Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Ed Said
    Howdy y'all. It's scintillating Sunday!

    35 out there now with an expected high of 48 and 50% chance of precipitation.

    I'm trying to get used to giving the chance of "precipitation" instead of the chance for rain since we're getting in to the time of year when that precipitation might not be rain, or is likely to be a mixture. To be fair, sleet or hail can even happen in mid-summer, but it doesn't happen a lot, at least not around here in Georgia.

    Need to possibly get a little laundry done today, and rest up some. As you can see from my posting, I made it through both parties. The only extra we got sent home with is half a gallon of egg nog that I'm going to be pushing on J to drink up, though I'll have some, I'm sure.

    At the second party they kept plying us with red wine and spiked egg nog, both of which I had some of, but did try to limit the quantities. I still went to bed with a headache though.

    The egg nog we brought home is just store brand egg nog in a sealed plastic jug, as the egg nog bringers brought a lot more egg nog than they needed to, and then mixed up a large bowl of it with some added half and half and a significant amount of added Bacardi 151 rum, and then a sprinkle of additional nutmeg!

    It tasted great but I sure didn't need to drink much of that.

    Both parties featured ham as the main dish. I'm kind of glad I'm planning goose for Christmas this year myself. I usually do ham, but I'm about hammed out for the season. I do have some left in the freezer from the Thanksgiving party, and it will be used for my New Years black eyed peas and collard greens.

    We haven't heard a peep from Gardenkat for about a week. I've left messages on facebook and sent her an email inquiring, as I'm starting to be a little concerned. I haven't tried calling, or leaving an IM on the cell phone as yet. Don't want to seem like I'm stalking or creeping...

    Hope all is OK with Val.
    Based on the timing of the site's announcement (in the "announcements' forum) on here, I rather think they didn't know it was broken until I told them, so I'm glad I took the time to figure out how to tell them. They don't make web page feedback particularly easy.
    I can see being Over eating Ham for a while :)
    OTOH in the past Ham and Eggs, Ham chunked into a Rice and Onions mixture and finished in a skillet, Ham Sandwiches, Ham Ground up with Hard Boiled Eggs, Mayo and Relish to taste to use in a sandwich. I never did it but I have heard of it being ground up with Egg, Bread Crumbs and baked as a loaf, I'm not sure I would like that TBH.

    Since I do not drink Eggnog, It seems my brother doesn't either so there is none in the house to taste and given the fact that I am frugal I will not be buying any to try :)

    I see Valerie has posted so that is good.

    After looking at the link You posted it would seem You are correct in You assumption. It makes me wonder how they could miss it being broken. I would think that the moderators here would quote things as is done by moderators that I do know.

    I agree that they do not make it easy.

    On a site I am a moderator at, They have a report button that creates a message in a special mod & up area that includes a link and Message from the person reporting it. Then once it has been resolved that gets quoted in many cases in the report of what was decided to do and was done.

    The Flag button here is semi useless :(

    Interesting, I would not have thought about giving the chance of "precipitation" instead of the chance for rain as I recall always using the name given in the weather report.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Valerie said
    Whoops!!! Can I come back??
    Ed thank you for the email and fb pm. I obviously let 'life' get in my way! I'd read the posts from you guys...with the intent of answering 'later'...
    Thurs. was a busy busy day....trash to gather and get to the street...appt with Tyler for my ears, then made a run to Snellville to get O's gift card for Christmas...straight to Sweet Tomatoes for my dinner (safe place to eat my kind of food Roger, and I don't have to cook!) And from there straight to O's gym...home exhausted. Friday Marietta and I had 'our' quiet and wonderful lunch at Stone Mountain, followed up with coffee at the kiosk in the Marriott. They were having some kind of very very noisy event in the lobby, so we elected to stay in the kiosk instead of the lobby with the pretty decorations and fireplace. Same story, home and exhausted, spent some time with Tom E. who by then was feeling pretty lonely...Saturday. Oh My! Started with a mid morning hockey game, the boys (and one girl) lost, and Nate just at the end had a big run in with first the boards and rebounded back landing on the back of his head. Helmets are only good for most things, but not for this....Jack has had head trauma training as part of his coaching training, and he listened to what Nate had to say about being dizzy, etc and knew one of the other parents was an EMT, so that guy assessed Nate, and decided that Yes he did need to be seen at Childrens Health Care Urgent Care...I was to follow, and Jack had told me it was in the shopping center with Sprouts...so off we go...got seperated at a traffic light, and I went to Sprouts...no Childrens...texted, he'd told me the wrong shopping center, so I drove back the 7 miles in Christmas shopping traffic (in record time I might add :) ) and met up with them in an exam room. Nate does have a concussion, and has to be watched 72 hours and a follow-up with his own Pediatrician on Monday. Here's the really sad part if your a week short of being 12. NO loud noises, rest, no TV, video's,( no iPod, iPhone, X Box games, etc. for the 72 hours. I for a second thought the little guy was gonna cry. His question to a really great Doc. was 'Why are you placing me on restrictions?' Poor kid. Board games are OK, so Gram's heading out in a little bit to play board games with him. And he was giving me *kitten* about being a Vegan..so on the way home, I stopped at Whole Foods and bought him 2 boxes of their delicious, but not necessarily 'healthy' VEGAN Chocolate Chip cookies to go with our games today.
    Long post for a concussion, but that's 'where' I am today... Laundry, and other house issues can wait.
    My calendar for the coming week looks pretty full also...but I will try to do much better about being here!

    I have loved all the cartoons, and posts....I kept up until Thursday...so I have a bit of back reading to do...I'd thought about taking it with me, but decided it would be pretty close to cruel to play/read on my phone or iPad when Nate can't. (oh, she said he can read books....just not on his iPod...'real' books only)...

    Tom E. is still with me on Earth...he has a new 'game'... pee in one litter box, followed by poop in the other, and THEN he goes to the door to be let outside....LOL!!! I need a dog to explain it to him....maybe???

    Roger, I can't help but wonder what goodies you and your brother have been mixing up and baking in your kitchen this week...:)

    And I know there must be cat stories in Ed's posts... I think I'll head back to 12-14-17 and catch up! (my last post was on the 13th)
    Hi Valerie
    I'm glad to hear it isn't worse for Nate.
    As far as posting here, Real Life comes first. I wonder if an audiobook would be considered a loud noise ?

    That is a weird one, two different litter boxes and still wanting out :)

    The last thing whipped up was a Sort of Fruitcake Bundt cake. To clarify, We had some overage on the Prepared Fruit mix from the two batches of Fruit Cake so my brother suggested I should whip up a fruit cake batter an use the fruit up and bake it in the Bundt Pan. The feedback is that it was delicious even if w did not spray it with Brandy. I decided to drop off the Pecan Pie that was a Freebie with the Fruit & Nuts order that were used in the fruit cakes. Neither my Brother or I needed all those calories. The feedback was that it was delicious and that there was an extra 30 minutes on the Elliptical when it was being eaten :)
    Here I am...I've looked at cartoons, read some clippings of interest...and still need to watch a couple of the videos. But making progress.
    Ed...you have my permission to call or text anytime. That would not be creepy. Had you been the neighbor who 'kept track' of what went on in MY driveway, and a few other weird stuff....now she was creepy...and gone!! (no, you don't have to check my freezer for body parts!!! She moved back to Detroit of her own volition!) :)

    Now, on way to see Nate, sweeten his day with my vegan cookies, and a cup of sb hot chocolate with Teddy Bear marshmallows... and some pita chip snacks as he told me while we were waiting for Doc's etc. at Urgent Care. :)


    I would not have worried about a Vegan having body parts in the freezer :)

    Have a Great Visit
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Ok, I've watched video's, Ed thanks for including the lights from Paducah! Really neat!
    Roger I laughed at so many of the cartoons, well, like all of them...but the cat hanging down and looking into the room cracked me up...I can so see Tom E doing a thing like that.
    Dishwasher has been run, washed a big blanket so I can put it away till next fall, its on its final spin and the dryer is waiting...
    Need to get out of here and put gas into the car, as its going to see quite a few miles again this week.
    Nate....ever try to contain an eleven year old??? That kid is always active, and this 'resting stuff' is beyond his abilities!! He's get all wound up, then rest, or relax in a tub of warm water, then he'd be all over the place again. We played some game, I have no idea what, and you pop the thing in the middle and get a dice number...move, send pieces back to their home, or send others well, it was fun...but he got all riled at that too, and wanted an ice pack for his headache... He and O both tried the Vegan choc. chip cookies...they're really good, but no real enthusiasm from either of them. Oh well...he did eat the pita chips, declined the guac, and I already knew he wouldn't eat hummus...(btw that was an interesting clip, making commercial hummus).
    I haven't heard anything from his trip to see his Pediatrician today...There was quite a bit of discussion about the two finals he's missing at school today too.

    Ok...time to move again. Will get the blanket into the dryer before I leave for the gas station. I know I need to think thru the holiday meals, and other grocery things. Today would be a good day, as its not overly cold, and not raining...but I don't know what I need so...I'll be shopping in the rain...later this week.

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Ok, I've watched video's, Ed thanks for including the lights from Paducah! Really neat!
    Roger I laughed at so many of the cartoons, well, like all of them...but the cat hanging down and looking into the room cracked me up...I can so see Tom E doing a thing like that.
    Dishwasher has been run, washed a big blanket so I can put it away till next fall, its on its final spin and the dryer is waiting...
    Need to get out of here and put gas into the car, as its going to see quite a few miles again this week.
    Nate....ever try to contain an eleven year old??? That kid is always active, and this 'resting stuff' is beyond his abilities!! He's get all wound up, then rest, or relax in a tub of warm water, then he'd be all over the place again. We played some game, I have no idea what, and you pop the thing in the middle and get a dice number...move, send pieces back to their home, or send others well, it was fun...but he got all riled at that too, and wanted an ice pack for his headache... He and O both tried the Vegan choc. chip cookies...they're really good, but no real enthusiasm from either of them. Oh well...he did eat the pita chips, declined the guac, and I already knew he wouldn't eat hummus...(btw that was an interesting clip, making commercial hummus).
    I haven't heard anything from his trip to see his Pediatrician today...There was quite a bit of discussion about the two finals he's missing at school today too.

    Ok...time to move again. Will get the blanket into the dryer before I leave for the gas station. I know I need to think thru the holiday meals, and other grocery things. Today would be a good day, as its not overly cold, and not raining...but I don't know what I need so...I'll be shopping in the rain...later this week.


    Hi Valerie
    I would have thought You would be using the big blanket for the winter temps ?

    Hopefully they will let him make up the finals due to circumstances.

    I remember seeing commercials for that game in the past.

    My Brother is planning to make a supermarket run Wednesday and maybe Sunday. We have been discussing when to pick up the perishables for the Christmas Feast, Wednesday or wait until Sunday's run. I being a conservative type am thinking tomorrow would be OK, he is leaning towards Sunday with the possibility that he might change his mind due to Things being picked over by Sunday.

    Good Luck with Your Holiday planning and shopping
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited December 2017
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! A foggy 48 degrees out there with an expected high of 60 and 20 percent chance of precipitation.

    I got to Advance Auto Parts, Walgreens, Aldi, and Publix yesterday. Wasn't thrilled about having to go to Publix.

    First, to the auto parts store for a new battery. I guess that's my Christmas present to myself this year. That really cold snap a couple of weeks ago killed my battery and I've been putting of getting the new one until I was sure all the bills were paid, and the cats had plenty of food for the rest of the month. No issues getting a battery and I topped off the coolant while I was there, leaving most of a container of coolant in the back of the van in case of need. J needs to have his windshield wiper fluid tank replaced as it has developed a crack. We tried to "just say no" but the wiper fluid tank wouldn't listen to that.

    Next, to Walgreens to buy AAA batteries as we put the last of them into a remote control last week. First world problems.

    Aldi was next on my list, where I found a veritable bonanza of Christmas cheer. We have company arriving tonight and I wanted to get a few more sweets in the house, as I know she likes certain kinds of things. OK. It's Christmas time and I wanted a few more myself.

    I've already finished off a package of 10 dark chocolate covered cordial cherries. I had 8 and J had 2. That took a couple of weeks as I never had more than one cherry a day. We had two bags of winter night cookies from Aldi. More about those later, but we spent quite a while eating on those too. I never had more than a couple at a time. J had more at a time, but less often, and we finished those off last week.

    I bought some Danish butter cookies, which, while available year round have always been a Christmas cookie to me, and have been slowly eating on those, one or two cookies at a time. There are probably enough of those to last me through New Years, and I've eaten some miniature loaves of Pannetone, an Italian holiday fruit bread, that I also only consume around Christmas time. Again, small quantities. Three snacks of that delicious bread, spaced out.

    And we had one small raspberry Kringle we bought around Thanksgiving, maybe shortly after, that we enjoyed thoroughly. Kringle is also available year round but is a Christmas treat for me.

    It sounds as though I've been pigging out on Holiday goodies but I really haven't, and my weight is looking great. I even lost some weight around and after Thanksgiving, but I think I may have gained a smidge of that back. My blood pressure is doing really well too, and my blood glucose is generally running in very good numbers.

    Aldi had some raspberry Kringle again so I bought one, and they had more bags of Christmas "winter" cookies, kind of a spicy, somewhat gingery, but not too much so, crisp, molded cookie in various shapes, including a Windmill. I had initially thought they were Windmill cookies, and bought two bags the first go round and two more this time, at J's request. We found that they are actually BETTER than regular Windmill cookies and we've been nibbling those since about Thanksgiving.

    I never had more than two small cookies at a time and have, so far, been doing well with my holiday treats, as far as not over-indulging. I don't have every treat every day, and when I do have one, it's a very small serving.

    To continue the Aldi trip, though, they had some Snowdrop cookies. My mother made these every Christmas when I was growing up. I had to buy a box of those. It's a small, plastic tub of very small butter and nut cookie balls, rolled in powdered sugar. We called them butterballs when I was growing up.

    Needless to say, the store bought ones don't really compare to the home made ones I had growing up, but they are at least reminiscent of them and good enough to bring back pleasant memories. So those have been added to my holiday goodie rotation.

    Finally, Aldi had some Martinelli Sparkling Apple Cider, which J loves, so I bought a couple of bottles of that and put them in the bottom of the refrigerator. This too, is available year round, though not as widely available, and I usually try to get some as part of J's holiday cheer. He may have some of that in lieu of Champagne for New Years, as he doesn't generally care for Champagne or sparkling wines, unless I can find a fairly sweet one.

    I have my bottle of Champagne that I got as my Founders Club annual free bottle of wine from my wine club. I'm not always all that fond of Champagne either but usually do acquire some kind of sparkling white wine for New Years.

    With all that, I think I'll just have cookies and ice cream for my Christmas day dessert. I hardly need any more sweets in the house to tempt me, and it's difficult enough to muster the will power to eat only very small portions of what I have. Fortunately, none of the cookies themselves are very large, and I can portion out the Kringle to be very small slices as well, which helps to have that taste of dessert without mindlessly gulping down 1800 calories of dessert at a sitting.

    Oh, and after Aldi, I had to go across the street to Publix as I found that Aldi doesn't, as a rule, stock bathroom cleaner! Apparently they only stock that when they get a great deal on it, so for "cleaning" supplies at Aldi, think laundry and dishes and that's about it.

    I've been continuing the practice of eating smaller meals, and more of them have been soup or soup-like things, which are filling but not terribly high (generally) in calories, leaving room for that cookie or two after. My latest lamb burger creation was soup the first night but the macaroni in the leftover soup swelled up to make the leftover more like a lamb burger goulash. It still tastes great though and I've had several meals of it. I think there is one good lunch or dinner left there and it may be consumed today.

    I need to get the cats fed and get Eddie going cleaning the pig sty...er I mean the house... and straightening up the guest room for company.

    Hopefully I can get in a nap sometime today too.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    How it's made: Artificial Christmas trees and glass ornaments.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Ashen's Christmas Special 2017. May contain strong language.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited December 2017
    Adults try Happy Meals. May contain adult language.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Hearty ham and potato soup recipe. Idea for Christmas leftovers, perhaps?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited December 2017
    What on earth will they think of next? Apparently we can get one of these things that Ashen displayed in his video on eBay. Maybe...if it hasn't been sold already.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Bank, Chiro, Whole Food, Fabric shopping with Marietta..
    Call from Jack.. (Nate went to school today..didn't call to come home..think that is a good thing) Just got a text from Jack...he said Nate is much better, Hyper and annoying! LOL!

    About the Fake Lobster! Old news becomes new again! LOL! I used to make that a lot at my house, didn't know to put sugar in the water, but a bit of butter and you'd swear it was lobster! Funny to see it on the internet!

    I've made it thru the first 10 pages of the 19 pages of Puns!! Will work on that!

    Roger, I have a big fleece lined comforter for winter...the blanket would be just too much. :) Keep the night time temp at 65 or 66 degrees..Can't make it cooler, or I'd NEVER get out from under the covers!! :)

    Ed ? Roger? Where did you find the Panettone? WAIT...don't tell me...I love that stuff. Toasted with just butter for breakfast, or sliced with cheese in the Toaster oven...and ....and...or even just plain....I haven't seen any here this year??? Wonder why?? Probably a good thing!

    Cartoons really funny these days guys! Again thanks for all the laughs!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    I found the Pannetone at Walgreens. I think CVS might have it too. It's a pretty good one, fairly fresh. I love a good pannetone but a stale pannetone is an abomination. Unless toasted, of course.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Put the lime in the coconut!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member