TMI/Gross question



  • _jayciemarie_
    _jayciemarie_ Posts: 574 Member
    I would rather have diarrhea than constipation. This sucks! lol
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I would rather have diarrhea than constipation. This sucks! lol

    Do you drink coffee? Caffeine is a natural stimulant in that department. If not, do you consume coconut oil? It can help quickly move things along... There are a number of things that can help, but if you're still trying to have fiber on this WOE and keep your carbs really low, than can be part of the problem. Most people find that when they got high fat, they don't need fiber anymore - and in fact it can trigger problems. There are a few threads of this nature you might look back over. Also, though... for me, coconut oil and the vinegar in pickles seem to have the high-school-volcano-reaction for me, as well...
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    I would rather have diarrhea than constipation. This sucks! lol

    Do you drink coffee? Caffeine is a natural stimulant in that department. If not, do you consume coconut oil? It can help quickly move things along... There are a number of things that can help, but if you're still trying to have fiber on this WOE and keep your carbs really low, than can be part of the problem. Most people find that when they got high fat, they don't need fiber anymore - and in fact it can trigger problems. There are a few threads of this nature you might look back over. Also, though... for me, coconut oil and the vinegar in pickles seem to have the high-school-volcano-reaction for me, as well...

    I didnt know about the fiber thing. That's really interesting. I started taking a fiber powder in my morning coffee during one of my recent bouts of constipation and i wasnt sure if it was helping any. When i take Senna i get awful stomach cramps and invariably end up being sick (its like it cant push along the blockage downwards so my stomach contents vacate upwards. Its always been the same, but even worse since going low-carb - my tummy just doesnt want to accept laxatives. I'll stop taking the fiber and see if everything sorts itself naturally once im adapted fully.

    Ive been both extremes since going low-carb - explosive diarrhea (sometimes bright green) and then constipated for 5-7 days at a time, and then diarhhea again for a while, never 'normal'. I guess its just the body adjusting. I would definitely agree that id rather have diarrhea anytime over constipation.

  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    I was wondering about this too. Since going very low carb and upping my fats i keep getting bright green diarrhea, like cowpats, when i havent eaten ANYTHING green, particularly no veg. No idea why its this color.

    OK, i cant believe i actually said that out loud.

    Bile is greenish. Could be a symptom of your body rejecting food -- dumping it before it's digested. Maybe a problem with fat? (Bile breaks down fat.)

    Oooh, that makes sense. Particularly how poorly ive felt since upping my fats. I wonder what sort of problem it could be?

    If you've been low fat prior to this, it's most likely due to the fact that the bile and stomach acid production have atrophied. You might need to back off on the fats for a little while and slowly increase them to allow your body to adjust (or just deal with the GI discomfort for a while and it should straighten itself out, but might come at the cost of your gut flora, so a probiotic probably wouldn't hurt).