Move Your Moon in June!



  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    WOW, ev!!

    Great job this morning, ash. :) Tell us when you reach that milestone.
  • katbirdinoregon
    katbirdinoregon Posts: 41 Member
    Wish I would have had my pedometer on today. The three year old decided she was going to take a walk around the park instead of playing on the playground.
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    LOL. She read your mind, katbird. :)

    3 miles today 6/5
  • evhutchings
    evhutchings Posts: 448 Member
    7.98 miles...thanks all are my motivation to push hard....
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    And, hard you are a-pushin', ev. GREAT JOB!
  • AshTrixxy
    AshTrixxy Posts: 507 Member
    You amaze me with your mile, ev!!!
    I put in 2.11 miles today before getting ready for work. I'm glad I did it even though I didn't want to. You guys help me stay focused and motivated because I didn't want to miss a day! It's exciting to be over 10,000 steps and I have a full night of work ahead of me yet! It's going to be a 15000+ step day! whoohoo!! :sunglasses:
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    YEAH, ash!!!

    2.9 miles 6/6
  • evhutchings
    evhutchings Posts: 448 Member
    9.28 miles
  • evhutchings
    evhutchings Posts: 448 Member
    ashv4444 wrote: »
    You amaze me with your mile, ev!!!
    I put in 2.11 miles today before getting ready for work. I'm glad I did it even though I didn't want to. You guys help me stay focused and motivated because I didn't want to miss a day! It's exciting to be over 10,000 steps and I have a full night of work ahead of me yet! It's going to be a 15000+ step day! whoohoo!! :sunglasses:
    Sweet results!!!!!!

  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    My mercy, ev. :smile: :smile:
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Only 1.1 mile 0f dedicated walking today.

    I did do 15 minutes of stair climbing though and 5 minutes shy of 1 hour playing organ/piano.

    Using my afternoon watching baseball and RE-laxing. :)
  • AshTrixxy
    AshTrixxy Posts: 507 Member
    I know, right? EV is running circles around us!!
    3.2 mile jog for me today. This is the second week I have dedicated to jogging on work days. It's exhausting, but totally worth it!! I feel so much better getting it done both physically and emotionally. I'm totally having a love affair with the pavement. lol!
  • AshTrixxy
    AshTrixxy Posts: 507 Member
    Only 1.1 mile 0f dedicated walking today.

    I did do 15 minutes of stair climbing though and 5 minutes shy of 1 hour playing organ/piano.

    Using my afternoon watching baseball and RE-laxing. :)

    Nice job!!! You know what? I love the dedicated mile thing simply because science has shown that what makes a difference is not how fast you go, but how far you go. With at least 1 dedicated mile, you have that one moment in time where the distance is set and your goal is concrete. It's amazing getting in tons of steps in the day, but I look at the mile as a "me time, focus time" thing. :heart:
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    ashv4444 wrote: »

    Nice job!!! You know what? I love the dedicated mile thing simply because science has shown that what makes a difference is not how fast you go, but how far you go. With at least 1 dedicated mile, you have that one moment in time where the distance is set and your goal is concrete. It's amazing getting in tons of steps in the day, but I look at the mile as a "me time, focus time" thing. :heart:

    Yeah, ev leaves me in the dust. LOL

    Thanks, ash. You did great today. :)

    Me, too, it is an exercise in my ability to focus and accomplish.

  • katbirdinoregon
    katbirdinoregon Posts: 41 Member
    Got my 2 miles in this morning. Getting lots of steps in this evening running to the bathroom in preparation for a colonoscopy in the morning.
  • evhutchings
    evhutchings Posts: 448 Member
    7.22 on Sunday...yall are too funny...consider my circumstances,,,no kids, no hubby...ergo, no lfe...all my focus is on work and getting fit right now...and my religious life...
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    I think your priorities are spot on, ev. :):)

    katbird, hope you have a great report on your procedure today.
  • katbirdinoregon
    katbirdinoregon Posts: 41 Member
    Great report on the procedure. No driving and no exercise today. I am hoping that after all the chemicals and sodium get out of my system that I will be showing a loss. Nothing but sugar free jello and low sodium chicken broth all day yesterday. Back on NS now and only 10 days until I leave for Hawaii.
  • AshTrixxy
    AshTrixxy Posts: 507 Member
    Good job, guys!!!
    I did not get my dedicated mile in today. Tonight is my 4th 12-hour shift in a row and I needed sleep desperately!!! I've only been getting between 4-5 hours each day so that I could get my jogging in. 7 hours of sleep today felt soooo good. I also kind of pinkie promised my co-worker I would sleep more today because last night I was really suffering from exhaustion and wasn't at the top of my game,
  • Nightingale2200
    Nightingale2200 Posts: 1,183 Member
    Great report on the procedure. No driving and no exercise today. I am hoping that after all the chemicals and sodium get out of my system that I will be showing a loss. Nothing but sugar free jello and low sodium chicken broth all day yesterday. Back on NS now and only 10 days until I leave for Hawaii.

    Oh, that is fantastic news, katbird. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, Hawaii? I've lost about 27 pounds ... think I could fit in one of your suitcases? LOL!!!!!!!!!