Move Your Moon in June!



  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Only 1.1 mile 0f dedicated walking today.

    I did do 15 minutes of stair climbing though and 5 minutes shy of 1 hour playing organ/piano.

    Using my afternoon watching baseball and RE-laxing. :)
  • AshTrixxy
    AshTrixxy Posts: 507 Member
    I know, right? EV is running circles around us!!
    3.2 mile jog for me today. This is the second week I have dedicated to jogging on work days. It's exhausting, but totally worth it!! I feel so much better getting it done both physically and emotionally. I'm totally having a love affair with the pavement. lol!
  • AshTrixxy
    AshTrixxy Posts: 507 Member
    Only 1.1 mile 0f dedicated walking today.

    I did do 15 minutes of stair climbing though and 5 minutes shy of 1 hour playing organ/piano.

    Using my afternoon watching baseball and RE-laxing. :)

    Nice job!!! You know what? I love the dedicated mile thing simply because science has shown that what makes a difference is not how fast you go, but how far you go. With at least 1 dedicated mile, you have that one moment in time where the distance is set and your goal is concrete. It's amazing getting in tons of steps in the day, but I look at the mile as a "me time, focus time" thing. :heart:
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    ashv4444 wrote: »

    Nice job!!! You know what? I love the dedicated mile thing simply because science has shown that what makes a difference is not how fast you go, but how far you go. With at least 1 dedicated mile, you have that one moment in time where the distance is set and your goal is concrete. It's amazing getting in tons of steps in the day, but I look at the mile as a "me time, focus time" thing. :heart:

    Yeah, ev leaves me in the dust. LOL

    Thanks, ash. You did great today. :)

    Me, too, it is an exercise in my ability to focus and accomplish.

  • katbirdinoregon
    katbirdinoregon Posts: 41 Member
    Got my 2 miles in this morning. Getting lots of steps in this evening running to the bathroom in preparation for a colonoscopy in the morning.
  • evhutchings
    evhutchings Posts: 448 Member
    7.22 on Sunday...yall are too funny...consider my circumstances,,,no kids, no hubby...ergo, no lfe...all my focus is on work and getting fit right now...and my religious life...
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    I think your priorities are spot on, ev. :):)

    katbird, hope you have a great report on your procedure today.
  • katbirdinoregon
    katbirdinoregon Posts: 41 Member
    Great report on the procedure. No driving and no exercise today. I am hoping that after all the chemicals and sodium get out of my system that I will be showing a loss. Nothing but sugar free jello and low sodium chicken broth all day yesterday. Back on NS now and only 10 days until I leave for Hawaii.
  • AshTrixxy
    AshTrixxy Posts: 507 Member
    Good job, guys!!!
    I did not get my dedicated mile in today. Tonight is my 4th 12-hour shift in a row and I needed sleep desperately!!! I've only been getting between 4-5 hours each day so that I could get my jogging in. 7 hours of sleep today felt soooo good. I also kind of pinkie promised my co-worker I would sleep more today because last night I was really suffering from exhaustion and wasn't at the top of my game,
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Great report on the procedure. No driving and no exercise today. I am hoping that after all the chemicals and sodium get out of my system that I will be showing a loss. Nothing but sugar free jello and low sodium chicken broth all day yesterday. Back on NS now and only 10 days until I leave for Hawaii.

    Oh, that is fantastic news, katbird. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, Hawaii? I've lost about 27 pounds ... think I could fit in one of your suitcases? LOL!!!!!!!!!

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    ashv4444 wrote: »
    Good job, guys!!!
    I did not get my dedicated mile in today. Tonight is my 4th 12-hour shift in a row and I needed sleep desperately!!! I've only been getting between 4-5 hours each day so that I could get my jogging in. 7 hours of sleep today felt soooo good. I also kind of pinkie promised my co-worker I would sleep more today because last night I was really suffering from exhaustion and wasn't at the top of my game,

    Yup, I agree with your co-worker. You needed some down time. Glad you chose sleep. Smart move, ash.

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    2.3 miles 6/8 dedicated walking

  • evhutchings
    evhutchings Posts: 448 Member
    I think your priorities are spot on, ev. :):)

    katbird, hope you have a great report on your procedure today.
    Thank you so much! Sometimes i feel a bit selfish....but i figure if i dont get myself right first i cant serve God whole heartedly and what good could i be to anyone for now its me first!
  • evhutchings
    evhutchings Posts: 448 Member
    Great report on the procedure. No driving and no exercise today. I am hoping that after all the chemicals and sodium get out of my system that I will be showing a loss. Nothing but sugar free jello and low sodium chicken broth all day yesterday. Back on NS now and only 10 days until I leave for Hawaii.
    So glad it all went well! Enjoy planning for your vacation!

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    I think your priorities are spot on, ev. :):)

    katbird, hope you have a great report on your procedure today.
    Thank you so much! Sometimes i feel a bit selfish....but i figure if i dont get myself right first i cant serve God whole heartedly and what good could i be to anyone for now its me first!

    You are in His plan and that's all that matters, ev. You have your head on straight. :)

  • lynne0754
    lynne0754 Posts: 19 Member
    ev - how do you get so much walking/miles in each day and where do you walk? I'm impressed!
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    2.8 miles dedicated walking 6/9
  • katbirdinoregon
    katbirdinoregon Posts: 41 Member
    Got my 3 miles in this morning. Part of it was a walk in a soft spring rain with umbrella another part was with the granddaughters one on a bike and one in a stroller.
  • evhutchings
    evhutchings Posts: 448 Member
    Minday was 7.9
    Tuesday wad 2.82
  • mariawhipple64
    mariawhipple64 Posts: 22 Member
    Walked 1 mile today this is the 2nd time this week
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    2 miles 6/10
  • evhutchings
    evhutchings Posts: 448 Member
    6.52 wednesday
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    WHOO HOO, ev. :)
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    2.8 miles dedicated walking 6/11
  • evhutchings
    evhutchings Posts: 448 Member
    5.92 thursday
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    5.92 thursday

    Wonderful, V.

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    2.1 miles dedicated walking 6/12

  • evhutchings
    evhutchings Posts: 448 Member
  • AshTrixxy
    AshTrixxy Posts: 507 Member
    Wow, you guys are amazing!!! I took a break for a few days. Once I slowed down and listened to my body, I found a lot of pain, probably a strain somewhere in my right hip. Back in the saddle today though and will be leaving for the gym right now to fit it in before work.

    You all inspire me to keep going!!!
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Yes, please listen to your body, ash. You must be careful. Don't have a set-back.

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