2015 MFP Grand Tour Challenge - SIgnup and Discussion Thread...



  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    two more days Guys...

  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    7 days left and we have a rest day tomorrow, easy week eh :)

    Lets hit it hard and then we can all sleep next week .... woot woot.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    In other TdF Challenge related news. I'm a bloody idiot, and forgot to open a "Graham Watson" thread. So it's here now - http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10214690/2015-mfp-tour-de-francechallenge-graham-watson-thread?new=1

    It's open to submissions back-dated to the start of the TdF Challenge, all the way back to the 4th of July. Let's call it something to pass the void of the rest day - get digging through those instagram / flickr accounts folks and post up some of your LeTour related shots... I Still haven't seen any Cuddly Lions in any of the Shots - but please, no pictures of people at the roadside throwing cups of used bierre at you... I'm sure there are specialised websites for that sort of thing, but not here, please !
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Who fancies a go at this one then ....

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    give me the right gearing and an entire afternoon at it, and you've got yourself a deal...
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
  • Spatialized
    Spatialized Posts: 623 Member
    Saw that yesterday and immediately added it to the "bucket list" especially as it is closed to anything but bikes.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    I know this is going to sound stupid, but I think I'm out. I fell and smacked my head on the TV stand and now I can't get rid of my headache. If I can get rid of it I'll try and get in a ride but if I can't, I may be spending some time at the doctors getting checked.
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    I know this is going to sound stupid, but I think I'm out. I fell and smacked my head on the TV stand and now I can't get rid of my headache. If I can get rid of it I'll try and get in a ride but if I can't, I may be spending some time at the doctors getting checked.

    Good luck! Hopefully recovery will be full and quick!

  • anviljenkins
    anviljenkins Posts: 562 Member
    My apologies for sucking tall. Will get out on two wheels tmw hell or high water. Amazing slew of "shite that needed done" this week. Did get to test ride a Fuji Altimara and a Fuji Transonic today :-) the Transonic won :-), might move one in here in October :-).

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    I know this is going to sound stupid, but I think I'm out. I fell and smacked my head on the TV stand and now I can't get rid of my headache. If I can get rid of it I'll try and get in a ride but if I can't, I may be spending some time at the doctors getting checked.

    Ouch. Take care of yourself mate - hope you're feeling better by now.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    My apologies for sucking tall. Will get out on two wheels tmw hell or high water. Amazing slew of "shite that needed done" this week. Did get to test ride a Fuji Altimara and a Fuji Transonic today :-) the Transonic won :-), might move one in here in October :-).


    Damn that "real life" getting in the way... it has a habit of doing so, and can't be helped sometimes.

  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Well folks, that's me "in the clubhouse" for this challenge - no more riding from me for the rest of the day I'm afraid so my final rides are in the plan, and i'm afraid my minimal contribution to Team Pastana's score is at an end for this challenge.

    Time I think for a quick roundup of my Goals for the TdF Challenge and how I did.

    1 - Ride the Whole Tour "Sans Medication" - Check :grin:
    2 - Ride every stage of the 21 - Check (and beat the 19/21 of the Giro score) :grin:
    3 - Ride the complete distance of at least 2 of the stages - Check (OK they were the 2 "ikkle" Time Trials, but give me a break here!) :grin:
    4 - Ride further than the Giro - Check, 67.6km further - slightly disappointing, as I actually rode 2 more days, and I'd secretly set my sights on 800km, but simply wasn't able to do the duration yet :frowning:
    5 - Climb more than the Giro - Check, 857m higher :grin:
    6 - Ride faster average speed than the Giro - Check 19.68kph c/f 18.63kph (stop sniggering Clive :grimace: )
    7 - Enjoy the riding more than the Giro - Check, once or twice I actually even enjoyed an UPHILL! :grin::grin:
    8 - Get higher on "GC" than in the Giro - TBC, can't tell as yet, lots of rides to still be submitted, and it's not looking good (20th in the giro, and 19th at the moment with lots of the people below my distance still to book something...) :disappointed::frowning:

    so, a solid 6.5 out of 8 I guess...

    Really sorry I couldn't make more of a show of it, and I still feel that I let my Team-mates on Pastana down, at least on a couple of the days - my "typical" challenge rides would have been the difference between missing the distance the 4 times this challenge and keeping a clean-sheet, so I'm a bit annoyed with myself to be honest.

    Right - time to chill out a little before watching the "procession" stage, and seeing the Manx Gobshite get beaten by the Kraut Gorilla...

  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Nice one Mark, congrats on another well run tour, well organised and that spreadsheet is a work of art and a huge thanks from me, for me it will be quite memorable for many reasons with the trip to Wales being the main one, my longest ride to the east cost being another, here is my wheel of fun:


    After sticking on 7lb last year prob from over fuelling I was very careful on it this year and this was the result, prob the most pleasing result as well as the increased fitness:


    And finally that Strava leaderboard I was gunning for, I would have had to have had the three weeks off work to have done any better:


    Thank you to my team mates Team Pro Pie, you were awesome.

    Well done to everyone who put those miles in, I've loved watching those stats come in and a special mention for Dave who was the rider of the tour for me, amazing climbing ability with 'that' ride, for me he deserves the climbers jersey whereas mine was more a side product of the miles stuck in.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Thanks again for another great challenge. Life got in the way for me, but I'm happy with my production given the circumstances.
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    I was gutted to have missed the challenge but was cheering everyone on from the sidelines. Brilliant job as always Mark, you've got this thing running like a well oiled machine!!

    Great efforts from all the competitors but eye popping kudos to Jason for an amazing 3 weeks of riding. J, I would have loved to try and compete with you this year but honestly doubt that I could have come anywhere near mate!! Chapeau!!

    Hoping to be fit enough to do some miles in the Vuelta.
  • Jakess1971
    Jakess1971 Posts: 1,208 Member
    You were missed in the years challenge Al, you kept me on my toes in the 2014 Tour and I suspect it would have been similar this year.
  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    Jakess1971 wrote: »
    You were missed in the years challenge Al, you kept me on my toes in the 2014 Tour and I suspect it would have been similar this year.

    Bloody right he was missed! Pretty sure Pastana wouldn't have been in danger of getting lapped had he have been on the team as originally rosta'd...