Just One June - June 1 (Initial Check-In)



  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    kirkor wrote: »
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    I think this month, I'm going to focus on finding out and fixing what's going on with my hips. I hate not being able to run when I feel like it and hate even more that I can't weight lift.

    Seen Kelly Starrett's stuff?

    I have not. To Google I go!
  • samko1976
    samko1976 Posts: 125 Member
    edited May 2015
    My goal is to make a dedicated routine and stick to it. I take too much time over-thinking what to cook and exercise rather than getting on with it.
    Making this goal into a SMART goal - Make a daily and weekly to-do list which includes meal planning and scheduling.
  • aSearch4Me
    aSearch4Me Posts: 397 Member
    I'm in the process of stepping down my carbs & starting over with the LCHF lifestyle (but my husband has explicitly pleaded for me to not go cold turkey on low-carbs this time, apparently I get a bit "witchy" to live with :) ).

    My "Just One June" is to avoid cocoa & chocolate products. I tend to still use raw cacao in smoothies or eat no sugar added baking chocolate to fulfill chocolate cravings. But as I become more body-aware, I think that even in small quantities it has a huge negative impact on my body & makes me carb crave.

    Let's see how I feel without it for a month...
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    I am going to try the meativore thing starting today, and just posted my plans over in the Meativore May thread, so that will be my June challenge. I want to try ZC, so that means giving up veggies, nuts and higher carb dairy, but I forgot to mention that this will also take away the little bit of stevia or xylitol that I might have normally had in a the odd treat or piece of gum. I don't take sweeteners in my coffee or tea, and don't really eat too many sweet things anymore, but might have had a couple of pieces of gum per week. But with this challenge, I will let go of that too. I don't want anything sweet in my mouth. HHHmmm, but I just thought of something......I iuse Green Beaver toothpaste which is sweetened with xylitol, so not sure what to do there. Does anyone think that the toothpaste will interfere with my plans or is this negligible ?
  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    I will make it my goal to get 10,000 steps per day. Even if I have to do circles in my front yard at 8 P.M. :D

    I will walk circles through my apartment for an hour just to get my steps in. :smile:

    My goal for the month of June is to continue with my goal of getting 15,000 steps minimum in per day. I've been seeing daily weight loss with this since I bought my pedometer almost a week ago. I already get 10,000 steps in just by being at work. Getting those additional 5,000+ steps in after work instead of sitting on the couch after dinner has made a WORLD of difference for me.
  • spush
    spush Posts: 132 Member
    I'm going to aim to hit my 10,000 steps every day, averaging around 8,000 without trying. So need a walk t lunch maybe or walk home from work.
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    Ok, I've really been thinking about it. There are a few things I want to try. I was going to commit to tracking, as I don't and haven't really. But, I have a really big feeling that I would be miserable and it would bomb horribly. Seeing as I'm going to stick with zero carb.... I've just decided I don't want to be miserable so I'm not going to track. Maybe another month.

    so then I thought, well I signed myself up to do a virtual ironman triathlon next month. But... I can totally see me bailing on that at some point, so, i need to scale it back to something manageable.

    The Beast is adamant that I WILL do a Spartan Sprint within the next year. He even went so far as to really research what exercises I could do even in this state to start building upper body strength. I'm already running every other day for the last month and I'm up to 3 X 5 minutes with a 3 minute walk in between each run. WOOT!! Huge achievement there. Even forgot to take my ventilin puffer before the last one and I was okay!!

    So, I'm going to commit to doing the body weight exercise workout the Beast organized for me every day that I run. In case you're wondering, they are modified (VERY modified) exercises leading up to: Pull-ups, Push-ups, one legged squats.

    And in case it matters... I am currenty (approx) 207lbs. I don't weigh in officially until Monday, but I'm guestimating I'm around there.
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    I've been thinking really hard about what I can do. I am happy with my diet the way it is, and I'm about at saturation point with the amount of time I can spend exercising without compromising family time. But I do think I could improve my flexibility, so my goal for June is to spend 10 minutes every night stretching.
    Also I will use any available free time at lunchtimes to go to the gym, and do something other than my usual swim/bike/treadmill.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Kitnthecat wrote: »
    I use Green Beaver toothpaste which is sweetened with xylitol, so not sure what to do there. Does anyone think that the toothpaste will interfere with my plans or is this negligible ?

    You'll be fine.

  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    My goal is to meditate 5 days a week. I was doing that daily earlier in the year and the benefits are pretty clear, I have more patience, less anxiety (or a better handle on anxiety at least). For low carb related things, it seems to put me in a better mindset to more easily resist cravings, though I don't usually have a big problem with that anyway. I have other goals relating to fitness and flexibility and consistency that many of you guys have also mentioned, but I kinda consider this the baseline/foundation for everything else, so if I'm committing to one thing in June, this is it. :)
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Thanks Kirkor ! I love my toothpaste.
  • LawMJY
    LawMJY Posts: 42 Member
    I'm going to stick to less than 50g of carbs a day, even when I go out, that's usually the big problem for me! I already get some exercise every day, at least walking the dogs, but I easily go on a binge if I have too many carbs and my challenge is to avoid that.
  • HorseChick008
    HorseChick008 Posts: 9 Member
    I am on day 4 of Original Atkins 1972. My goal for June is to get out of the 160's and track everything that goes into my mouth good and bad and track my weight daily so I can see patterns. I track my food on Fat secret because it is easier.
  • cdpits
    cdpits Posts: 91 Member
    My goal is going to be keeping up adequate intake of water. I get super busy with keeping up maintenance on the property and working dogs that I just forget till I come inside and have to struggle in get enough in before bedtime. I take water outside but when it's gone I often forget to refill it !! Sounds so incredibly simple but.... maybe not sometimes LOL
  • Dejahvu04
    Dejahvu04 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm going to add in one active activity a day into my routine for my physical and mental health. Just to have more energy and a feeling if accomplishment. I actually hate physical activity especially in the heat but I know I need to push myself regardless.
    My weight is currently 221 lbs
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    My June change is to avoid the scale. I'm driving myself crazy with what I logically know are daily fluctuations, experiencing them emotionally as though they are actually fat gains. So I will weigh tomorrow morning as usual and not weigh again until July 1. I'm not sure if I can do this...
  • ibetty55
    ibetty55 Posts: 48 Member
    I have opted out of this challenge. In my mind just one thing leads to others that changes outcomes so I cannot attribute any improvement to a one thing change. I am planning changes for June or at least part of it. For starters, dairy. With that I am also abstaining from coffee. Dilemma would be if any changes come from the lack of Cream or the caffeine.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    I will be pushing myself to reach my step goal daily, instead of 5 days a week. (I have a neuromuscular disease that throws a wrench in my activity plans when it flares, but I'll be pushing as much as I can without causing a flare)

    Right now my daily goal is 3,000 steps. When I reach that daily for two weeks I'll increase it to 3,500/ day. Perhaps faster if the Myasthenia Gravis is behaving itself!
  • jasonb71409
    jasonb71409 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm going to try and limit my dairy to just some heavy whip and butter with my BP coffee. No cheese after I finished this can of parmesan.
  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    Day one challenge finished!
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