April Chat



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I like the look of Kalso shoes, but they don't come in WW widths. I have a pair of New Balance sandals that I love and they are WW. Both of these brands are at shoebuy.com. I'm not a heel lover, but it will be nice to have one pair to wear once in a while for dressing up! Certainly not for work. I walk way too much for them here.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Hey everyone, I wanted to remind us all that the scale isn't the only victory we can have in our weight loss/maintenance Journey. I love that we have maintaining members to mentor us here <3<3<3

    The tape measure can be used as well. I measured after getting my Fitbit and using it for a month. Today I remeasured (thanks to hubby's help in getting this done both times). I have lost 7.5 ins. over all. Two of those are my waist!! I am really happy about that. My neck is the only thing that stayed the same, I can live with that, LOL. I'm really so happy to see these results.

    Make your day a good one with great choices today.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Hi, everybody.
    Just checking in...

    I was in California over the weekend and although I should have logged meals on my ipad, with all the fun I was having and jet lag.. I just didn't do it. I tried to behave. (Shared a piece of chocolate cake with my son for his birthday)

    Maybe I'll weigh myself tomorrow. Since I missed logging in for a few days it's basically like starting over which I find exasperating. I wish MFP would give you a way to just "check in" so it would at least show that you were THINKING about it. :p

    Oh well nothing is perfect.

    My husband is going out of town tomorrow. He's going to be in California for a week; his father has gone into hospice care.

    So. I'll be able to just eat what I want and not have to worry about cooking meals.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Cris, you can just "check in!" I think where MFP confuses this issue is that there are two types of "logging in" at this site. The first you log your foodin your diary; but the other is to login just by opening the site on your computer, phone, or tablet.

    So all you have to do is open MFP! You don't have to log your food or write in Community. Just open it! That will keep your streak going! I am at over 460 days now, but some of those days I simply opened MFP. I might have read a little in my newsfeed, but there were a couple of times I didn't log anything or write anything to anyone.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Cris, I think GMCharlie is correct. While on vacation I used my iphone and had a couple of days when I checked newsfeed only, it did not break my streak. I also know many people do not fill in their diaries daily but still have a high streak days total.

    On the phone, I simply opened it and read the newsfeed then closed out the app. Next day, did the same.

    On another note, I tossed a pair of shoes! They were not fitting correctly at all now, one slipped off my foot on the staircase and so my husband said "Why are you even trying to wear those?" and pointed to the trash bin nearby.

    As for the heels I have, turns out there were two pair lurking in the depths of my closet, fit fine again. I will have to learn to walk correctly in them again tho' since it has been so long since I wore even a 2" heel, which they both are, luckily one is chocolate brown and the other is black, so I am covered in the heels dept. now.

    I had a coupon for a big discount at Famous Footwear, so I went out and replaced the tossed shoes with new sandals for the summer. They are so comfy and soft on my feet, and have a velcro adjustable strap, so skinner feet shouldn't be an issue with them.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Retirehappy--congratulations of the NSVs. That's really great news!

    As far as the "streak" goes, I questioned that when I first started here about 3 years ago and MFP told me I had to, at least, have a comment or status update noted. Maybe that has changed.

    I've been in a funk lately, so I haven't been part of the Community too much. I hope to get be here more often because it really does help to encourage me on the journey and lifts my spirits. So, thanks everyone!
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Hope Everyone is having a productive Thursday!! I am trying to stay "happy" but I have to say it is quite a downer to live in Upstate, NY and it is still snowing with temps in the low 30's :s
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Hmmmm...gramanana, you might be right, now that I think of it. I'm not sure that I didn't at least hit the "like" button or maybe only one comment.
  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    To be sure my streak isn't broken, I log at least one food entry daily - usually coffee. That saves having to log out and then log back into the app as the MFP counter can get "fussy" sometimes.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Ah... ok.. thanks ladies. I didn't know that. BooHOo. Although, I was so tired I didn't even pick up my ipad when I got into bed...that's usually when I "catch up" for the day. Well now I know!

    Oh NO. SNOW???? omg. I'm sorry.
    I won't tell you, then, that I've got lots of window open and I swept off the front porch and tied up the irises and...


    A couple of friends are coming over tomorrow for our cloth doll club so I've been tidying up all day. I cleaned house before I left for CA last week. I don't know how it could get so messed up when wasn't here. Oh yeah.
    The Husband.
    He broke a couple of dishes and "forgot" to tell me. And he doesn't cook. So. I'm not sure why the handles on the fridge are always sticky. Men.

    Today's our anniversary--11 years. We went to a WHO concert the other night but he was out of here at zero-dark thirty.

    Thanks again for the tip. (coffee.. who knew) I'll definitely have a steady streak now. ha

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    gramanana wrote: »
    As far as the "streak" goes, I questioned that when I first started here about 3 years ago and MFP told me I had to, at least, have a comment or status update noted. Maybe that has changed.

    I have a habit of liking things as I read them on the newfeed, that might be counted as a comment now? Likes were just added last year? I probably did click on the like button, can't really remember, but it is highly likely.

  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Cris, you can just "check in!" I think where MFP confuses this issue is that there are two types of "logging in" at this site. The first you log your foodin your diary; but the other is to login just by opening the site on your computer, phone, or tablet.

    So all you have to do is open MFP! You don't have to log your food or write in Community. Just open it! That will keep your streak going! I am at over 460 days now, but some of those days I simply opened MFP. I might have read a little in my newsfeed, but there were a couple of times I didn't log anything or write anything to anyone.

    Oooohhh... I didn't know that. Good to know! ~ Kathy

  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited April 2015
    wandakc wrote: »
    Hope Everyone is having a productive Thursday!! I am trying to stay "happy" but I have to say it is quite a downer to live in Upstate, NY and it is still snowing with temps in the low 30's :s

    Yep, it snowed just a bit yesterday here in Massachusetts too... could not believe my eyes! But, green things are popping up in the front yard. I am trying to muster the energy to go out and rake just for a short while.

    Meanwhile, I wanted to share how to reset your streak... I missed one day of recording due to general life madness, travel, etc. but I had forgotten how to fix it. Here it is, below - I had to do it three times to get it to take but the third time was the charm. ~ Kathy

  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    We've had first warnings the last couple of nights and I think they are predicting a little snow mixed in with the rain for late night and early morning. I don't think anything major though.

    I'm so glad everyone is figuring out the different ways of keeping their streaks going. It's really not that difficult. I lost my 800 plus streak because I just gave up for awhile, but I'm back now. I think I needed the break.