Measuring tape...

DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
edited March 2015 in Social Groups
I was about to get on here and ask you all when I should start seeing some progress, but I figured before I did I'd get out the measuring tape (again) and just see... Well since last week it looks like I've lost about a half inch in my waist, about a half inch in my hips, and around 1/4" on almost all other measurements (arms, calves, chest). In fact, the only place I didn't notice any change was in my "thunder thighs." How do you know if you've just "sucked it in" a little more or are holding the tape a little tighter, though, in hopes of seeing smaller numbers? I don't have a scale, so I haven't weighed myself since starting this WOE. I'm not gonna lie--seeing some of your success stories has me getting really impatient to see some results, although I will stay the course because I'm seeing some other improvements such as more energy and generally feeling better.


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited March 2015
    It depends. Just make a choice in how you hold a tape, just tight enough to stay snug against the skin, but not tight enough to make a mini-fat roll above and beyond. If you're pic savvy, take a pic and mark the lines on the pic for where to measure each time for consistency. And that is probably right, on your measurements being down. For me, hips*** are my slowest loss place. Guess my body just hasn't reached that far down to burn fat yet. LOL

    ***Sorry, meant THIGHS are my slowest place to lose. Waist and hips go pretty much hand in hand, but if y'all recall from photos, that is where the majority of my excess weight is carried...
  • Quatroux
    Quatroux Posts: 51 Member
    Over time, changes in how you hold the tape should even out.
  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    edited March 2015
    like KnitOrMiss said, I just make sure there isn't an imprint from the tape - no bulge above or below. My thighs are the slowest to shrink as well.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Yeah, in the past I'd lose my boobs first, then my waist, and last, if I stuck with it long enough, my hips followed by my thighs. I may have held the tape a little too loosely for my starting measurements. Oh well. We will see if I get smaller measurements next time. I really need to get a scale....

    How long did it take you all to start seeing changes?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    With me, week 1-2, I started seeing 1/2" differences, then stalled out. Haven't measured again since shifting from LCHF to keto...

    As for a scale, it is really the worst measure of progress. Use that tape. Take pictures. Use those to compare. Particularly, try to pick the same outfit to use... It gives good context. Since the pics don't have to be shown, I use a sorts bra and jogging pants, removing the pants for measurements.

    And I'm one of those annoyed people who loses in band size, but never cup size. These things are mammoth and never shrunk after nursing. I am the person who WISHES WITH ALL MY HEART AND SOUL that they would shrink, at least some! LOL
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    LOL, I'm kind of the opposite, @KnitOrMiss! I go down in cup size every time I lose weight, which is pretty annoying.... But I'd rather get back to my "normal" gymnast's body with tiny boobies than have big ones because I'm overweight. So, for me, I guess they're just naturally small. No hourglass for me--I'm a straight-up pear. :smiley:
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    For the waist measurement, I suck it in as HARD as I can, then hold the tape right over the belly button, and like the others have said I don't pull so tight that the skin is compressed. And then I pass out from doing all that while holding my breath and my gut in.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    My waist nips in decently (considering proportion to hips), but I've got a big ol' bootie, too. So technically by measurements I fit a few "profiles" but who knows. I know I'm not where I want to be.... I consider breast reduction surgery for years and years, but when I watched an episode of one of those surgery shows and the doctor lost the woman's nipple, I said no way jose!
  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    I don't remember when things started decreasing, but I am pretty sure I lost 80% of my weight in my boobs. I was pushing a D cup, and now a C is just a touch to big. My husband even asked what happened - lol!
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    LOL, @octobubbles!!! Pretty sure that's not how you're supposed to do it! :wink:

    Ewwwwww, @KnitOrMiss! Keep those bad boys where they are! As an aside, I did tell my hubby if this diet doesn't work I'm getting lipotuck. I'm ready to have a flat(ish) tummy again--he of course wants me to keep the junk in my trunk! but would be happy if I had bigger tatas and a smaller belly. *sigh* MEN!
  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    It takes 4 weeks for you to notice
    It takes 8 weeks for your family to notice
    It takes 12 weeks for friends to notice.
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Yup, @stillonamission, that's how it usually works for me.

    @Lrdoflamancha, thanks! So the message here is: be patient! :smile:
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    edited March 2015
    I know for myself, the scale and the tape are no bueno sympatico...meaning when one moves the other doesn't. Usually when my weight stalls, i'm losing inches and vice versa. I've not taped in a while, but when i measure its biceps, thighs, waist and hips. then i add them all up (you should see that is my overall. Next time I measure, I do the same thing...add it all up, and then subtract, or add as the case may be. that way i know my overall inch loss. To date i've only dropped about 18lbs, but over 17 inches. so, I'm cool with that. I keep it all in a spreadsheet. Big picture kind of stuff.
  • IamUndrCnstruction
    IamUndrCnstruction Posts: 691 Member
    Sigh...I just can't tell....the scale has stalled out....the tape says maybe one inch off the waist....maybe some of my clothes feel looser....a lot of people gave mentioned that I look like I lost weight, but.....considering all I have got going on, I have a tendency to think they are just being nice.
  • Trae41
    Trae41 Posts: 15
    I used to use a tape measure too every 2 weeks, but my measurements too are erratic each time, so I can never tell. Was a size 20 when I started. I've got an old pair (size 16) of combat trousers (unforgiving) and I try them on now and again. (they're tight but can actually get them on now) But, you know, when I think about it, this is now a way of life for me (low carb) (2 months in) so, the weight and inches WILL come off, eventually. I just know it will, in the long run, so why pressure my impatience with all the weighing, measuring. So what, whatever... In a year's time I KNOW it'll be better. I know if I stick with this, I'll get back into my size 16s. Of course I'm hoping I'll be in them for this summer (2015), but hey ho, whatever... its a weight off my shoulders having this outlook :)
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Yeah, I agree with everything you are saying, @Trae41. I'm just trying not to have to buy any more new clothes, and I'm still halfway between my maternity pants and my regular pants. My "in-between" pants (the ones I wore early on in my most recent pregnancy--after the bloat and before the baby bump) are getting too big on me, but I'm eager to get back into all the brand new pants I've had hanging in my closet since before my second pregnancy (about 4 years ago). They still have tags on them, for crying out loud, and I just want to know how long it will be before I can wear them! But I'm really not stressing about it. I feel fantastic, and I know it will only get better from here. You are right, the inches and pounds will come. :smile:
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    For my waist: I used to measure with a tape around my belly button. That was way to subjective. I could read anything I wanted it to read. Now I go by belt notches. I cinch my belt up until my pants don't fall off. I understand that way of measuring doesn't give an linear measurement, but it is accurate as far as how many notches I have lost. I have lost 8 notches. It looks like the notches are an inch apart. I probably could take the belt off, then on a table, put the belt back together at the correct notch, then measure the inside of it.

    Dan the Man from Michigan
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    That's what I would do, @DittoDan, if I were interested in the number of inches (or what size pants to buy). :smile: In fact, I've done that to my hubby before ("Babe, what size pants do I wear?" "I don't know, honey, hand me your belt!"). But I don't wear belts. Although if I did my favorite jeans would quit falling down! LOL
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    edited March 2015
    Sometimes we lose inches in places we don't measure. Around our knees. (It's amazing how freaking fat my knees were!) Our ankles. A couple inches higher or lower than our calves. Between our waist and our hips. Our neck. Wrists. Upper thighs. And... ahem...other places that don't see the light of day. Lol.

    I personally take progress pics, too. I never ever see changes in the mirror.

    Unfortunately, we've got to use patience. It's hard. But sometimes we just need to wait it out.

    And here's another thought. It's possible that if your carbs are always on point and your calls are low that you might not be eating enough cals. I just slowly upped mine 150 over the past 2 weeks and I'm out of the mini-stall.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Sometimes we lose inches in places we don't measure. Around our knees. (It's amazing how freaking fat my knees were!) Our ankles. A couple inches higher or lower than our calves. Between our waist and our hips. Our neck. Wrists. Upper thighs. And... ahem...other places that don't see the light of day. Lol. l.

    Ha! So true, used to wonder why my shoe size has gone up over the years! Thought it was pregnancy spread, but they never went down again. :blush: