The Five-Letter Game
Lots of ornery koalas shed. (hard to resist kangaroo!)
S H E D S0 -
Susan has every day scheduled. (But koalas are so cute)
0 -
King Ollie ate lotsa apples.
L O T S A0 -
Losing only two steps annoys.
S T E P S0 -
Stop telling everyone personal stories
T E L L S0 -
The elm looks lovely, Susie.
Q U I N T0 -
Quit using it now, thanks!
U S I N G0 -
Unusual sightings in Northern Georgia. (Not a sentence but a headline)
N O R T H0 -
Nancy ordered red turkey hearts
O R D E R0 -
Otis read "Dogs Ever Ready".
R E A D Y0 -
Read every article daily y'all.
D A I L Y0 -
Dolls are into Lori's yak.
D O L L S0 -
Dollies only like little shoes.
S H O E S0 -
She has one ebony shoe.
E B O N Y0 -
Every baby only needs you.
E V E R Y0 -
Eve visits every round yak.
V I S I T0 -
Visiting igloos still ignites talk
T A L K S0 -
Trailing all looks kinda suspicious.
B R A I L0 -
Birds rally around ice licks
R A L L Y0 -
Reality always looks like you.
S H I N E0 -
Simple Henry is not educated.
S M A R T0 -
Susie moved a red tree.
M O V E D0 -
Maleficent often vowed everlasting devastation.
M O V I E0 -
Must one vote in England.
L A N D S0 -
Little Annie needs dental surgery.
D R I L L0 -
Dear Rebecca ignores Little Louie
L O O K S0 -
Look over one koala stand.
B L E S S0 -
Better let Emily soak seahorses
0 -
She once allowed kisses sometimes.
S H O N E0 -
Sally has one nut everyday.
N U T T Y0