Wasn't losing, but now I think I know why!



  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Before I started LCHF I had insomnia most nights and diarrhea every single day of my life. All that changed after starting the LCHF diet, I sleep great every night and no more diarrhea! That alone is enough for me to to stick with it, but even though I haven’t lost any more weight after the first week (started a month ago), I’m sticking to it because after further research, I believe I have found out why…I was not tracking what I was eating and once I started to track, I realized I was eating WAY too much protein and not NEARLY enough fat! I just started tracking today, and already feel less hungry and more energized!

    It’s hard to believe I am supposed to eat SO MUCH fat!

    Tracking is way more important than I thought!

    No more IBS and getting to pig out on fat daily is awesome is it not. I have to watch the protein as well. You are going great. It was a couple months before I started losing much weight but was losing inches.

    I just got back in the house from my quarter mile min daily walk which is down and then up a steep hill and I was thinking how easy it is now climbing the hill at a fast clip vs resting 10 times. :)

    Losing most of my arthritis pain and not having to get on Enbrel injections for pain manage makes carbs look like poison in my mind now and insures I leave the Carbs for others.

    I really really can relate to that Gale. Nice attitude!

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    My Blog: It's Ketogenic or Bariatric (How I found the Ketogenic Diet)
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited March 2015
    DittoDan wrote: »
    Yea, I don't think I could the diet without MFP on my I-Phone. Its a Godsend.

    I usually eat whatever I want on the first meal (lunch) then on the second meal, I see where I am on the macro pie chart, and in seconds I know what to eat to balance out my macros. I use fat bombs to get extra fat (and they make a great treat at the end of the meals) :D

    I hope this helps,

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Putting Chocolate Back Together Recipe
    Almond Joy Wanna Be's (fat bomb recipe)

    Wow DittoDan! That looks and sounds amazing! Definitely going to try these! Definitely a great way to get the extra fat, I'm probably going to get tired of eating avocado with everything just to get my fat intake and this would be so much better!

    Thank you Jerry & Sabine for the kind words. I'm only here to help. You all made my day.

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    My Blog: It's Ketogenic or Bariatric (How I found the Ketogenic Diet)
    Keto Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used in LCD & Keto Discussion Groups
    My Past Discussions (lots of easy Keto recipes and other useful Keto info)
    My Blog: Intermittent Water Fasting & Keto
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Mistizoom wrote: »
    Alliwan wrote: »
    kirkor wrote: »
    fat bombs are often used incorrectly

    Wait, how do you use fat bombs incorrectly? do people do something with them besides eat them?

    LOL, I can only imagine. But I will hazard to guess that people eat them to "increase their fat percentage" thinking that adding fat somehow negates that they ate too many carbs. It doesn't. Percentages don't matter, grams do. Fat bombs should be used for satiety when you don't want to eat carbs or protein. They aren't needed to "get more fat in" just to get more fat in.

    I agree with that.

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    23 Studies on Low-Carb and Low-Fat Diets – Time to Retire The Fad
    Blog #9 Fasting, Diabetic ~ Glucose/Sugar Levels
    Baked Stuffed Jalepenos
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Mistizoom wrote: »
    Alliwan wrote: »
    kirkor wrote: »
    fat bombs are often used incorrectly

    Wait, how do you use fat bombs incorrectly? do people do something with them besides eat them?

    LOL, I can only imagine. But I will hazard to guess that people eat them to "increase their fat percentage" thinking that adding fat somehow negates that they ate too many carbs. It doesn't. Percentages don't matter, grams do. Fat bombs should be used for satiety when you don't want to eat carbs or protein. They aren't needed to "get more fat in" just to get more fat in.

    It's very common on reddit for new people to panic when they don't hit every percentage exactly, and they'll keep eating more and more food until the numbers show 5/80/15%. Since it's usually the 80 that's low, they'll use fat bombs to try and raise it, then panic because fat bombs have more than just fat in them, so all the numbers chainged, and they eat again. That's also the reason behind people who eat plain sticks of kerrygold as a snack. (aside from the few I'm sure are out there who just like the taste of straight up solid butter)
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Alliwan wrote: »
    kirkor wrote: »
    fat bombs are often used incorrectly

    Wait, how do you use fat bombs incorrectly? do people do something with them besides eat them?

    Looks like someone's using fat bombs incorrectly!

  • yturie47
    yturie47 Posts: 170 Member
    Alright FIT goat, I hope you're happy....... I just spit up my BPC all over myself :s
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    lol, sorry about that. BPC is a real pain to get out of clothes, too. I once filled my cup too high and sprayed myself when trying to make it. That shirt was [almost] unsalvageable. ;)
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    edited March 2015
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    lol, sorry about that. BPC is a real pain to get out of clothes, too. I once filled my cup too high and sprayed myself when trying to make it. That shirt was [almost] unsalvageable. ;)

    I mix mine up in a quart-sized mason jar with a regular side top - so there's a "shoulder" all the way around that holds it down when I put the mixer in.
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    That's also the reason behind people who eat plain sticks of kerrygold as a snack. (aside from the few I'm sure are out there who just like the taste of straight up solid butter)

  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    Tracking is way more important than I thought!

    Sshhh don't tell Fit_Goat ;) I have to track too and I record many snippets of information in a spreadsheet too. It's surprising what you can discover by watching for cause and effect.

    To my surprise, I found it useful too. After stalling for a month or so it was great to be able to look back and work out what was causing it. Those graphs with the line across the middle are particularly useful! I hate wading through data and I could see at a glance what my levels were for the month. Awesome feature!

    I also wasn't eating enough fat and overdoing the protein a little. After 5 days of increasing my fats I lost a kg. Tracking. (*)

  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    Tracking is way more important than I thought!

    Sshhh don't tell Fit_Goat ;) I have to track too and I record many snippets of information in a spreadsheet too. It's surprising what you can discover by watching for cause and effect.

    same here, I have found the last few months that for maintenance I dont need to track, but for weight loss, I do.
  • ldmoor
    ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
    I only started tracking mid-Feb after years of low carbing @100 carbs, then six months at @50, and another @25 carbs. Slllloooooowwwww losses. Started researching again to find out why not even 20-25 was working, and stumbled upon ketogenic, which wasn't a 'thing' when I started low carbing about 15 years ago.

    I'm finally making some good headway, but tracking has become vital. I found I had been eating under 1000 cals, and most of that protein. Now I'm in good macro zone, and I'm thrilled that I'm finally losing. If I hadn't started tracking, I would have just kept plodding along and hoping someday I'd make goal, or ended up giving up in another year.

    I am thinking about making up some fat bombs, because I'm still fighting the 1000 cal habits, and I need to take in more calories and fat on a regular basis. Once I figure out how to intake about 1400-1500 cals a day, I'll be a happy girl.
  • jerryellis63012
    jerryellis63012 Posts: 105 Member
    ldmoor wrote: »
    I only started tracking mid-Feb after years of low carbing @100 carbs, then six months at @50, and another @25 carbs. Slllloooooowwwww losses. Started researching again to find out why not even 20-25 was working, and stumbled upon ketogenic, which wasn't a 'thing' when I started low carbing about 15 years ago.

    I'm finally making some good headway, but tracking has become vital. I found I had been eating under 1000 cals, and most of that protein. Now I'm in good macro zone, and I'm thrilled that I'm finally losing. If I hadn't started tracking, I would have just kept plodding along and hoping someday I'd make goal, or ended up giving up in another year.

    I am thinking about making up some fat bombs, because I'm still fighting the 1000 cal habits, and I need
    to take in more calories and fat on a regular basis.
    Once I figure out how to intake about 1400-1500 cals a day, I'll be a happy girl.

    I'm glad we've both figured it out yay!