The Five-Letter Game
Reading is getting Helen through.
H E L E N0 -
Happy endings leave everyone nicer.
N I C E R0 -
New increases create energetic rats.
R E A T E0 -
Reading every afternoon to evening.
Q U A C K0 -
Quintuplets are usually cute kids.
S K I D S0 -
Sad kids in depressing situations.
P R E S S0 -
Precision readings explain strange sightings.
S I G H T0 -
Some interesting giraffes have tempers.
G R E E N0 -
Gas releases eleven elements naturally.
G A S E S0 -
Ginger ale soda ease stomach.
C H E A R0 -
Captors hold each animal responsible.
H O L D S0 -
Helping old ladies downgrade space.
S P A C E0 -
Some packrats are curious eaters.
P A C K S0 -
Practically all cats kill sparrows.
B I R D S0 -
Being independent rarely decreases satisfaction.
Becoming enlightened is nourishing good.
L I G H T0 -
Looking inside gives huge tingles.
G I V E S0 -
Giraffes in Virginia easily stolen.
0 -
Storms take over lightning events.
S T O R M0 -
Still talking over room monitors.
R O O M S0 -
Really old owls might sleep.
S L E E P0 -
Some ladies enthusiastically eat pomegranates.
Easily access to educate nuns.
S M A R T0 -
Some motions are really timely.
T I M E R0 -
Troubling interviews might effect reviews.
V I E W S0 -
Vixens insist everyone wins sometimes.
T W I N S0 -
Tanzania won in Nordictrack Sunday.
T R A C K0 -
Trace remnants always create kites.
Talkative roommates always chatter endlessly.
M A T E S0 -
Many animals take easy steps.
S T E P S0