Early Risers - Eastern Time Zone



  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member


    Real-time Weather :)




  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking this Morning + 6 Cents, The temperature this morning was 45 on the porch and 47 on the cable channel. The sky is mostly cloud covered and todays high is forecast to be in the 40s with and dropping later in the day and the breeze is getting stronger.

    Al-Qaeda Targets D.C. to Boston Line, Hazmat Cargo Trains in DIY Derailment Guide
    By Bridget Johnson August 14, 2017

    A Mysterious Blob of Hot Rock Is Building Up Under America's Northeast
    Something is rising from the depths.

    By PETER DOCKRILL, 18 DEC 2017

    Deep Sleep A Natural ‘Fountain Of Youth’ In Old Age, Study Says
    16Dec - by Ben Renner

    Atlanta Airport Blackout Sends Message to Terrorists: America Is Unprepared
    Clive Irving
    12.17.17 9:47 PM ET

    Have a Really Great Wednesday
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 63 out there now with an expected high of 65 and 80% chance of precipitation. Of course it's 80%. We're going to the movie theater tonight to see The Last Jedi. At least I presume that is what we're seeing.

    Company arrived without us having to pick her up as her boss's boss happened to be on the same flight, was renting a car, and gave her a lift to our house.

    Don't know if I'll manage a nap today or not. Didn't manage one yesterday, so could sure use one today.


    A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

    Herm Albright (1876 - 1944)


    All mushrooms are edible. Some, only once...
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's terrific Tuesday! A foggy 48 degrees out there with an expected high of 60 and 20 percent chance of precipitation.

    I got to Advance Auto Parts, Walgreens, Aldi, and Publix yesterday. Wasn't thrilled about having to go to Publix.

    First, to the auto parts store for a new battery. I guess that's my Christmas present to myself this year. That really cold snap a couple of weeks ago killed my battery and I've been putting of getting the new one until I was sure all the bills were paid, and the cats had plenty of food for the rest of the month. No issues getting a battery and I topped off the coolant while I was there, leaving most of a container of coolant in the back of the van in case of need. J needs to have his windshield wiper fluid tank replaced as it has developed a crack. We tried to "just say no" but the wiper fluid tank wouldn't listen to that.

    Next, to Walgreens to buy AAA batteries as we put the last of them into a remote control last week. First world problems.

    Aldi was next on my list, where I found a veritable bonanza of Christmas cheer. We have company arriving tonight and I wanted to get a few more sweets in the house, as I know she likes certain kinds of things. OK. It's Christmas time and I wanted a few more myself.
    Hi Ed
    I know You mean, I had to buy a new battery recently too. As for AAA batteries I buy all my Duracell batteries at CostCo in bulk packs. They do come with a 10 year use by date, I use them up well before that happens :)

    I am surprised that the Washer fluid tank cracked, Normally that would take an impact or having water in it that froze. I am curious why You were not thrilled having to go to Publix ?
    I've already finished off a package of 10 dark chocolate covered cordial cherries. I had 8 and J had 2. That took a couple of weeks as I never had more than one cherry a day. We had two bags of winter night cookies from Aldi. More about those later, but we spent quite a while eating on those too. I never had more than a couple at a time. J had more at a time, but less often, and we finished those off last week.

    I bought some Danish butter cookies, which, while available year round have always been a Christmas cookie to me, and have been slowly eating on those, one or two cookies at a time. There are probably enough of those to last me through New Years, and I've eaten some miniature loaves of Pannetone, an Italian holiday fruit bread, that I also only consume around Christmas time. Again, small quantities. Three snacks of that delicious bread, spaced out.

    And we had one small raspberry Kringle we bought around Thanksgiving, maybe shortly after, that we enjoyed thoroughly. Kringle is also available year round but is a Christmas treat for me.
    I think of the Danish Butter Cookies as Christmas too.

    My brother has hung a miniature Pannetone on the Christmas Tree as a decoration to be eaten later.
    It sounds as though I've been pigging out on Holiday goodies but I really haven't, and my weight is looking great. I even lost some weight around and after Thanksgiving, but I think I may have gained a smidge of that back. My blood pressure is doing really well too, and my blood glucose is generally running in very good numbers.

    Aldi had some raspberry Kringle again so I bought one, and they had more bags of Christmas "winter" cookies, kind of a spicy, somewhat gingery, but not too much so, crisp, molded cookie in various shapes, including a Windmill. I had initially thought they were Windmill cookies, and bought two bags the first go round and two more this time, at J's request. We found that they are actually BETTER than regular Windmill cookies and we've been nibbling those since about Thanksgiving.

    I never had more than two small cookies at a time and have, so far, been doing well with my holiday treats, as far as not over-indulging. I don't have every treat every day, and when I do have one, it's a very small serving.

    To continue the Aldi trip, though, they had some Snowdrop cookies. My mother made these every Christmas when I was growing up. I had to buy a box of those. It's a small, plastic tub of very small butter and nut cookie balls, rolled in powdered sugar. We called them butterballs when I was growing up.

    Needless to say, the store bought ones don't really compare to the home made ones I had growing up, but they are at least reminiscent of them and good enough to bring back pleasant memories. So those have been added to my holiday goodie rotation.

    Finally, Aldi had some Martinelli Sparkling Apple Cider, which J loves, so I bought a couple of bottles of that and put them in the bottom of the refrigerator. This too, is available year round, though not as widely available, and I usually try to get some as part of J's holiday cheer. He may have some of that in lieu of Champagne for New Years, as he doesn't generally care for Champagne or sparkling wines, unless I can find a fairly sweet one.

    I have my bottle of Champagne that I got as my Founders Club annual free bottle of wine from my wine club. I'm not always all that fond of Champagne either but usually do acquire some kind of sparkling white wine for New Years.

    With all that, I think I'll just have cookies and ice cream for my Christmas day dessert. I hardly need any more sweets in the house to tempt me, and it's difficult enough to muster the will power to eat only very small portions of what I have. Fortunately, none of the cookies themselves are very large, and I can portion out the Kringle to be very small slices as well, which helps to have that taste of dessert without mindlessly gulping down 1800 calories of dessert at a sitting.

    Oh, and after Aldi, I had to go across the street to Publix as I found that Aldi doesn't, as a rule, stock bathroom cleaner! Apparently they only stock that when they get a great deal on it, so for "cleaning" supplies at Aldi, think laundry and dishes and that's about it.

    I've been continuing the practice of eating smaller meals, and more of them have been soup or soup-like things, which are filling but not terribly high (generally) in calories, leaving room for that cookie or two after. My latest lamb burger creation was soup the first night but the macaroni in the leftover soup swelled up to make the leftover more like a lamb burger goulash. It still tastes great though and I've had several meals of it. I think there is one good lunch or dinner left there and it may be consumed today.

    I need to get the cats fed and get Eddie going cleaning the pig sty...er I mean the house... and straightening up the guest room for company.

    Hopefully I can get in a nap sometime today too.
    My Brother portioned up some lamb that he cut into chunks for use in stew and we Vacuum sealed them, he had picked up two portions as they were what he called a good price $1.99 a pound and roasted the second one.

    Have a Good Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Bank, Chiro, Whole Food, Fabric shopping with Marietta..
    Call from Jack.. (Nate went to school today..didn't call to come home..think that is a good thing) Just got a text from Jack...he said Nate is much better, Hyper and annoying! LOL!

    About the Fake Lobster! Old news becomes new again! LOL! I used to make that a lot at my house, didn't know to put sugar in the water, but a bit of butter and you'd swear it was lobster! Funny to see it on the internet!

    I've made it thru the first 10 pages of the 19 pages of Puns!! Will work on that!

    Roger, I have a big fleece lined comforter for winter...the blanket would be just too much. :) Keep the night time temp at 65 or 66 degrees..Can't make it cooler, or I'd NEVER get out from under the covers!! :)

    Ed ? Roger? Where did you find the Panettone? WAIT...don't tell me...I love that stuff. Toasted with just butter for breakfast, or sliced with cheese in the Toaster oven...and ....and...or even just plain....I haven't seen any here this year??? Wonder why?? Probably a good thing!

    Cartoons really funny these days guys! Again thanks for all the laughs!


    Hi Valerie
    It sounds as if You are busy :)

    In order, The bedroom stays around the low 70s, I leave the old school thermostat at the same setting day and night and if I feel the need I just turn off the heat at the wall switch, You probably have one like this somewhere too. We have one in the stairwell to the basement and another on top of the furnace. Yours may say Oil Burner OTOH.

    I tend to sleep under two flannel sheets used as light blankets :)

    I did not ask where this years panettone came from, last years came from the Christmas Tree Shops store. OTOH I suspect that is where this one came from to as it appeared a day or two after he was there :)

    I'm glad You are enjoying the Humorous images.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's wonderful Wednesday! 63 out there now with an expected high of 65 and 80% chance of precipitation. Of course it's 80%. We're going to the movie theater tonight to see The Last Jedi. At least I presume that is what we're seeing.

    Company arrived without us having to pick her up as her boss's boss happened to be on the same flight, was renting a car, and gave her a lift to our house.

    Don't know if I'll manage a nap today or not. Didn't manage one yesterday, so could sure use one today.

    Hi Again
    We should be so lucky to be in the 60s...
    OTOH no precipitation in the forecast for a few days.

    If I said I have not been to a movie theater in many, many years. Enjoy the trip, I could never go to the movies like that without the large bucket of Popcorn with extra Butter, We sort of butter tasting oil TBH. And a Really large Soda so I avoid temptation.

    I managed a short nap Tuesday and was still tired so I slept late this morning.

    When I first saw the image on the screen here it reminded me of an old time radio Microphone. Then I took a closer look and read the explanation.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    LOL..Pix can be deceptive! I looked and thought it was some sort of weird thing to extract honey from the comb!

    I've been to Costco, and got my 3 items and left! People were jockeying for spots close to the door, as our rain is happening. None of that park far away business today!

    Thanks for the heads up for looking for Panettone bread. Just as well I don't find it..cuz I'd eat it! I used to get it at Harry's, and our supermarkets...strange. (Harry's was bought out by Whole Foods quite a while ago...I still miss my Harry's. It was much closer, and carried pretty much the same as Whole Foods, without the extra prices!

    I'm heading to the shower now, watching the noon news, going to the gym for half an hour, and then on to Hearing Aids appt. Tyler put a new setting on, says he wants to see how its working for me, and how I'm coping with the new, louder settings he did last week.

    After that it will be food, reading, a snack and my bed time games, and SLEEP! I slept for about 10.5 hours last night. :). Guess I was tired!!!

    Later...Will have to come back, as I've missed Roger's cartoons somewhere this morning.
    Ed, glad your house guest was able to get to your house without your help!!! Hope you enjoyed the company.

  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    No I didn't miss them...memory short circuit?
    Loved the husky pup and his sleeping baby...Ted's huskys have all loved babies and little kids. The tramp on the 6th floor of the building is a different story. No safety net...one missed hop, and that would spell disaster. Makes you wonder where some people's brains are.

    Celery slide was cute too! Wonder if little kids would recognize it as a vegetable slide?? Since there are kids who've missed the connection between milk carton and cow, I seriously doubt it!!!

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited December 2017
    Today our company needed to go to Target, which is very close, so we went there. I bought some slippers and a tiny tub of Vaseline for my lips. She bought several items. We then got cheeseburgers for lunch, to go, and went home to J who was working from home. We all had lunch together at home. Tonight, the latest Star Wars movie.

    Tomorrow she want's to go to some chocolate store I've never been to. I guess I'll take her. She wanted to go today but I refused and said the weather would be nicer for that tomorrow. Besides, I wanted to try to nap, which was semi-successful.
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! We made it out to the movie last night. Long, but it was decent. Carrie Fisher's last screen role.

    51 degrees out there with an expected high of 54 and 20% chance of rain. So far a larger chunk of time than I really think necessary has been spent, this morning, on one stupid update.

    OK, Epson...let's put a little logic into this update thing.

    Is it REALLY necessary for me to verify 6 times that I actually want to install this update? REALLY?

    Box popped up saying I had an update to XXXX available. I clicked OK/Yes/Install (whatever the *KITTEN* button said) and then the system itself asked if it was OK to let Epson install this change to the system. I clicked YES to that.

    Fine so far. I expected to have to verify that I wanted it installed and I expected to have to verify (to the system) that it was OK for Epson to install this.

    I go into the other room to have breakfast and come back to see the Epson software showing me (again) which software is ready to install, but in a different box, but with pretty much the same information it already gave me.

    OK/Yes/Install again. The color on the install bar moves across as it either downloads or prepares the install. Whatever.

    Box pops up saying something along the lines of, THIS SOFTWARE IS READY TO INSTALL. Click NEXT to continue. I click NEXT.


    WTF? Isn't that what an update is SUPPOSED TO DO? I've already confirmed several times that I do, indeed, want to install this update! OK. One more time. OK/Yes/Install.

    READ THE LICENSE AGREEMENT (that you already read every time you installed/updated this software and that hasn't changed) and click the I AGREE box to continue installing this software.


    I click NEXT.

    Software FINALLY installs. I get a friendly little box saying that the install was finished. I click OK.

    I get another box telling me something I couldn't care less about and a smaller box pops up inside it saying the install was SUCCESSFUL. Great! Not only did it finish, which one box told me but it was also SUCCESSFUL, which required another box (and another click) to move on.

    The big box is still there. Wait, what? Oh, checking immediately for any other updates. Didn't you just do that, right before you told me about this update?

    OK, good, no more updates. I don't think my mouse could handle any more at this point.

    Wait. Now I have to click EXIT to get out of this stinking updater completely?

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Kids describe the North Pole to an illustrator.

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    12 possibly surprising things to do with onion, but take with a grain of salt!

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member






  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I'm back from walking this Morning + 1 Cent, The temperature this morning was 26 on the porch and 31 on the cable channel.
    I did make it to CostCo yesterday and picked up my Frozen vegetables, I also picked up the cooked Spare Ribs smallest package they had of which I overate some, Kleenex, and a snack pack of Frito Lay that I can work into the NS plan. I left there $64.30 lighter in the Billfold, with a register time stamp of 9:57, Successfully navigated past the Hot Food area without succumbing to temptation and had the Trunk loaded, the Cart returned to the cart area and was starting the car at 10:01. Getting there early pays off IMO.

    12/18: “Whatever” Loses Ground but Retains Annoying Word Title

    Chocolate makers innovate to entice health-conscious consumers
    By Ana Ionova, December 19, 2017

    Glow in the dark sharks: new species discovered in Hawaii – and it glows
    Lauren Smith, Tue 19 Dec ‘17 06.42 EST

    Diabetes warning: Loneliness could 'more than DOUBLE risk of Type 2 diabetes'
    HAVING an active social life lowers the risk of developing diabetes, according to new research.

    By Mark Reynolds, UPDATED: 12:27, Tue, Dec 19, 2017

    Pastor Calls Vandalism At Hayward Church A ‘Hate Crime’
    By John Ramos, December 17, 2017 at 5:28 pm

    Black Unemployment Rate Lowest in 17 Years
    By Michael W. Chapman | December 18, 2017 | 2:10 PM EST

    Have a Really Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    LOL..Pix can be deceptive! I looked and thought it was some sort of weird thing to extract honey from the comb!

    I've been to Costco, and got my 3 items and left! People were jockeying for spots close to the door, as our rain is happening. None of that park far away business today!

    Thanks for the heads up for looking for Panettone bread. Just as well I don't find it..cuz I'd eat it! I used to get it at Harry's, and our supermarkets...strange. (Harry's was bought out by Whole Foods quite a while ago...I still miss my Harry's. It was much closer, and carried pretty much the same as Whole Foods, without the extra prices!

    I'm heading to the shower now, watching the noon news, going to the gym for half an hour, and then on to Hearing Aids appt. Tyler put a new setting on, says he wants to see how its working for me, and how I'm coping with the new, louder settings he did last week.

    After that it will be food, reading, a snack and my bed time games, and SLEEP! I slept for about 10.5 hours last night. :). Guess I was tired!!!

    Later...Will have to come back, as I've missed Roger's cartoons somewhere this morning.
    Ed, glad your house guest was able to get to your house without your help!!! Hope you enjoyed the company.
    Hi Valerie
    As You may notice from my Info post to both of You, It pays to get to the Local Costco early, They usually open a little early, Yesterday was earlier than usual, IMO due to Christmas coming soon.

    The entire Mini Pannettone my Brother brought home is a whopping 350 calories :)

    Hopefully the new settings are working for You.

    I have walked and the laundry is churning away and will be dried and folded later today.
    No I didn't miss them...memory short circuit?
    Loved the husky pup and his sleeping baby...Ted's huskys have all loved babies and little kids. The tramp on the 6th floor of the building is a different story. No safety net...one missed hop, and that would spell disaster. Makes you wonder where some people's brains are.

    Celery slide was cute too! Wonder if little kids would recognize it as a vegetable slide?? Since there are kids who've missed the connection between milk carton and cow, I seriously doubt it!!!
    Anyone using the Trampoline is a candidate for the Darwin Awards given to people that successfully remove themselves from the Gene Pool.

    Good Question Re: the Celery slide.

    Have a Nice Day
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Howdy y'all. It's thrilling Thursday! We made it out to the movie last night. Long, but it was decent. Carrie Fisher's last screen role.

    51 degrees out there with an expected high of 54 and 20% chance of rain. So far a larger chunk of time than I really think necessary has been spent, this morning, on one stupid update.

    OK, Epson...let's put a little logic into this update thing.

    Is it REALLY necessary for me to verify 6 times that I actually want to install this update? REALLY?

    Box popped up saying I had an update to XXXX available. I clicked OK/Yes/Install (whatever the *KITTEN* button said) and then the system itself asked if it was OK to let Epson install this change to the system. I clicked YES to that.

    Fine so far. I expected to have to verify that I wanted it installed and I expected to have to verify (to the system) that it was OK for Epson to install this.

    I go into the other room to have breakfast and come back to see the Epson software showing me (again) which software is ready to install, but in a different box, but with pretty much the same information it already gave me.

    OK/Yes/Install again. The color on the install bar moves across as it either downloads or prepares the install. Whatever.

    Box pops up saying something along the lines of, THIS SOFTWARE IS READY TO INSTALL. Click NEXT to continue. I click NEXT.


    WTF? Isn't that what an update is SUPPOSED TO DO? I've already confirmed several times that I do, indeed, want to install this update! OK. One more time. OK/Yes/Install.
    I agree with what You are saying 110 %.
    You had already in essence agreed to replace the old version when You clicked to download the update. It might be time to send them a feedback on the entire process.
    I can see clicking to download and install as one click and I understand that the OS wants to be sure it is OK and that should be it. Possibly one more click to say run it when the entire process is finished.
    For many updates I ignore them as if it is working why bother. To prevent the update question popping up all the time I either turn off the update check program if I can ID it or block it from the Internet with Norton if I can not ID it.
    READ THE LICENSE AGREEMENT (that you already read every time you installed/updated this software and that hasn't changed) and click the I AGREE box to continue installing this software.


    I click NEXT.

    Software FINALLY installs. I get a friendly little box saying that the install was finished. I click OK.

    I get another box telling me something I couldn't care less about and a smaller box pops up inside it saying the install was SUCCESSFUL. Great! Not only did it finish, which one box told me but it was also SUCCESSFUL, which required another box (and another click) to move on.

    The big box is still there. Wait, what? Oh, checking immediately for any other updates. Didn't you just do that, right before you told me about this update?

    OK, good, no more updates. I don't think my mouse could handle any more at this point.

    Wait. Now I have to click EXIT to get out of this stinking updater completely?

    FWIW I do the double check with the Norton as now and then I find that once one set of updates are finished there are more.

    I hope the rest of Your day is frustration free.

    Enjoy the Company
  • GardenKatGardens
    GardenKatGardens Posts: 2,496 Member
    Good Morning! Its overcast Thursday...
    I'm planning a trip to the gym, and then maybe, maybe to Kroger. O's last gymnastics session for the year tonite at 6:30. So, I"ll surely not be bored!! LOL. Laundry in both the washer (load of mostly red stuff), and a load of whites in the washer waiting its turn at the dryer..

    Ed, I think your Epsom update needs one more 'are you sure' element. At the beginning...saying 'Just Do It'! That should take away the rest of the boxes! What an ordeal! Hope something useful comes from the update.

    Roger, Ted and I used to go early at opening on Sunday mornings. It was a great time to shop at Costco! I know this close to Christmas to either go early, or don't go at all. But, I will have to say, that we have 4-6 people checkers AND 6 or 8 self check outs, and that the self checkouts are quick and simple to use, so even on busy days its pretty painless to get checked out.

    I hadn't thought about the Darwin Awards for a long time. I used to get a new newsletter from those folks who authored the awards on occasion. Some of them were downright hilarious!

    Ok, time to pull on my clothes and get to the gym. I enjoyed my banana and my two pieces of avocado toast with radish sprouts, now time to go 'pay the price'! :)

  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    edited December 2017
    Howdy y'all. It's fabulous Friday! 51 out there now with an expected high of 59 and 20% chance of precipitation.

    I did remember to remove the goose from the freezer this morning and I managed to make room in the refrigerator, to thaw it, without any bloodshed or broken bottles. :)



  • parityanimal
    parityanimal Posts: 21,318 Member
    Bizarre hat fashions, with a kitchen theme!
