June 1-15



  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    geen- yes. I ate out for lunch but did my best to estimate everything.
    Lots of awesomeness going on!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: No
    Total 4/26

    No exercise, and I ate over my calories. It was a good day though.
  • maggieva
    maggieva Posts: 7 Member
    Green - yes
  • jumblejups
    jumblejups Posts: 150 Member
    Ha, in my excitement last night I forgot to put 5/21...

    Thanks for this group, it really has given me fresh accountability. :blush: Today is day 170 of my streak and I have 20lb till my main goal, so thus is helping!

    Congrats all on the success :smiley:
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    6.4 and 5

    Green: No (long work day and I had too much bread in the evening).
    Green: No - had a treat that didn't balance out for the day.

    Still Green for the month! (2031 to the good)
  • 2marsh
    2marsh Posts: 86 Member
    las07s wrote: »
    6/4 RED. 3/24

    Things went so poorly yesterday. Birthday luncheon at work at a restaurant with no calorie content available? (I didn't even know that was legal). I had a hot dinner roll and a couple peanuts as I waited for my order (chicken sandwich with a side of steamed broccoli) but it came out fried! :tired_face: I ate half rather than make a fuss in front of my coworkers. After work, I got stuck at the car dealership, then I left my gym clothes at the dealership (sneakers included). I went back, but they were closed. :disappointed: Starving, I went home and had dinner anyways. That half sandwich was long gone. Ugh, RED. Today will be better.

    That sounds like a really rough day! Just now read this. Hope yesterday was better!
    How do we just tag people in blue? I can imagine that quoting every time would make this thread super long and harder to navigate.

    For my 6.5... It was green, but I wanted it to be greener. I ate angelically all day and did an hour of intense cardio because I wanted to bank extra calories for our housewarming party today. But then I was making cookies for the party and I just. Couldn't. Help myself. Didn't binge or anything, but it felt like a waste. Those calories were supposed to be to enjoy with friends today! Anyway, will try not to go out of control, but I'm thinking today will likely be red, especially since we've got so much prep left and likely no gym time. Goal is to log anyway and get right back on track tomorrow. That's why the goal is 26 this month for me, not 30.

    To summarize, 5/26 green. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • rdbasile
    rdbasile Posts: 82 Member
    JUNE 5 green
  • jumblejups
    jumblejups Posts: 150 Member
    June 6th = green = 6/21 :blush:
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    June 6, Not green but I knew today would be a challenge. I did get in exercise and moved as much as possible and it was a great day.
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    green- yes!
    Had a great 3 month "how am I doing l" moment. I was feeling down bc I haven't lost that much... 8.5 lbs but I retook my pics and measurements and I've lost 36.5 in inches! Yippee!! This group is keeping me on track too. Feeling motivated.
  • maggieva
    maggieva Posts: 7 Member
    Green - no :/
  • rdbasile
    rdbasile Posts: 82 Member
    6.6 Green!
    Keep going everyone, we got this!

  • MandieC30
    MandieC30 Posts: 9 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm going for 30, today I'm at 6/30!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes (Chevy)
    Total 5/26

    I didn't get any exercise in today, but I ate decently. Sure to get it in tomorrow.
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    To tag someone (or comment on their day) just put the @ sign by their username...
    so @2marsh I hope that answers your question! And @las07 I hope you had some better days following that rough one (one that I am sure many of us can relate to...life likes to throw curve balls)
    @bbinoa - glad you had a victory moment...did you really lose 36 inches of yourself?
    @jenthibert --there are days like that. Sounds like you kept your focus - even if the numbers didn't balance.

    Long walk saved me from myself.
    Green: Yes
    Total 4/25
  • lilmissangel00
    lilmissangel00 Posts: 2 Member
    I am setting my goal for 20 so far i have had 4 green days
  • foxbat2828
    foxbat2828 Posts: 391 Member
    I am unofficially shooting for 30/30, but I will leave myself a one day "slip" day ... so 29/30. I know it seems a little tough and I have to be careful not to set goals so high that I could get discouraged if I don't hit them, but I figure I'm going to use this month as a testing ground to see whether my idea of how to approach this is sustainable or needs tweaking. Although I have never smoked or had an alcohol problem, I understand from friends that have that the trick is not so much getting through a month of this, but making localized choices that get me day to day and realizing that I have a whole day to make balanced decisions that get me to that daily goal. So far I'm 6/6 for the month and doing well for today so far.
  • 2marsh
    2marsh Posts: 86 Member
    Definitely red! Today will be too... Not feeling too bad about it, though maybe I should...
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Green: Yes!
    Total 5/25
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    Green: NO :s
    Total 5/25