The Five-Letter Game
The hound often seeks eats.
H O U N D0 -
Hettie often uses no doritos.
O F T E N0 -
Oliver frequently takes everyone's nachos.
O L L I E0 -
Oliver lives long in England.
L I V E S0 -
The height of self esteem
Tootsie ate peas every Sunday.
P E A R S0 -
Joyce once knew everyone's story.
S T O R Y0 -
Someone taught Olivia real yoga.
D I Z Z Y0 -
Doug is zipping Zeke's yawn.
T E A C H0 -
Turtles earn air catching hits
M A Y B E0 -
Maizie ate yesterday's bacon ends.
B A C O N0 -
Breezy air conditioning on nowhere.
W H E R E0 -
Who hears elephants running everywhere
B E E R S0 -
Brown eerie eyebrows resent shadows.
B R O W N0 -
Burned roast on Wednesday night
B U R N S0 -
Black umbrellas really need sunlight
O G L E S0 -
Owls glide less each Sunday.
G L I D E0 -
Green lobster is dreadful, ew!
G R E E N0 -
Gretchen really enjoys eating noodles.
E N J O Y0 -
Evelyn nudged John over yonder.
J O H N S0 -
Just other hens nudging swans
O T H E R0 -
Only the hens eat rice.
R I C E D0 -
Richard is courteous every day.
E V E R Y0 -
Evelyn views eggplant roses yearly
V I E W S0 -
Viv is easily waking soon.
S H O N E0 -
She honestly only needs energy
Y E A R S0 -
You eat acorns really slowly.
A C O R N0 -
A cat often requires nudging.
N U D G E0 -
Nobody uses dorky good exercises
D O R K Y0