Trying to do keto instead of moderate low carb



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Oh I didn't I just got magnesium, there were so many choices and one website just said magnesium 400 so I got the 500 one thinking it would be better. Haven't noticed any problems so far. What about the potassium, I know you said that high potassium causes problems too so I should probably just stick with 1 of those for 99 mg

    Magnesium is more about muscle cramps anyway, and we get a lot of potassium in food that isn't well tracked, so yeah, I'd stick with one potassium pill. Watch for heart palpitations and the other high potassium warning signs, but with one, you aren't likely to have major issues unless you were already high on it.

    500 mg of magnesium isn't a problem for the average person. I cannot take it though. Around day three, I literally can GO in my sleep because my body doesn't tolerate it well. With the citrate, I have not had that problem at all... And it absorbs better... So, if you can afford it, I'd go ahead and get citrate, too (I had my pharmacy special order capsules, but you can get it in liquid or powder, too), and alternate days so you can get the best of your money's worth and absorption. Usually it helps with sleep, too, so people take it at night, but there are people on this group who take it twice a day without any issues I know of.

    HannaSusi wrote: »
    Are you drinking enough water? That's really important too... Drink a LOT of water. Lots of salt and lots of water :) Otherwise your diary looks alright. It will get easier :)

    And yes...water and sodium are key to this equation, too.

    For water, you need 1 oz per every 2 pounds of body weight. So for me, I weigh 245 right now. Divide that in half is 122.5. I need 122.5 ounces of water a day as a minimum. That is about 15.3 8-oz. cups of water a day or 7.25 16.9-oz. water bottles a day. There are great apps - my favorite is Water My Body on Android, and I've heard Waterlogger is one of the best on iPhone...

    On sodium, the 2500 mg recommendation daily should be a minimum, not a maximum. During adaption, that number is 4500 mg minimum... YMMV
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    ok thanks, I will grab some magnesium citrate and alternate. I do drink a lot of water and have been drinking a bunch of PowerAde zero as well because it has sodium and potassium in it. I don't ever log my water intake because I drink it so quickly I tend to forget. I will try logging it though to make sure. I do eat a good amount of sodium but will try upping that a little too. I just want to get to that good feeling I had before.

    Thanks for all your help.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    ok thanks, I will grab some magnesium citrate and alternate. I do drink a lot of water and have been drinking a bunch of PowerAde zero as well because it has sodium and potassium in it. I don't ever log my water intake because I drink it so quickly I tend to forget. I will try logging it though to make sure. I do eat a good amount of sodium but will try upping that a little too. I just want to get to that good feeling I had before.

    Thanks for all your help.

    Make sure your ratio with that powerade is at least 1:1 with water. Preferably 2 servings of water for every one of powerade. This is for medical reasons. Too much of that stuff will induce dehydration and diarrhea....
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Ok I didn't take mag and pot this am and I have massive spasms in my upper back. I used to get spasms all the time but haven't since I started this woe, even doing push ups was not possible before and now no problem. So I'm wondering if not taking the supplement could cause this? I only took them once so far so it's not like I've been taking them regularly.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    More likely it is just a manifestation of the overall deficiency hitting the fever point. Your body probably breathed a sigh of relief yesterday when it got what it needed, and now it's hitting the panic button again so that it will get you to nourish it properly...
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Curious to see how I'll feel tomorrow, over indulged today and no way to know if my input is accurate as we went out to diner. I'd hate to fall out of keto but I kinda think I might be ok, even though I don't stay really low on carbs
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Hey auntstephie. just wondered how you were feeling this past couple of days? Any better? As you know, ive been feeling awful too since going keto, so i was interested to know how you're getting on now?
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I'd be doing better if it weren't that Tom. I relaxed a bit on keto, still staying around 50 - 80 g total carbs, I feel much better at those levels than below 20g.
  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    It is hard to get enough magnesium and so supplementation is good.

    Ditch the 99 mg potassium supplement. When you need something like 4000 mg of potassium daily it is not doing you much good. Research some high potassium foods kale, Swiss char, sweet potato, etc. It takes planning to get to 4000mg.

    I take a half a dozen dried apricot halves and a handful of salted macadamia nuts with me when I hike in the summer and drink water instead of electrolyte drinks.

    Good luck!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Also, remember, that since Potassium is not a required element on nutritional labels, the data is wildly incorrect and misreported... Verify numbers through other sources as you're likely getting more than you think.