Are you positive this diet works? I am simply going nowhere



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I don't think I'm friends with any of you struggling, but I would generally ask the following questions regarding diary/eating:

    Are you keeping a decent balance of macros in each meal? I.E. Not eating all/most of your carbs in one setting?

    Have you ditched all artificial sweeteners (at least temporarily)?

    Are you eating ENOUGH calories (typical restrictions don't always fit, depending on underlying health concerns)?

    Are you getting enough water (over 100 oz, flat, more if you're over 200 pounds), sodium, magnesium, and potassium?

    Are you upping your fats enough (fats should be the largest % of your calorie consumption)?

    Are you tracking close enough to make sure that you aren't getting hidden carbs?

    Are you sitting on your butt during adaption? This is pretty much necessary as your body's engine switches gears to NOT WORKOUT at least at first.

    Are you drinking alcohol? (Body processes this BEFORE anything else, so it can delay the processes - or kick you out of fat burning modes.)

    Are you taking any supplements that make you gain weight or interfere with dietary digestion/metabolism?

    Are you taking pictures and measuring? Sometimes the scale will sit like a lump while you lose a pant's size. (or in my case, look like a heart patient's EKG readout in the middle of an episode)...

    Off the very top of my head, these are the things I can think of I would normally look for in your food/habits.
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    I lost really quickly at first. Then stopped. Weight loss has slowed to a crawl. I'm assuming that my body is sorting itself out and will continue at it's own rate.

    This is a marathon, not a sprint. I won't ever go back to high carb because I feel so good. So many people have said that I'm happier, have more energy, my skin cleared up, my overall outlook on life has brightened and I'm easier to be around. (And I wasn't a grumpy person to start with!:)) That improves my quality of life all by itself.

    Yes, I'd like to have a smaller body because it makes life easier. I'm confident it will happen. In it's own time. Try a few of the suggestions if you feel they will assist you. Hang in there.