Five Days Dairy Free - 4th to 8th May (and beyond if it works!)



  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    Alright! Day 1. I was going to start last week but just could not give up the cheese. Plus I forgot to communicate this change to my fiance and was told I should have told him because we would have mourned the loss (aka ate a bunch of cheese). That brings me to today being day 1.

    Check in:
    161 (up from 158 a few weeks ago)
    My results won't be purely from cutting out dairy as I have to watch my calorie intake this week. At first I felt like the scale might just not be reflecting my changing body and that I would get a whoosh in no time. Now I'm thinking I might be slowly gaining. Unlike people that try increasing their calorie intake to lose, I have to do the opposite. Wah wah. But it just isn't worth it to me to put it off another week. I would rather try all things at once and then add things back in then stall out for another month (eek, or gain!)
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    @Foamroller thank you so much for your input and the quotes, all of that is really helpful.

    @Wheatless Yeah, whoopsies happen ;) I wish we all had a magic button, wouldn’t it be wonderful? I know for a fact that you’ll be able to have dairy and fruit during maintenance.

    @Kitn Well you did have a birthday, and they only happen once a year! Definitely time to get back on track now though. Treats are good but, to quote the Cookie Monster, ‘they’re a sometimes food’ ;) And yes, meat, eggs, beef jerky?, pork rinds? for you protein.

    @Spush (This is starting to look much like another comfortable, friendly thread I could mention!) Sounds good. Here’s to us all doing great!

    @m_puppy Whoops yes, fiance’s certainly need to know :D And I understand about the results being hard to pin to just dairy. As you said, reintroducing one thing at a time may tell us plenty too.
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I want to do this . I notice my acne flaring up do to my Greek yogurt . The thing is I like to snack on cheese and I make a French onion dip with sour cream for my pork skins
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Welcome on board @steffiejoe I wonder how coconut cream would be with your French onion ingredients? It would be a bit runnier, but should be tasty.
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    steffiejoe wrote: »
    I want to do this . I notice my acne flaring up do to my Greek yogurt . The thing is I like to snack on cheese and I make a French onion dip with sour cream for my pork skins

    You can make a French onion dip with mayonnaise, too.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Day 1 - 98.7 / 217.14
    Day 2 - 97.3 / 214.06

    Too early to see a trend but this is encouraging, but also similar to what my weight did all through April, so we'll see.
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    Geez that's nice!

    Day 1: 161
    Day 2: 161
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hi Everyone - 9:47pm Tuesday for me and I've had a good day. I suddenly realised just before my second meal that my fat for the day was really low but I have heard tell that as long as your carbs are low you're still in ketosis. (I do keto, take no notice if you're normal low carb!). I might try to remember to take a blood ketone reading in the morning.

    However. Being way under goal on fat gave me things to think about and realise how much I usually rely on dairy to fill in the gaps. But I reached for the peanut paste, some nuts and coconut milk and have rescued my macros somewhat, though these added protein or carbs I could have lived without. I've reached 27g carbs (I usually aim for less than 15, but under 20 is fine. 70g fat and 80g protein instead of 123g fat and 80g protein. Oh well, I usually do pretty well. But zero dairy today so that's all good.

    After yesterday with just that tad of parmesan cheese by accident I don't want to talk about this morning's weight. Hopefully I'll want to discuss it again after tomorrow's weigh-in ;)

    Congrats @Kitn wow! That's the kind of thing we all want to see here, bravo! @m_puppy and our other companions... it'll be our turn tomorrow hmmm?
  • happylifex10
    happylifex10 Posts: 56 Member
    Hi ladies, missed the weigh in yesterday so will just start with today
    Starting weight 169 and having hwc in my coffee - forgot about the challenge until I had already had breakfast - I will cut that out and switch to almond or coconut milk for the balance

    Congrats to all the ladies on their 1st day
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Congratulations Kitn---good for you! I hope it keeps going at this rate for you.

    Day 1: 221.4 (a 2 lb overnight gain)
    Day 2: 219.4 -but this doesn't mean anything b/c of the 2 lb. gain. I do, however, wish it was valid!

    Good luck, everyone!
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    No worries @happylife, we can all set our own dates. It's more about what happens than all doing it on the same day/s.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Well, I had approx 6 oz (150g) of cheese today at party we threw for a coding club my school had. I really do know better. I just have a hard time turning down cheese.
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Tee hee! You're forgiven Goat.

    I was text book perfect yesterday as in no dairy and lost a rather pathetic 200g this morning. If it was 200 new g's I'd be happy but I've been putting on weight steadily over the past week and a bit for no reason that I can see. I'll post a section of my spreadsheet and you'll see the Weight and Progress columns in relation to my 3 Macros columns.


    I found it hard to get in my fat goal yesterday because Brunch had blown out my protein and carbs and there's nothing non-dairy other than spoonfuls of coconut oil to raise only fat levels. And maybe a heavy carb day won't do me any harm - mix things up. Though I didn't really want to change anything other than taking out dairy this week.

    It's another day - heigh de ho!

  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Day 3: up .2 this morning

    This is actually day 4 for me of dairy free. It doesn't seem to be making a difference so far. :/
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Day 1 - 98.7 / 217.14
    Day 2 - 97.3 / 214.06
    Day 3 - 97.1 / 213.62

    So far so good. I won't know what to attribute this too, probably a combination of factors. Just thought that in addition to the absence of the cream in my coffee, I have increased the MCT oil, have to have something in my coffee. That might be speeding things up too, who knows ?
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    Day 1 - 98.7 / 217.14
    Day 2 - 97.3 / 214.06
    Day 3 - 97.1 / 213.62

    So far so good. I won't know what to attribute this too, probably a combination of factors. Just thought that in addition to the absence of the cream in my coffee, I have increased the MCT oil, have to have something in my coffee. That might be speeding things up too, who knows ?

    Wow! Fantastic, Kitn!
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Thanks Wheatless ! I have cut out cream and cheese and yogourt, as well as nuts and alcohol, but also have been watching the calories, something I strayed from in April. And I've upped the meat and cut down on the veggies. Kind of a mini meativore.
  • happylifex10
    happylifex10 Posts: 56 Member
    up .5 this a.m but TOM is due today...also, can't do coffee with almond milk...yuck,yuck,yuck

    Have a great day ladies
  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    Hi @Wheatless I'm sorry you're not seeing a difference yet. It would be just so amazing to find The Secret wouldn't it? We'd all stick to it firmly 99% of the time then and lose all the weight we want to *sigh*.

    Hi @Kitn well, whatever it is, it's working for you so I'm really happy to hear that. I want to start taking my AC Vinegar again but will wait until this 5 days is over. Even so, I've had nothing but bacon and eggs for my 2 meals today, and a small pepperoni snack so if I'm down tomorrow it could be lack of dairy or lack of anything other than what I've had. Oh, and the coconut milk in my coffee - that's always a given for me. I love exact science - all this 'could it be...' is a test of my patience ;)

    Hi @happylife I hope that is a smaller than usual gain for you and that you'll have a big drop in weight soon. I bought a carton of almond milk a while ago but haven't used it yet.

    I managed to reach my fat goal today by using far more coconut oil than I usually would to cook bacon and eggs for my dinner. I am **no** chef and what should have been fried eggs ended up in about 8 messy pieces by the time I'd tried to turn them, and mangled them instead. My bacon was literally burnt around the outsides but barely cooked in the middle. I turned it, truly I did, but turned my back for 2 seconds... o:) That's my trouble, I'm far too easily side-tracked and always do 6 things at once LOL

  • GrannyMayOz
    GrannyMayOz Posts: 1,051 Member
    As they say in South Africa... Oy, oy, oy, oy, oy!!! Today I'm the same unremarkable weight as the unremarkable weight that I was yesterday :p

    The last 5 days dairy free that I did worked wonders. Well, a 700 g/1.5 lb loss anyway, which for my age and gender is pretty awesome. This time I must have forgotten my Wonder Suit 'cos all it's achieved for me so far is a 400g gain; a 200g loss and a 'stayed the same' = total 200g gain so far with 2 days to go. I slept dreadfully last night though and I know that poor sleep doesn't lead to weight loss so here's hoping for good sleep tonight and a massive result to prove this works. Actually, strike that; I love dairy so if this fails I can still have it ha ha!