The Five-Letter Game
Don once raided Ken's yard.
C H A R D0 -
Cold hard asphalt really dents.
D E N T S0 -
Don't eat nuts this Sunday
F R U I T0 -
Frances really uses ice tongs.
T O N G S0 -
The onions need grilling soon.
O N I O N0 -
One noon I overate noodles.
G R I L L0 -
Girls really irritate little Larry!
G I R L S0 -
Gorillas insist really loudly sometimes
N E V E R0 -
Not every vampire eats raccoons.
E V E R Y0 -
Early violets earn random yawns
Y A W N S0 -
You are winning nuggets soon.
W H I N E0 -
Will Hillary input needed emails?
E M A I L0 -
Even my ailment invigorates life
Visiting is great on relatives.
G R A T E0 -
Growing roses automatically tempers emotions.
Reading others secrets equals sorrows
E Q U A L0 -
Every queen usually arrives late.
Q U E E N0 -
Quails uses energy each night.
Q U A I L0 -
Quit using alligators in lingerie
Q U I T S0 -
Quints usually inspire true stories.
S T O R Y0 -
Silly Tom owns rare yoyos.
0 -
You only yawn on Saturday.
M O U S E0 -
Mothers often use soap everywhere
O F T E N0 -
Ollie forgot to eat noodles.
M O D E L0 -
Marcie often doesn't eat lamb.
O F T E N0 -
Often fighters take energy notes.
N O T E S0 -
No otters took early spring
E A R L Y0 -
Early arrivals really look young.
Y O U N G0 -
You often use nutella gladly
P O S T S0 -
Peter opposed sending tense soldiers.
T E N S E0