Newbie struggling with cravings :( help?!



  • kerrihwilson
    kerrihwilson Posts: 30 Member
    Try to remember that the sweets cravings are your body responding to an addiction ... You are trying to get clean ...

    The other reason you crave sugar could be emotional too - so when I have an emotional need - I make ️Keto friendly choices ... Pms boredom stress can make me want that sugary satisfaction faster than anything!

    That said when I have a craving I'll eat a fat bomb or make myself a half serving of bullet proof coffee. Diet root beer float made with blended ice 1 tbs cream and a diet root beer. Dark chocolate ( 1 or 2 squares with 11 almonds ) sugar free jello with whipped cream - this is my go to almost always because it's no work!