May Morning Coffee and Gratitude List

DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
Well its good to wake up on the first of the month and find I lost 4 lbs this month! I might not be moving fast, but I am moving and I am grateful for it! I am grateful that my recovery from the surgery, which has also been slow, is moving along. Last night was the first time I was actually able to sleep in the bed (had swelling of the uvula which made me unable to breathe lying down and had to sleep in the recliner - grateful that I have such a comfortable recliner! lol). And I am grateful for this gorgeous spring weather. Any day now they will be pushing the button in Florida where the heat will be 40 shades of HOT, but right now its truly lovely.


  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I just looked back at the April gratitude list (yea leave it to me to post first then look back duh!) and saw the postings about Leslie Sansone! Glad to see other people like her as well. Her workout is working really well for me because there are days I just don't feel like going to the mall and its a great work out! I started with just the walk then added the weights. I was going to move to the 2 mile walk next week but dh decided to take the week off work and while its nice to have him home, it does change my routine somewhat. But I am losing so I am fine and I think her routine is a big help!! I would love to pull it up on youtube but I can't find my roku remote!!!! We are going to do a super search next week and if I can't find it I will order another.
  • OKaylin
    OKaylin Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, newbie here. I have lost over 50 pounds on Nutrisystem, and have 31 pounds to lose to get to goal. I do Leslie Sansone walks.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Congrats on the loss and welcome to the group! I am surprised and pleased to see we have several Leslie followers! I thought her DVDs were out of date and I was the only one who still did them, did not know she was on Youtube! lol I HATE that I have misplaced that Roku remote but I am making it a priority to find is as of Thursday. We are driving down to Clearwater on Tuesday, coming back Wednesday so for the next few days I have to focus on getting ready and I am DETERMINED to be 100% on program because I know we will be eating in restaurants for a couple of days.

    Grateful this morning for the positive swing my life is in and for this wonderfully supportive group!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Thanks for starting this month's chat. Good to have you back DreamOn. And congrats on being down 4 that is great news.

    I am grateful for the better weather, much easier to get out in nature and get my steps in, but I do rely on Leslie and some other dvd queens when the weather is bad. It is all good, we just have to move it, move it.

    I am grateful that my results for women class is starting on Monday. I think it is time I mixed up my exercising. And I realized as I was going out the door on Friday that the fitness classes are no longer something I should do, they are now something I look forward to and want to do. That is a big mental shift for me, a true NSV.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Grats on the mental shift. It seems, for me anyway, that happens when we push long/hard enough to really experience those results. I am grateful this morning that even though I confessed to a slip in May chat and a gain as a result of it, I have that very recent April weight loss to pull me back on track. I do NOT want to gain that back and I am determined to have another loss in May!!!
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    I'm so grateful that today I awoke early and the whole pack (me, DH and 2 dogs) got to have a lovely beach walk while it was still cool. This is such a beautiful place to live.
  • mangotango
    mangotango Posts: 64 Member
    Count me in on the Leslie Sansone fan list. I don't post often but do follow your posts when I get down time at work. (LOL guess I am lurking in the background). I am Grateful for my job & even more grateful to be retiring this year! So many options opening up and so much to be thankful for!
    Have a great day!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Marie, Congrats on your upcoming retirement. I highly recommend retiring! Hubby just celebrated his 1 yr. of retirement. I will in Sept.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Woohoo! I have a great one to be grateful for this morning! We drove to Clearwater Monday, went to a lovely hotel on the beach, had the buffet and I did not hold back, sampled all the unusual seafood dishes and also sampled the desserts, then went to the Tiki bar and had one of those fancy beachy cocktails with God only knows how many calories while listening to a Tom Petty look alike and watching the sunset. I got up in the morning and also had the breakfast buffet! We picked up our new dog and hit the road and by then I was sick of eating and the guilt set in so on the way home I ate the cheese and crackers, yogurt, and fresh fruit I had packed in the cooler. Can you believe that this morning I lost half a pound on this trip!!!!! Don't know how this happened, but I am loving it! lol

    Mango what beach do you live near? I live at Panama City and do not actually live near the beach, but just 1.5 miles from a walking park on the bay and close enough to the beach that we start going there as soon as the tourists leave in October. The woman who had the dog I just picked up lives right on the beach in Clearwater (she is a pilot for UPS and was leaving for a month in Alaska followed by a month in Hawaii. Can you imagine??) what a job!

    Marie congrats on your upcoming retirement. I have been retired for just a little over a year now and spent the whole thing dealing with health issues (among other things), but I feel so much better now and I am loving this freedom!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited May 2015
    And I realized as I was going out the door on Friday that the fitness classes are no longer something I should do, they are now something I look forward to and want to do. That is a big mental shift for me, a true NSV.

    Love this, Joell - isn't that a wonderful development!

    Speaking of NSVs, I just have to tell about one that took place over the weekend. I was preparing to attend the retirement party of a friend from junior high school :smile: and I needed pantyhose. I thought I would take a chance and buy size B for the first time in forever ... and they fit! Woo hoo!! No more Queen size for me... Kathy
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    DreamOn, so glad you enjoyed the trip and lost weight too. Wootwoot!!

    Kathy, feels good to go down a size in anything doesn't it? <3

    I am grateful that I can pack away my 14s now, I am comfortably in my 12s again. I tried on a pair of 10s but while I could get them over the hips and zipped up, I was not comfortable in those at all, I wouldn't wear anything that tight outside of a dressing room :s

    Still raining here so I am off to the kitchen to cook up a batch of cauliflower and leek soup for this chilly wet day.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    Grateful that my father has done so well in his recovery - he is scheduled to leave rehab tomorrow to return to his familiar home in assisted living. I'm sure he will be happy about that! Also grateful for gorgeous spring weather - sunny, warm but not too warm, and so far no humidity! It makes it easy to stay motivated to get outside and exercise. ~ Kathy in Massachusetts
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Grateful that my dh has fallen head over heels in love with our new dog! We have 3 animals and the first two moved here with me and this third one is a breed that I adore and wanted to have just one more of!!! Well, we went to great lengths to get him and Brian is completely smitten. I am so glad he feels that way.

    Grateful that I am sitting just .6 lbs this morning from a new ten lb range. Silly that is, but I love crossing those 10 lb borders lol
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    edited May 2015
    Good job DreamOn, you must have chosen good eats on your trip. Funny how guys can get attached to dogs that way. Glad your family will be a close knit one ;)

    I am grateful I get to go to two fitness classes this morning to get my mind off the rain. I get so depressed when it rains. Yesterday, I had way too many carbs :( Not going to do that today! We had over an inch over night, the yearly average is 19 ins of precipitation. Usually that is in the form of snow fall. 1 foot of snow is equal to 1 inch. I could have gotten in some great snow shoveling steps this morning if it had been snow. As it is I can't stand being outside right now, heck I don't even want to look outside right now. I need those classes to get some feel good hormones flowing this AM.

    Make the best choices you can today everyone.
  • mangotango
    mangotango Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks Retire - I am like a kid waiting for Christmas!

    Unfortunately I don't live by a beach Dream. I'm in northern Illinois about 40 miles from Chicago. I think you might have meant that for BVI.

    Pulled out my summer clothes and I am loving it - they are too BIG! Hooray and then some! LOL I will admit that it's a kick to feel the pants shifting around me but they've got to GO!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    On this Mother's Day, and everyday, I am thankful for my son, Chris; my daughter, Reagon; my d-i-l, Stephanie; my granddaughter, Kayla; my granddaughter, Lexi; and my ex-husband who made them all possible! I am blessed!

    Happy Mother's Day!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Mango, not sure what I meant. I am perpetually confused. lol At least I do not have to blame it on senior moments, I am ADD and its a lifelong thing lol

    I hate to admit this, but I have a feeling I am not the only one, I am grateful this morning that my dh went back to work! He was home all last week and I was exercising less, getting my house cleaned less, and eating more!!! After my one day of almost breaking a ten lb barrier, we went out to lunch while running errands and then again for Mother's Day. It's nice having him home, but its like an endless weekend lol. I am just more productive when we are on our regular routine.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Grateful that I hit that new (well how about not seen for quite a while?) 19 lb range I have been trying for! One of those little rewards that makes you dream of new sizes and new clothes! lol
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Way to go DreamOn.

    Mango always exciting to get new clothes without going shopping ;)

    I am grateful the rains have passed and I can walk around outside again. Also I am thankful I have had a mental shift to enjoying all the activities I am doing to not only lose the lbs. but to gain fitness and just feel better in general.

    Make today count everyone. We can all do this.
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    I'm grateful that I was able to get out for a walk early while it was still (relatively) cool.