April: No More "Fooling"Around!!



  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Thanks Snoozie and Gail!
    Snoozie, I love mint jelly I got to try the pepper jelly!
    Enjoy your vacation are you planning on going anywhere Gail?
    I have met my stepping goals so far this week, today I made 17000 steps. Woot
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Good morning Hatters!
    Milove - huge congrats on the 17000 AWESOME!

    Susan - PM sent :)

    First day off today; plan to push the water and take some time to reflect on my results from week one of no more fooling around; made some good strides but not where I want to be with this month's theme yet, so work still to be done - planning to add another 5 or 10 degree shift in several specific areas for this next week (my weeks start on Thursdays!) Rock on peeps!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Great - now I want to eat the peeps that E Bunny brought.... lol...

    Just kidding ladies...

    E Bunny did bring some chocolate, bunnies and peeps - and she has some hidden in a strategic location for "medical emergencies" .... and to keep away from the 20 year old mouse living in my basement... giggles...but she will provide as needed to the mouse...

    Still thinking about you Susan and Charip....and continued prayers...

    Gail - bet you will rock the swimsuit on the beach...have an awesome time

    Talk to you soon ladies

    Carol :wink:

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Rock it like an 55 year old rocking it...but who cares...nobody knows me...lol
    Snoozie, enjoy your time off...
    Milove...Orange Beach ! Excellent news on the steps!
    Carol, put the locks on those EARS!!
    Have an awesome week , ya'll!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail - one of the GREAT things I found after hitting 50 was that I truly did NOT give a rat's *kitten* what anybody else thinks of me - I rarely appeared in ANYWHERE public in a bathing suit or pictures or even shorts for that matter - but after 50 it became a whole new freedom factor LOL - my last couple of beach vacays I had no qualms at all and a few times didn't even put a wrap on to go to the bar!! HAAAAAA enjoy every MINUTE how YOU want to - you deserve it!!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    With 50 comes self -confidence or " I truly do NOT give a rat's *kitten*"
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Snoozie what's a wrap it stays in the bottom of my bag. Lol Good goals Snoozie!
    Gail enjoy orange beach how wonderful.
    Yes Carol I'm all for sharing the chocolate with the ancient mouse!
    Ladies, I think I over did it with the stepping my left ankle is slightly painful. will see how it goes tomorrow.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I feel more nervous about wearing a swimsuit than I did when I was fat. I need to get to grips with that - thank you for the inspiration! It's the same with shorts - when I started my "weight loss journey" it was hot weather and one of the first things I did was buy shorts. Funnily enough, I feel more self-conscious now about wearing shorts. Maybe it's because when I was fat, I thought people didn't expect me to look good, if you know what I mean? And now there's a bigger expectation?
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    ^This^ -- So much this! Why is that? When I was over 200# I suppose everyone could see that I was over 200# and just let it fly. Sure tried my best to camouflage and hide - but hard to hide that much bulk on a 5'3" frame..... Now? Not where I want to be yet - however we all look so much better in our regular clothes - then BAM put on a suit or tank top and shorts? Everyone can now see my MenoPot belly and floppy cottage cheese legs. But then a miracle does occur -- I'm 57 DogGoneIt - I'll do what I want and the haters be hanged.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    its SO true isn't it?? I've posted before that looking back, one reason I "stayed" fat was because it was my defense mechanism - my shield for everything and anything; if someone didn't like me, it was because I was fat.. I couldn't join any fitness groups because I was fat, et et etc.. but once the weight started to come off, the attention I started to get made me even more self conscious, and so I continued to wear clothes 2 and 3 sizes too big so everyone would stop commenting; and when I eventually finally bought some new smaller, better fitting clothes, I became even MORE self conscious because of, as OWR says.. parts that aren't meant to jiggle were still jiggling all over the place, and more of them were showing now....and I had no "shield" anymore.. and I thought everyone was thinking why is she wearing shorts/bathing suit/insert whatever... thankfully I eventually realized nobody truly gives a ... hoot LOL... AND that I may not be where I want to be yet, but I'll be damned if I worry anymore about what I think anyone else might be thinking! Truth is most people are so wrapped up in their own worlds and own problems, all the stuff we spend time thinking THEY are thinking about us... is so far from the truth LOL... I now dress how I wanna dress; regardless of my weight or body shape - I love me as I am right now thanks... all of me...! And if someone else doesn't.... don't let the door hit u in the butt on the way out cause it's your loss LOL. gejv1ikq34su.jpg
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Went to a charity line dance event last night; 4 hours of line dancing instruction and a silent auction; didn't get my item I bid on but had an absolute blast and burned a whole lotta cals - there were only a couple of 5 in breaks in the whole night! Never tried line dancing before, but put on my cowboy hat and boots and gave it my all - and only crashed into one person LOL (and neither of us knew or cared who went the wrong way!) great fun and a good NEPA way to burn some calories! Trying to get more activity into my days so branching out to try new things..

    We're supposed to have a fabulous spring day here tomorrow; planning to join a bunch of peeps in an outdoors lovers group i joined in my community... sched for a brisk 2 hr walk at a local conservation area in the afternoon so today must pay the piper and catch up on some housework LOL.. still focusing on tasting and enjoying my food and seems to be working; altho I did find when I made fish tacos one night; I went and got a second one just because it tasted so good.. when I was 1/2 way thru it I realized I wasn't actually hungry for a second one; it was just habit to have 2... and know it was because I just scarfed down the first one didn't pay attention to tasting it or to how much I needed to satiate my hunger and stop there.. progress tho!

    Hope everyone's having a great weekend!
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Snoozie, that is so awesome!! line dancing!! I know you had a blast. Fish tacos sound yummy. I do the same thing .I want more because I haven't got my taste satisfied...from years of eating within 15 min...Smart on you to realize it.

    Heading out in the morning to the beach, a 4 hour drive...not too bad.


  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    4 hours to get to a beach is a heartbeat Gail!! (Maybe stop at 2 hrs and get out and walk around for a minute or two tho?? if I sit in the car for more than an hour I hobble when I get out LOLOL!!)

    Hope you have an absolute BLAST and enjoy every minute - from the moment you wake up til you lay your head down at night!! Love the pic btw.. lookit you GO with the puter stuff!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited April 2015
    okey dokey people.... where is everyone LOL :p
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited April 2015
    I learned to avoid anything labelled "LOW FAT" in my diabetes class (CAUSE they replace the fat they take out with sugar! ) but hallelujah on some of the others LOL


    edited cause that should have been in interesting reads but im too lazyto move it! haaaaaaa.. get it?
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Still here. ...dancing my tail off. ...lol
  • OldWomanRuns
    OldWomanRuns Posts: 106 Member
    Now, that is so strange -- I did a long "involved" post and it went away.... not sure what happened and even better! I can't remember what I said! Got to love the post menopausal brain. And yes, I also avoid "Diet" "Low Fat" or "Lite" -- because, well, they aren't any of those things. They replace what should actually be there with either more fat in the sugar free things and more sugar in the fat free things and just icky stuff all around.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    OWR - "just icky stuff all around".

    Perfect.. lol.... just perfectly said!! love it! sucks about losing your post, been there done that.. so frustrating!!

    Started nights last night; sticking with my decision not to weigh in officially til the end of the month; was looking at the calendar last night and relaized I have a doc apt in 3 weeks for blood tests; so of course i'm panicking last minute LOL... its kinda like thinking the morning we go to the dentist if we brush our teeth for an hour it will make up for the past 6 months, or cleaning your house BEFORE the cleaning lady comes?? I'm a little antsy as one of the blood tests it will show my average A1C (blood sugar levels) over the past 6 months rather than just the day of; but there benefits to either result; if its good will motivate me to continue making progress, and if it's bad it will have the "scared straight" effect on me again LOL.

    I had a wee bit of a "comeuppance" moment the other day; we are finally getting some warmer temps so I hit the lake Saturday and did my usual 4km path I did every day last summer - but 6 months of sitting on my *kitten* over the winter took it's toll... I have lost a lot of stamina and endurance in my walking pace, and I was horrified at how many times I had to slow down. But have sworn now I will not miss a day and will get back my mojo asap... yesterday was much better and i'll be heading down as soon as I suck back some coffee... only slept a couple of hours being first night shift but bonus can take advantage of the sunshine and sleep later this aft!

    onward and upward ladies.. one meal, one snack, one glass of water, one day at a time!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Snoozie I love line dancing no matter what form! What a great way to lose calories.
    Sounds like a plan Snoozie with the HA1c. Both ways can be used as encouragement.

    Gail enjoy and then enjoy some more!

    OWR :cold_sweat: I am always wondering what happen or if that really happen or what others think that I didn't do or........

    I am still hanging in there I don't have a scale it's are out of commission so I have not weigh myself in a while.

    I am not walking my goal because my ankle still is with slight pain on and off.
    I am trying to stay within my calories so difficult with the moving and still trying to get adujusted.

    Two small goals for this week:
    Eat fairly early (not right before going to bed)
    Stay within my calories goals

  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    It is never too late for a new start with a new week:

    I did well yesterday I step almost my 10,000 steps very close,
    I logged my food and I was under, and I got adequate rest!
    Still need to increase my water only did 24 ounces.
    I awaken feeling great, have a great week my friends.