Need encouragement and advice from veteran Keto-ers!



  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    In January into the first week of February I was eating 1500-1700 calories, I dropped the number - my goal is now set at 1250, but I usually eat 1400-1500 (and try to do cardio a few times a week - which could both help or hurt) and I lost 3 pounds in February.... which kind of sounds depressing to say out loud... but it is a win, somewhere in the vicinity of 1 pound a week. You could try dropping the calories down 100 and see what happens over a week or two.

    Also I have heard that artificial sweeteners can stall some people, I'm not sure if you use them or not.

    Ditto to what Knit said - Patience and perseverance - they are your best friends.

    In reference, when I used the Keto calculator, it suggested I eat 1310 calories, and if I did everything perfectly I would loose 5 pounds by April 25th. -- Patience and perseverance!
  • KetoCutie
    KetoCutie Posts: 161 Member
    What a great thread. And what a great reminder- I need to practice patience and perseverance too.
  • krichard08
    krichard08 Posts: 62 Member
    The calories that I have set in MFP are the daily cal. intake suggest by I will try playing around with it a little bit.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Of course weight loss is incentive... but you mention already getting "discouraged". I lost my first 50 pounds quickly and easily, then lost 25 far more slowly. Many plateaus, and then I regained 25 over the last 15 months while experimenting with eating a more moderate carb intake. I was trying to give you advice on how to get past the times when there will be no weight loss, and even gains, so that you don't get "discouraged" and your lifestyle will be sustainable for the long haul. Those times are going to happen even if you are doing EVERYTHING RIGHT and regardless of what lifestyle you have adopted.

    If it's about health, you wouldn't find it "pointless".
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited March 2015
    krichard08 wrote: »
    The calories that I have set in MFP are the daily cal. intake suggest by I will try playing around with it a little bit.

    I started with those numbers. But quickly found out that I must be more sedentary than their calculations and/or there are more carbs/calories in the food that I eat. So, in order to make it work for me, I created a buffer. I subtracted 400 cal's from their recommendations. Then that allowed me to be "wrong" and still lose weight. SO, in other words, if I eat something that was supposed to be 500 calories, but it really had 700, I'm still under.

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan

    P.S. If you ever watched the movie called, "The Matrix" I'm the guy in the pod next to Neo, on the right.... that's how sedentary I am.

  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »
    krichard08 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I have been following the KETO WOE for close to 5 weeks now. I've lost track. I lost 7 lbs. the first week. 3 the next and then gained 2 lbs. Then lost those two again and have been at the same weight now for about 2 weeks. I have not cheated and have been tracking my food. I have really re-started my workout routine the last week and a half or so. Alternating the 30 Day Shred with resistance/weight training very other day. Is this a normal occurrence? Could I be doing something wrong? I do not have a blood monitor and really dont want to have to buy one. I do have Keto sticks and they have been indicating Morderate to large for the last week. I don't know. I am feeling discouraged. Please share your experiences and expertise! Thank you! :)


    I looked at your diary. You're doing a fine job with keeping your carbs down (much better than I am doing). I see your daily calorie intake being kinda high. I am 253 lbs and in order for me to lose, I have to eat about 1400 cal @ day or less. What I am noticing is, that some people like Fit_Goat can keep his carbs really low (not eating plants) and he can eat crazy amounts of calories and maintain/lose. I don't think that works for everybody and I don't know why. I would suggest you lower your cal's down a couple hundred, and maybe do a 24 hr water fast (or just skip a day of eating) to break things loose.

    Dan the Man from Michigan

    To be honest, I'd argue that your calories are abnormally low less so than hers are high. Even doctors/nutritionists say that I should eat 1500-1600 calories (while the calculators all say about 1900) to lose weight, even sedentary, and I'm a 255lb, 5'9" female.

    If that's what works for you, that's fine of course, but do keep in mind that your calorie goal lower than normal for most men.
  • krichard08
    krichard08 Posts: 62 Member
    edited March 2015
    DittoDan wrote: »
    krichard08 wrote: »
    The calories that I have set in MFP are the daily cal. intake suggest by I will try playing around with it a little bit.

    I started with those numbers. But quickly found out that I must be more sedentary than their calculations and/or there are more carbs/calories in the food that I eat. So, in order to make it work for me, I created a buffer. I subtracted 400 cal's from their recommendations. Then that allowed me to be "wrong" and still lose weight. SO, in other words, if I eat something that was supposed to be 500 calories, but it really had 700, I'm still under.

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan

    P.S. If you ever watched the movie called, "The Matrix" I'm the guy in the pod next to Neo, on the right.... that's how sedentary I am.

    Thank you Dan so much for your post. I see your point about the buffer and that really is a good idea!! I have been struggling with the number in my head. When I was doing your run of the mill CICO I was eating 1200 a day and going up to 1600 and some days more recently had me a little worried. I think I am going to keep it as is for a couple more weeks and see what happens, and then lower it a little bit if need be.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    krichard08 wrote: »
    DittoDan wrote: »
    krichard08 wrote: »
    The calories that I have set in MFP are the daily cal. intake suggest by I will try playing around with it a little bit.

    I started with those numbers. But quickly found out that I must be more sedentary than their calculations and/or there are more carbs/calories in the food that I eat. So, in order to make it work for me, I created a buffer. I subtracted 400 cal's from their recommendations. Then that allowed me to be "wrong" and still lose weight. SO, in other words, if I eat something that was supposed to be 500 calories, but it really had 700, I'm still under.

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan

    P.S. If you ever watched the movie called, "The Matrix" I'm the guy in the pod next to Neo, on the right.... that's how sedentary I am.

    Thank you Dan so much for your post. I see your point about the buffer and that really is a good idea!! I have been struggling with the number in my head. When I was doing your run of the mill CICO I was eating 1200 a day and going up to 1600 and some days more recently had me a little worried. I think I am going to keep it as is for a couple more weeks and see what happens, and then lower it a little bit if need be.

    I'm glad you see what I am saying. If you think the numbers calories are right, then its probably because you aren't:
    1. measuring the weight of your food,
    2. Using a machine to analyze the macros for each piece of food,
    3. inputting the wrong food is (whether it be you or the incorrect selection of the food or the manufacturer is under-estimating the label,)
    4. Or you picked (or was given) an exceptionally fatter-than-normal, more-carbs-than-normal piece of {insert your food here}.

    I mean, unless you are at John Hopkins, under strict supevision of everything you eat, I doubt you (not you personally) are following the correct amounts.

    Dan the Man from an Imperfect Diet Land