21 Day Fix Results



  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @venuila & @rumijs

    Excellent results!!!
  • srschaffer1
    srschaffer1 Posts: 30 Member
    I've been fairly quiet about my loss. Unfortunately I didn't get a tape so I couldn't tell what I had lost. I already finished 21 Day Fix and have since moved onto Les Mills Combat. They only change I noticed was that I went from a size 16 pants to a size 12 pants.

    I am definitely stronger since completely 21DF.

    I feel better and I eat better. You can feel the difference!

    At first I was worried why I lost weight and gained it back but I came to realize that I looked toned and that my belly is pert instead of sagging down anymore.
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    @srschaffer1 congratulations on your success!!! Size 16 to size 12 is fantastic!!!!!
  • Tonya7400
    Tonya7400 Posts: 2 Member
    So looking forward to being able to have such great results! Today is my first day. Does anyone use the shakes in their diet? I am contimplating doing so. I'm curious to know if it makes a difference in the amount and rate of loss.
    Looking to lose 30+
  • jpkrueger
    jpkrueger Posts: 280 Member
    I drink Shakeology every day. Personally I tend to think it doesn't speed up my weight loss with any special magic ingredients. But, it does keep my sweet cravings away, which helps me stay on program, which helps me lose weight. Do you HAVE to drink Shakeology to be successful on this program? No. Lots of people using weight without it. But for me, I look forward to my daily treat and I was never a big shake person in the past, so I'm going to keep using it. It's convenient for on-the-go snacks, too.

    One of my customers (I am a Beachbody coach) swears that she loses weight faster than she used to because of the Shakeology. I tend to think it's because this is an awesome program. But who knows?!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    @srschaffer1 Down 4 sizes is amazing! Who needs a scale, right?

    @Tonya7400 I do not use Shakeology but another lower carb protein shake my husband uses. However, I prefer to eat my calories. As for all the nutrients that Shakeology offers (and I certainly can't argue that there are a lot in there), I prefer to control my daily supplements and take what I know my body needs, doing my own research. For instance, last year I was diagnosed with severe osteoarthritis so I knew I wanted to add something that would benefit my rapidly aging joints. I found a lot of information about glucosamine but better research indicated that the benefits were only proven when it was taken in conjunction with chondtroitin. So I started taking this as a supplement. Well, guess what? More research follows and it seems that there is no solid evidence that the benefits are much more than a placebo effect. Truth is, the pain in my knees only started going away when I lost enough weight and I'm happy to save money and not take them any longer.

    All this to say, I am a big believer in listening to your body. If you want to give something a try then by all means try it. But if you don't really see/feel a difference, let it go and keep looking for what will work for you. Proof of my deeply held belief? I've been trying to consistently lose weight since 2008 when I was cleared by my doctors to start exercising. I only started losing weight consistently this year.
  • rumijs
    rumijs Posts: 218 Member
    @Tonya7400 I do use Shakeology. The rest of my message isn't a sales pitch though ;)

    I've been using BB programs for 5ish years now. I've never ordered Shakeology because I've always went with my own post-workout protein mix. Long story short, I really don't think you need Shakeology to find success. BUT having tried Shakeology, and going on bag 2, here is where I have found it helps me.

    1. It's better tasting than a lot of stuff out there. I've tried A LOT of protein supps. This ranks one of the highest in terms of not leaving gritty residue in the cup, blending smoothly, and tasting ok on it's own when blended with ice (though I'm not a huge fan of it on it's own. I add a banana)
    2. It really is a good meal mix. It's only 160 cals so I wouldn't use it as a meal by itself, but it mixes great with PB and fruit to create a 300+ cal breakfast for me, which holds me well over 5 hours. Though, any protein mix can do this if you mix it with the right foods. But back to point 1, it helps that it tastes good.

    So when it comes down to it, yes Shakeology is/can good in a tastey way. No, it's not the greatest invention since sliced bread or the wheel. I don't think that using it has bumped my success rate any more than not using it. Though, this is the first time I've stuck with a program and had such great success with one. But that has more to do with my state of mind and every day nutrition than a bag of protein mix.
  • germany03
    germany03 Posts: 348 Member
    @tonya7400 I don't use shakeology but this round i added protein shakes.I use a brand I can get at Walmart . I like the taste and I too add fruit. -YUM
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    @Tonya7400 I am not using Shakeology, as it is not in my budget to do, and definitely not daily! I have a container of About Time protein (strawberry) that I really like. One scoop is only 100 calories and I add yogurt, frozen strawberries, and a little peanut butter.