Weekly Post - 12th April to 18th April



  • maphammonds
    maphammonds Posts: 362 Member
    What a gorgeous ride Flumi! I agree with you snaps, here in N. Texas we've got rain in the forecast every day the rest of the week. Surley can't complain about it as we've been in drought stage for years, but ready for some time to take the grandkids to the park!

    Have a great Tuesday everyone, whether it's feast or fast :)
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    orlcam wrote: »
    Hey @flumi_f ... sorry for your troubles. Hope all is well with everyone else. Thanks for the kind words @snaps27. Still about 11 lbs off my lowest, keep getting back in the saddle, but only really achieving 1 good fast a week.

    You're my weight twin lol. I have definitely been floating around the same 10 pounds for all of 2015. From last month, lowest was 288-286 for a hot second, but definitely been pushing it lately and got back up to 295 as my highest this week, darn! I was hoping to not see that number again (and to stay out of the 290s altogether) but haven't been putting in the work. 295 yesterday to 291 today with one fast day (HELLOOOOO BLOAT...or should I say goodbye!), so hoping to at least get back into 280's this week.

    I haven't been fasting Mondays (finding excuses to push it another day) so fasting from the first day of the work week just feels better and like I'm setting myself up for the week better. I am actually thankful to be working every day this week (I have alternating Fridays off) so it means another day when I will be busy with work to distract me lol.

  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    edited April 2015
    Well, my first fast day last week actually ended up being ~530 cals... I thought for sure I'd blown it, but I never made it to Vodka Thursday lol.. I passed out in my bed around 6pm, does this happen to you guys on fast days??

    Today's my second attempt.. My preloaded food comes in around 630, but that's fine by me.

    I find that on fast day morning, I feel really good about the day - as I'm getting ready, I feel super positive, like any little guilt associated with some crummy food choices disappears, today undoes those indiscretions..

    Weigh in with my girlfriends tomorrow.. I feel confident. Have a great day, all!
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    You all sound so happy and positive! It's wonderful. Yesterday was a fantastic fast day. Today in taking the kids to Rainbow Beach and we've packed all our foods so we won't have to buy any crappy takeaway food! I really should get around to weighing myself but I keep putting it off. I think I'm a bit scared that I won't see any results. Does anyone else have that issue?
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    @orlcam that picture looks awesome!
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    You all sound so happy and positive! It's wonderful. Yesterday was a fantastic fast day. Today in taking the kids to Rainbow Beach and we've packed all our foods so we won't have to buy any crappy takeaway food! I really should get around to weighing myself but I keep putting it off. I think I'm a bit scared that I won't see any results. Does anyone else have that issue?

    Yes, all the time! And then eventually I just yell at myself and get the scale out and weigh myself. I tell myself that whether its a good weigh in or a bad weigh in its just another moment on this journey and if it's a gain I can take a few minutes to be sad and then move on and use it for inspiration so it won't happen again. Good luck!

    That looks like a great view flumi! And a wonderful new banner was made of it - it looks so peaceful, even with the crashing water :)

    Fasting day for me today. Party went well last night and while I was over my weight loss calories I was under maintenance calories so I'm happy with it.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! :smiley:
  • iwannabeonthebeach
    iwannabeonthebeach Posts: 146 Member
    FD#2 for me today but I definitely got out on the wrong side of the bed this morning :( Yesterday's neck ache has morphed into today's headache and I feel like cr@p and devoid of any appetite so maybe its just as well. Hope its just a blip and I'm not coming down with something. Had a lovely walk in the sunshine during my lunchbreak yesterday and hope to do the same today so I'm sure that will cheer me up. Just the small matter of 4 hours work to do between now and then :wink:

    Hope you all have a great day everyone!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Hello everyone! @orlcam, the banner looks perfect! What a great scene :)
    Had my 1st fast day yesterday...my headache lasted just morning...
    thanks for the advise @foamroller... went a bit over target (had a mcd's icecream :p ),
    but still made it below 700. And got a couple of walks in, so I'm good with that.
    Hoping to get another walk in today as it will be the hottest day of the year!! But for
    now I am stuck indoors working on my thesis :'( Have a great day everyone.
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Oh no! I just fell into a box of special K and didn't even bother coming up for air...
    and now I really can't breath. Everything was going so well...pre-planned day, but
    not pre-planned drive into the cereal box :o

    Will now plan to have an impromptu fast day tomorrow and try to iron things out.
    Did go for my walk, however it turned out quite slow because I let my two year old
    hold my hand as we walked.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Bet he was proud to walk with his mommy, Snaps!

    Orlcam - the banner is perfect :)

    Life is looking better today....cherry trees in bloom, sun is shining, listened to a man playing on his alp horn by the pond and gathered wild garlic leaves for my dinner. A run is sometimes so much more than just a run. Off to work on my bike again tomorrow. B)
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    edited April 2015
    @snaps27 - Mmmm... Special K... one of my favorites. No worries, there's always tomorrow with 5:2, haha

    @flumi_f - that sounds so lovely...

    I'm non-fast today, but keeping it light... gonna have my second of the week on Friday, so I can have a hope of not being too bloated on Saturday when I put my new never-worn sexy little black dress on... I'm so excited to wear it! it's the first proper "LBD" I've ever had! And the first wedding I'll have been to with my bf...

    Surely a magical evening to come... Makes the work outs, avoiding snacks, and fast days a "piece of cake", knowing all those yummy hors d'oeurves, open bar and tons of dancing are waiting for me at the end... not to mention seeing BF in a suit for the first time <3<3<3:)
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    edited April 2015

    Thought you might like this.

    It was posted in a blog on MFP that I discovered. I think this really applies to me. Losing the weight and peeling off the layers to reach my innerself is / has been a huge part of my journey.

    Fasting tomorrow and off to my session with my coach tomorrow afternoon. I'm curious to see, what we find out. I think, I have figured out part of the old traumatic experiences, that caused me to have my emotional crash last week /weekend.
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    Well, ended up not fasting yesterday. Was doing fine and hit 500 calories and then there was this burrito that was just calling my name...

    Usually Friday is a fasting day for me and I'm not sure I want to move it forward. Do any of you do back to back fasts? That's what I'm looking at doing - today (Thursday) and Friday. Is it hard?
  • cal0rina
    cal0rina Posts: 111 Member
    ACSL3 wrote: »
    Well, ended up not fasting yesterday. Was doing fine and hit 500 calories and then there was this burrito that was just calling my name...

    Usually Friday is a fasting day for me and I'm not sure I want to move it forward. Do any of you do back to back fasts? That's what I'm looking at doing - today (Thursday) and Friday. Is it hard?

    I regularly do b2b fasts and its fine, I exercise on them too, but usually its due to work being very busy and no opportunity to eat. If I do feel wobbly a lo cal soup is good, I found out on here that its likely to be low electrolytes so the salt helps. Good luck
  • iwannabeonthebeach
    iwannabeonthebeach Posts: 146 Member
    Yesterday's FD was a bit of a disaster, ended up on 800 cals due to being sabotaged by a Magnum ice cream on my lunchtime walk plus a Bounty bar at a petrol station on my way home :/ No dinner, early night then overslept this morning. Things can only get better from her ;)

    @flumi_f - love the pic!
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    Ugh, had a whole day's worth of clean eating measured, portioned, and all tidy in baggies and little containers...

    Hung the bag from my doorknob this morning, to ensure I wouldn't forget it.
    Guess what's still hanging from my doorknob?

    Insult to injury, I'm going to have to throw away some of it when I get back home because a few items require refrigeration... I just bought the foods yesterday, too. :( I'm so peeved!
  • snaps27
    snaps27 Posts: 960 Member
    Ugh, had a whole day's worth of clean eating measured, portioned, and all tidy in baggies and little containers...

    Hung the bag from my doorknob this morning, to ensure I wouldn't forget it.
    Guess what's still hanging from my doorknob?

    Insult to injury, I'm going to have to throw away some of it when I get back home because a few items require refrigeration... I just bought the foods yesterday, too. :( I'm so peeved!

    This totally sound like something I would do! And I know how annoying that can be!

    Well, I'm getting through my impromptu fast today and It's looking good...little over 500cals :)

    Next fast will be on Saturday, then the Sunday scales... :o
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    Haha.. I wound up having penguin shaped chicken nuggets for breakfast - coworker to the rescue! I'm not ashamed to admit they were delicious... But why penguins? Why wouldn't you shape them like, oh I don't know, chickens? The wonders of the universe...

    Impromptu fast for the win!! B) - @snaps27
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Oh no, HollandOats! I've actually tripped over stuff I layed in front of the door and left it there :s

    Well, a hard week. Happy to say my fasts were still around 700-800cals and my other days weren't over. I also got in some good exercise. So overall in a better place food wise than I have been. So even if my fasts were over, it's a win for me not to dive into food too much, when other aspects of my life are a bit of a mess....

    Still working on my innerself and my emotions.... After my sitting today, I think, it's gonna take some more time and some more work. Two more planned after my vacation next week. I think, hiking along the Rhein canyon for a few days will help me. The power of nature....
  • angela233Z
    angela233Z Posts: 312 Member
    Hi - I am back - I went on an all inclusive vacation in Decemeber, then holidays -etc and stopped doing 5:2
    but now i am back and eager to start again.

    I am so happy to see so many of you doing so well.
