Cold all the time?



  • spush
    spush Posts: 132 Member
    Plus the weather here in the Uk has turned all cold here the last few days, from wearing just a tee I'm now wearing 2 jumpers. Could be just coincidence?
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    keybrdude wrote: »
    I notice the more fat I lose, the colder I am. I chalk it up to I having less insulation on my body. I'm happy about it!

    Yep. Me too. I'm wearing a jacket right now. lol! I used to ROAST in the summers. I'm looking forward to not having that problem. If you're cold, you can keep putting on layers. If you're hot, you can only strip so much till you're naked, and you'll get arrested if you run around showin' what your momma gave ya.

    Me too. I know I eat enough calories and yeah, ok, this was the longest coldes winter in my part of Canada since I can ever remember... but I still can't get warm. I'm hoping it pays off in our 100+ weather in August. Gotta love where I live! -58 in the winter and +102 in the summer! Today I saw people in shorts and sandals... I still had my down filled jacket on. :-( I just don't tollerate it anymore.
  • InADarkRoom
    InADarkRoom Posts: 84 Member
    @wabmester yes, my diary is pretty accurate. On Saturday I managed 1500 calories so the last couple days have been a bit abnormal (blame redecorating my house).

    It is cold in the UK right now so it may just be that. Plus I still haven't tried the cream in coffee yet so I'm not taking in any hot liquids. It may sort itself out once I figure out this keto thing!

    Thanks again for all the help guys! :smile: