Gut Stuff



  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    edited May 2015
    Dragonwolf wrote: »

    Keep in mind, too, that many people who come to LCHF do so for health reasons, and odds are, they're deficient in one or more nutrients. For many nutrients, the body will absorb it as long as it's deficient in that nutrient. This can mean more complete absorption of the nutrients in the food. Combine that with the lack of insoluble fiber, which only adds bulk to stool, and the result is less crap in the colon to begin with.

    This is interesting and will ease my mind a bit.

    Alright, this is what I mean by bloated. Sorry if it's too graphic. I have never been backed up in my life until being on this diet. When I say "bloated" I don't mean my jeans fit a little tighter. I mean, I am full. My ovaries will take turns hurting. Somedays it's so bad I can't actually sit down. I can't have sex. When I finally have to go, for the most part, it is not hard stools that are painful to push out. It's more like a full day of being in the bathroom but never really completing the job. One day at work, I figured I spent a total of 1 hour in the bathroom. Seeing as I bill at the rate of $120 an hour, I'd call that one expensive bowel unmovement.

    Can I live like this? Sure. I spent about 15 years having to run to the bathroom within 30 minutes of every single meal I ate. I was told there was nothing wrong with me. I've taken poops in places you would think only homeless people use as a bathroom just to avoid doing it in my pants. Do I have the ability to stick out some pretty crappy (pun intended) circumstances? Hells yeah! I just don't want to. That bad stomach stuff all ended a few years ago. No help from the many doctors I saw. Like I said, I've never experienced this feeling before and now that I'm older I realize I need to care more about gut health.

    And now that I've put this all out on the internet, I probably shouldn't run for any political office.
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    Just reading that after I hit post. Good thing some of you are my "friends" or you would be convinced I am a troll.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    m_puppy wrote: »
    Just reading that after I hit post. Good thing some of you are my "friends" or you would be convinced I am a troll.

    Nope. I can very much relate. A few months ago I got sick, lucky if I hit 400 calories a day, and was living on medicine and water. The aftermath of that was absolutely horrible, to the point my husband was ready to leave work early and bring me one of everything in the stomach aisle at CVS. When all was said and done, it was getting fat in that made a difference, even if I was low on carbs and protein those first few days, it was the one time I made fat a goal instead of a fill-in.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Poop is something we all have in common. :)
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I'm lucky if I go once every 4-5 days. I used to worry but I am used to it now.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Coffee too is a natural laxative (or any caffeine, really) and can move things along if it is in the right place. When I get "stuck" to the point it is making me nauseated (hasn't happened in a while), walking around helps. Whatever you do, don't strain!!! This can destroy your pelvic floor muscles. If you think the muscles might be overtight, try magnesium, and "going" in a squat position to help gravity work for you. If you have any probs in that area, look up things like "splinting" and such. But be warned, if you don't have this problem, you really likely don't want to look it up. Some people are too tight muscle wise there, and some people are loose muscle wise and the waste is not all that tries to come out.

    And adding anything like extra fiber and exlax can make the problem worse! Know, too, that the abdominal bloating misery may or may not be related to not being able to go... Without more unfortunately graphic details, it would be hard to know for certain...

    I'd focus on upping your fat 50 extra grams for a day or two to get things moving and a cup of coffee (or an extra one) if you're still stuck. Just don't force things...
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited May 2015
    m_puppy wrote: »
    Alright, this is what I mean by bloated. Sorry if it's too graphic. I have never been backed up in my life until being on this diet. When I say "bloated" I don't mean my jeans fit a little tighter. I mean, I am full. My ovaries will take turns hurting. Somedays it's so bad I can't actually sit down. I can't have sex. When I finally have to go, for the most part, it is not hard stools that are painful to push out. It's more like a full day of being in the bathroom but never really completing the job.

    You say you're full, as in full of poop. So, when you go, is there a lot of poo? Like just massive amounts, way more than you would expect? Or do you just feel like there's a lot in there and more that's not coming out? With the pain and discomfort, I am suspecting this is a little more than your average slowdown. Most people worry without any negative signs aside from the reduced frequency.

    You could be dealing with something more serious and you might want to actually see a doctor and share your concerns. It is possible there is something going on. I do know one person who dealt with fecal impaction when they first started an all meat diet (although they suffered from it before going all meat as well). It would be really weird for that to be the case with you. The other person was a long-term constipation sufferer who was also using strong laxatives on a regular basis before they started all meat. Basically, the problem existed before the diet change. You've never had this problem before.

    Still, if it continues and causes pain and enough discomfort that you aren't able to lead a normal life, you should talk to a doctor and get an abdominal exam done. They'll be able to feel if things are backed up and tell you if anything is wrong. They'll probably recommend a laxative and/or fiber, which would be a bridge I would cross only after talking with them. If you're able to eat and things are still moving, it's likely not an emergency situation, but it is something I would seriously consider seeing a professional about if it doesn't resolve in a few days.
    And now that I've put this all out on the internet, I probably shouldn't run for any political office.
    It took this to finally push you over that edge? :wink: That ship sailed for me long ago, and it wasn't just because of a random post online. LOL
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    m_puppy wrote: »
    I have never been backed up in my life until being on this diet.

    m_puppy I have normal, daily bowel movements without taking supplements or laxatives. I don't eat a lot of fiber (under 10g a day usually) but I do eat fruits and vegetables every day. I'd rule out any medical problems, of course, but eating vegetables a few times a week probably isn't enough for regular bowel movements.

  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    Thank you everyone for the crappy advice. Wait, not what I mean. For real though, thank you. I'm going to give it a bit on this no cheese situation and see if that helps. If obesity doesn't kill me, I'm certain not eating cheese will. I just spent two months finding a food truck that will make cheese curds specifically for my wedding in the fall. Two months people. Imagine how sick I'll be lol. Sorry not funny but it's a little funny because Keto has become such a way of life for me. Yesterday I ate quite a lot of fat. I'm hoping that I see a difference with those two changes. A probiotic seems like a good idea either way. Hopefully it's nothing more serious.
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    edited May 2015
    Seeing as I bill at the rate of $120 an hour, I'd call that one expensive bowel unmovement.

    Haha, this made me chuckle. It's good you got a sense of sarcastic humor about it.

    Are you doing a diary where you notice what you were eating before horrible constipation ? If not, I highly recommend doing so to discover any patterns. I feel for you! I've had terrible IBS for years, at times chained to the bathroom. I ALWAYS get constipated when eating red meat. So I up magnesium and CO on those days. For ME the solution to the rollercoaster of loose and hard stools was psyllium fiberhusk. It's a soluble fiber. For most people who tend towards constipation, soluble fiber is the solution. Insoluble fiber, as in cellulose, is for runny tummy.

    I take my fiber in a blender bottle with some SF lemonade in the morning and before each meal. (Also slows down absorption and possibly some of the uptake of starch and fat). As mentioned above, the health of the gut microbiome is a very new and incredibly interesting research field. It could explain some of the why even identical twins may differ from each other. There's a guy who studies twins where one gets obese and the other not. The microbiome is also a good candidate to explain some of the incredible variations among people with very similar demographics.

    Friends with Benefits: The Human Microbiome

    Funny italian guy makes a vivid presentation about why you should take care of the trillions of bacteria (that outnumber you) in your body:

    Highly anecdotal, but I consistently have more and frequent BM on days before a whoosh.

    We're all different. Experiment to find your formula.

    Edit: Added links to vids about microbiome. The microbiome is one of the reasons I try to eat a lot of vegs, even though I know the carbs can mount up. It's a delicate balance between staying in FA, athletic performance, mood and eating for health :)