The Five-Letter Game
Naomi used to try yak.
N A O M I0 -
Nero uttered two terrible yodels
Y O D E L0 -
Yavonne once dated Eric Lopez.
D A T E D0 -
Debora ate tomatoes every day.
D E B B Y0 -
Dean eats beautiful beans yearly. (and I do love tomatoes)
B E A N S0 -
Beans eaten at nightly supper.
E A T E N0 -
Early arise to eat noodles.
E A R L Y0 -
Eating a rare lean yak.
L E A N S0 -
Lisa eats all night slowly.
N I G H T0 -
Never ignore good hot tea
G O O D S0 -
Guy often own dried snakes.
S N A K E0 -
Stuffy noses alienate klutzy enemies.
S T U F F0 -
Simon's tail usually feels fluffy.
S I M O N0 -
Susie is my only niece.
N I E C E0 -
Nancy is extraordinarily circumspect everyone.
0 -
The hose is not kinked.
H O S E S0 -
Howie often slurps everyones soup.
S L U R P0 -
Sam likes unusual red peppers.
S H A R P0 -
So, he ate ripe pears
R I P E N0 -
Really interesting people eat nectarines.
N I G H T0 -
Nick is going home tonight.
H O M E S0 -
Holly often makes extra spaghetti.
E X T R A0 -
Ellen xeroxed the real application.
A P P L E0 -
Apple pie pleases lots everyday!
Y U M M Y0 -
Your utterly magically marvelously you!
U T T E R0 -
Unusual to take eager robots.
R O B O T0 -
Real owls bite our toads
B I T E S0 -
Betty is talking every Sunday.
C H A M P0 -
Calm heads are mighty powerful.
H E A D S0 -
How easy are deals shaped?
D E A L S0