The Five-Letter Game
Skipping the engagement party speech.
P A R T Y0 -
Peppermints are really tasty, yum!
T A S T Y0 -
Telling anyone secrets taints you.
T A I N T0 -
Telling an inside naughty tidbit. (my secret, I'm tainted ha ha)
(I'm having trouble with mine, so it's on my mind)0 -
Easy meals an Icelander likes.
L I K E S0 -
Licking ice keeps everyone sweet.
S W E E T0 -
Some weekends enable energetic tournaments.
S E N D S0 -
Seek every new detail surreptitiously.
Quacking usually indicates eerie times.
T I M E S0 -
Terrible instructional manuals everyone scorns.
C O R N S0 -
Oh, Yes, I HATE those manuals
Crows only reveal nests secretly
N E S T S0 -
^^yes....(anyone thinking 'Ikea'??? )
Never enough sleep that's satisfactory.
S L E E P0 -
Cats ordinarily require new sandboxes.
Buy one xerox early Saturday.
E A R L Y0 -
Every actor really likes yogurt.
L I K E S0 -
Look inside Kiley's east shower.
S I D E S0 -
Spring instigates deliciously easy sundaes.
R I N G S0 -
Ruthless insiders notoriously get stronger.
Many opinions tell opposing reviews.
V I E W S0 -
Very intelligent elves wear shoes.
Show how owls eat sushi.
S H S H I0 -
Starbucks have sugar free items.
S E R E S0 -
Stores easily rented extra space.
S P A C E0 -
Seasonal potatoes and cheese eaten.
S T O N E0 -
Soon turtles only needed eaten.
E A T E N0 -
Every accomplishment takes educational nurturing.
T A K E S0 -
Teachers always keep every syllabus.
K E E P S0 -
Keep eating every potato spud.
E V E R Y0 -
Effervescent vixens encounter randy youths.
Yummy oatmeal usually tastes healthy.
T A S T E0