings I was having.

    So never mind me I will just look in with confusion. LOL