Today's WOD



  • sinister2014
    sinister2014 Posts: 92 Member
    800m run
    5 power cleans 155/105
    400m run
    12 PC
    200m run
    20 PC

    That took me 15:20 (Last one to finish).

    Then we did mid-line work.

    I have been doing crossfit for a year and I still can’t make myself drop a weight. So, each PC I set the bar down even though I know that eccentric movement is drawing energy out of me and slowing me down.

    power cleans are the one move i don't see a problem dropping the weights on. deadlifts....well that's another thing.
    15:20 seems like a pretty decent time to me. you're either in a class with some really good athletes or some people are shorting their runs.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    800m run
    5 power cleans 155/105
    400m run
    12 PC
    200m run
    20 PC

    That took me 15:20 (Last one to finish).

    Then we did mid-line work.

    I have been doing crossfit for a year and I still can’t make myself drop a weight. So, each PC I set the bar down even though I know that eccentric movement is drawing energy out of me and slowing me down.

    power cleans are the one move i don't see a problem dropping the weights on. deadlifts....well that's another thing.
    15:20 seems like a pretty decent time to me. you're either in a class with some really good athletes or some people are shorting their runs.

    Many of them are very good, but there is a pretty good spread. The best time posted in our class was just over 10 minutes.

  • Klhernandez81
    Klhernandez81 Posts: 62 Member
    Strength EMOM 12 minutes:
    Evens Deadlift 4x at 75(ish) 1RM I did 185lb
    Odds Kettlebell TGU 1 per side 14kg

    Partner WOD:
    20 minute time cap 4 rounds

    One partner 400 meter run
    Other partner AMRAP
    10 American KBSwings
    10 TTB
    Switch off until rounds are complete or time cap is complete

    I did it with husband and we were just into his 4th round when we hit 20min.
    Excellent workout!!
  • Klhernandez81
    Klhernandez81 Posts: 62 Member
    paultassy wrote: »


    Burpees with a plate!!! Ahhh! Sounds amazing!
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    This is going to be brutal

    Dumbbell Rows

    5 sets, max reps. Go up in weight each set.



    For time:
    10 Handstand Push Ups
    15 Deadlifts, 250/175 lbs
    25 Box Jumps, 30/24 in
    50 Pull-ups
    100 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
    200 Double Unders
    Run, 45/35# plate, 400 m
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    This is going to be brutal

    Dumbbell Rows

    5 sets, max reps. Go up in weight each set.



    For time:
    10 Handstand Push Ups
    15 Deadlifts, 250/175 lbs
    25 Box Jumps, 30/24 in
    50 Pull-ups
    100 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
    200 Double Unders
    Run, 45/35# plate, 400 m

    Damn! That would take me two days.

  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    This is going to be brutal

    Dumbbell Rows

    5 sets, max reps. Go up in weight each set.



    For time:
    10 Handstand Push Ups
    15 Deadlifts, 250/175 lbs
    25 Box Jumps, 30/24 in
    50 Pull-ups
    100 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
    200 Double Unders
    Run, 45/35# plate, 400 m

    Damn! That would take me two days.

    That's what I was thinking!! 2 days! DAMN, that is a killer WOD

  • mccraee
    mccraee Posts: 199 Member
    Today was

    15 min AMRAP
    10 pushups
    15 wallballs
    20 KB swings

    my score: 270.

    Many of us at our box are doing the whole life challenge starting this Saturday. Anyone else?
  • paultassy
    paultassy Posts: 281 Member
    paultassy wrote: »


    Burpees with a plate!!! Ahhh! Sounds amazing!

    It was definitely different. I despise Burpees anyway, so adding anything to them sucks. It actually wasn't as brutal as I thought it'd be.
  • paultassy
    paultassy Posts: 281 Member
    Much different WOD for today, which is not a WOD at all really

    12 min emom

    1 Curtis P

    skill work. Pick something you need to work on that Turner and I can focus on with you one on one or in groups. There is no metcon programmed for today. We will be doing a benchmark wod on Thursday.
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    Today's WOD:
    Pw Snatch (1 up to 10 (+1 each round))(45/65/95)
    DU (10 up to 100 (+10 each round))(same count for SU)

    I will have to sub singles for doubles. Womp womp
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    This is going to be brutal

    Dumbbell Rows

    5 sets, max reps. Go up in weight each set.



    For time:
    10 Handstand Push Ups
    15 Deadlifts, 250/175 lbs
    25 Box Jumps, 30/24 in
    50 Pull-ups
    100 Wall Balls, 20/14 lbs
    200 Double Unders
    Run, 45/35# plate, 400 m

    Damn! That would take me two days.

    Ha-Ha it was a pretty rough and definitely a long one. 26:32 for me but damn those pullups took a long time.
  • paultassy
    paultassy Posts: 281 Member
    Today we are doing "Kelley"
  • mccraee
    mccraee Posts: 199 Member
    I do crossfit 3x/week and dbwod on Thursdays. Our crossfit coach is the dbwod coach; we're using dumbells and it's in different parks around town. And, it's FREE! It is so nice to get outside and we don't really do much skill work so it's quick. I usually am sore after crossfit. I'm not usually as sore after dbwod and it feels good to move in the morning.

    today was
    24 min EMOM
    12 db suitcase deadlifts
    12 db cleans
    12 db split jerks
    (rotating the 3 exercises for each of the 24 mins).
  • bethlivi
    bethlivi Posts: 157 Member
    Today's WOD: 21-15-9 of DLs (225/155), box jumps (24/20) and HSPUs (scaled with pike PUs if necessary). 10 min time cap.

    I Rxed: made it through 90 reps (all set of 21, then 15 DLs and through 12 of the box jumps). Tweaked my back pretty bad on the first set of DLs (silly me--it's 75% of my 1RM and I was trying to rush them), and the HSPUs did NOT help. But then I put on my belt which cued me to set my core better, and the set of 15 felt okay. It's feeling pretty spicy right now though. Ick.

    I am pretty stoked because I was one of only 2 women in the gym who did the workout as Rx today, even though I didn't finish it. Oh, and I jumped every single box jump, no step ups, which is a constant goal. I have a weird mental block that keeps me from rebounding them, even though I can clear 20" no problem...
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Yesterday's WOD, in case any of your coaches need an idea to utterly destroy you.

    Intensity Sandwich.

    Isabel (30 power snatches for time) 135/95. I did 95 since my 1RM snatch is about 155 or so


    At 10 minute mark, row 500m for time.


    At 20 minute mark, Grace (30 clean and jerks for time) 135/95 (I did 115)

    3:27, 1:42, 6:01. The lesson? Don't go balls to the wall on one and two and expect to have anything left for 3.

    That said, I'll approach it the same way if we do it again. The goal is to build up the engine to the point where I CAN do Grace in some approximation of my best time (3:30) after doing that other work
  • mccraee
    mccraee Posts: 199 Member
    This morning was Jackie:
    500 m row
    50 thrusters (15 kg for me)
    30 pull ups (used a band)

    went all out on the row. 50 thrusters is a lot. all those thrusters effected my arms more than I predicted they would

    Have a super weekend, all!
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Dropped in on a box on Saturday, the warm up was a circuit that included seven movements (inchworms, side lunge lunge squat jumps, burpee box jumps, situps, hand stand push ups, plate OH walking lunge at 1 minute each, then 3 minutes of jump rope). We then did some skill work on medicine ball cleans and barbell power cleans.

    The WOD
    3 Rounds, 1 minute at each station, 1 minute rest between rounds.
    - Wallballs (24/20)
    - Push press (75/60)
    - American KB swings (53/35)
    - Rowing for calories

    I hit 60, 66, and 63, which I was very happy with considering the altitude was 4200 ft higher than I’m used to.
  • mccraee
    mccraee Posts: 199 Member
    The altitude is a killer, isn't it?

    This morning we did

    skill: Bavarian squat ??? (really more like a lunge w/ back foot on box)

    WOD: 3RFT w/ partner Congo style

    500 m row
    30 wall balls

    I thought Congo meant I would rest while partner rowed so I tried to beat my best ever time. Ha. Imagine my surprise when I went right from that to wall balls.
  • paultassy
    paultassy Posts: 281 Member
    We are doing the half Murph today