Introductions! (Can we re-introduce ourselves in light of recent events?)



  • ihatetodietalways
    ihatetodietalways Posts: 180 Member
    I am a 51-year-old female, type 2 diabetic, hypothyroid, with Addison's disease. Wow, that sounds absolutely depressing. But, I feel great, most of the time. I lost 30lbs on low carb in 2014 and have maintained. I went lower carb after finding out about keto and it has helped to normalize my sugar readings. I have quite a bit of energy throughout the day and I love that. I do, however, want to lose 10 more lbs (I am currently 147, 5'7"). I am having a very hard time losing this last bit. Don't know why since I am doing everything "right". I am feeling a lot more comfortable in this group, as I did get chewed up a lot writing about carbs and insulin in the main threads.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    edited June 2015
    My name is Kerri. My husband calls me sunshine and I love bunnies, so that's where my profile name comes from.

    Well... I had about 3 paragraphs in here before I hit "post" and now they disappeared...
    Don't have time to type it again. So I guess the fact that I love bunnies is all the info you guys get! Lol
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Hi I'm Karen, 56 yr old and began the low carb lifestyle 3 weeks ago. I am down 10.6 lbs. Wont lie and say I don't miss the carbs but this is easy to stick with. Have not given up dairy, I have a McDonalds ice cream cone almost daily. Feel much better.
  • Jbarnes1210
    Jbarnes1210 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello, I'm Jessica! I stay below 20 gr of net carbs a day. I do my best to stick to high fat, moderate protein and low carb. I followed a low cal diet Nov-Feb, and in Feb decided to go low carb after a plateau. I'm still learning as I go. I'm down 88.5 lbs and counting!! Can't wait to get to 100lbs!! I'm making myself wait till then to buy new clothes
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I'm Toni, I'm 35 (well, I will be next month, so close enough), mother of 3 girls with a 4th girl on the way (33 weeks pregnant). New to mfp, but started low carb eating two years ago. My current youngest had just turned 1 and I hadn't been able to lose much of the baby weight with conventional dieting. I set out to lose 20 lbs (from 185 to 165, which was my lowest weight as an adult, I'm 5'7") but with low carb I dropped down to 138 in 7 months and fluctuated between 138-145 for about a year before getting pregnant again. Love, love, love this way of eating! Right now I'm obviously not wanting to lose, but once baby is born I will be! Would like to get back to about 140lbs, that seems to be a good weight for me.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi guys *waves*. I'm Marie, 34/F/132lbs/5ft1" from Derbyshire, England. I've been engaged to my longterm partner, Mick, for at least 11 years and we have a beautiful 3 year old son, Brody, together. I've had issues with my weight since childhood, usually overweight with short periods of unhealthy, unsustainable, short-lived weightloss. I went low-carb & Primal about 3 months ago and lost 18 pounds in just over a couple of months. When i hit a plataeu i reduced my carbs from 10-15% down to 5% and my fats up from 60% to 75-80%, sticking at the same calories (1200/day), but i felt awful so im going back to my original macros of 30g carbs, 90g protein & 80g fat, which i felt great on. Im looking into whether i have food intolerances other than wheat, so i may be cutting out dairy and going straight low-carb Paleo soon, just to see if that relieves any of my symptoms. My ultimate goal weight is 112 pounds, but id be happy if i could get past this stall and reach 119 pounds. My other goal is to sort out my nutrition to the degree that i have enough strength and energy to start exercising again.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,060 Member
    Hi I'm Janice, and I am 53 yrs old, 5'4", and 203 pounds. I have been overweight to obese since about age 11, with many weight loss efforts through the years. I am divorced from a troubled marriage and have 2 daughters, 21 and 23 who live with me. I have hypothyroidism, bilateral vestibular hypofunction (makes me dizzy) and have suffered from anxiety in the past.

    My highest weight was 284, so I am down 81 pounds so far, 40 of them lost by switching to a sugar free paleo /Primal diet with a few gluten free items here and there. I was losing weight at the rate of 10 pounds per year, so starting last September 2014 I began a challenge with the intent to lose weight more rapidly. I did lose weight, but then put some back on with sugar-free/grain-free Christmas baking. It's supposed to be good for you right? It is better than eating sugar and wheat, but for me, not such a good idea. My net weightloss over a period of over 5 months turned out to be 18 pounds.

    In January 2015 I decided to try keto, and floundered a bit until I joined MFP in early March. What a great tool ! I had no idea exactly how much protein/fat/carbs I was eating until I learned how to log my food and really keep track. I've been on MFP for a little more than 3 months and have lost 23 pounds, so definitely seeing better results.

    At first I was aiming for 75% fat/ 20% protein and 5% carbs, but saw my weightloss stall in April and May, so decided to try Zero Carb for June, and so far I am very pleased with the results. I have lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks, similar to the start of my keto journey with MFP in March. April and May showed me that if I ate nuts, too much cheese, berries or anything sweet tasting or a bit starchy, my weight would go up, I would retain water etc.

    I guess the main thing about the way I eat, is my philosophy of getting the best quality real food I can get. I was lucky to find farmers to provide us with all our protein needs. Grass fed beef, pastured pork, chickens, turkey, lamb, eggs and all the bones and parts of the animals that most people don't use. I make bone broth regularly, and also grow my own vegetables, make my own pickles and kombucha. I don't believe in convenience foods or packaged foods, and make most of our food from scratch.

    I'm not eating plants right now, but imagine that I will introduce lettuce and tomato to eat with my bacon when the veggies are ready. I will gauge how I feel and how my weight responds and decide from there if I will continue with ZC or if it will become my go-to way to combat weight gain from carbs.

    This all has been such a learning experience, and I find that keto has given me control over food for the first time in my life ! Even paleo had not done that. The support on MFP is amazing and has really boosted me when I wondered initially if I could continue. But we are all doing this together ! And that is the best things ever.

    I'm super excited about ZC right now. It's a funny thing but I don't feel that it restricts me. In fact I feel more freedom. Freedom from wondering what to cook, freedom from HUNGER. Hunger is gone. I finally know what real hunger feels like, rather than emotionally desiring to eat something to soother the spirit or occupy time. I still do look forward to eating, but I am not tempted to stray from ZC or eat snacks or overindulge. I eat until I can't eat any more meat and since I get full so quickly, I stop eating and end up eating less that ever before. That really feels like freedom. Thanks to Goat for being such an inspiration !
  • wheatlessgirl66
    wheatlessgirl66 Posts: 598 Member
    Hello all, I'm Wheatless because I stopped eating wheat and grains over 4 years ago. I've been trying to lose weight for most of my adult life (I'm 68) but none of my efforts have been effective. My doctors admonish me to eat less and exercise more---and we know how helpful that is. :s So at the beginning of this year I was online trying to find a last-ditch effort to lose weight before looking into having bariatric surgery. I found the LCHF way of eating and immediately jumped in. I began tracking on MFP in February, and dropped my carbs to <20 soon after. I started out at 229.2 and lost 10 lbs in the first few weeks. It was pretty exciting! At that point I stopped losing, which I understand is pretty common. I stayed at 219--with ups and downs--until I started ZeroCarb on May 22. I went down 3 lbs in the first week, but have gained and lost those same three dang pounds ever since. I plan to continue eating primarily meat at least until the end of June, but lately have added avocado for the fat and flavor. After that, I'm not sure whether I'll return to <20 carbs or not. It really doesn't seem to make a difference for me.

    I do have one bit of advice: lose the weight while you're young. It is, in my instance anyway, nearly impossible to lose it when you're old. I wish I had known to ditch the carbs when I was much younger. I'd be healthier and leaner now.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Hi- I'm Cheesy. 5'10, 301.6 lb down from a high of 330.

    I've been following the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol diet for about 18 months, and am re-doing the elimination phase starting tomorrow, with a low-carb / keto approach. Goals are to lose weight and improve symptoms from two autoimmune neuromuscular disorders.
  • MissMaggieElizabeth
    MissMaggieElizabeth Posts: 71 Member
    Hi I am Maggie, I have been very LC for several months. I have lost 37 pounds so far. I am not tracking my foods as all I am worrying about is my carb intake which I keep below 5. I started out at a higher carb level ans had to lower it down to as low as I can keep it which appears to be 5 because I use cream in my coffee and I eat eggs and small green salads. Feeling great I have a lot of energy eating this way and plan to continue to first goal of 140. Starting weight 230. I am 5'5".
  • AMPie73
    AMPie73 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, just joined the group recently. I'm 42, 5'0" and 134lbs. I have insulin resistance and heart disease. Had 3 stents put in my arteries in December 2012. Lost some weight after that with CICO, low fat, high fiber. Then went through a phase where I was just tired of watching everything I ate and gained it all back and then some. Got to highest weight ever of 140 a few months ago and decided I really needed to get my act together if I want to be around to see my 9 year old grow up. Started doing some research and decided I needed to try the low carb way of life. Started a couple of months ago and am trying to stay under 50 net carbs but so far I'm not getting there consistently. I am at least consistently under 100 which from what I've read on here means I am probably getting at least a little keto going on. Haven't lost much weight after an initial 5 lb loss, but with a new workout routine I am seeing changes in my body that are keeping me motivated and am hopeful that once I get my carbs consistently in line the weight loss will come. My last blood work showed improvement as well, so that helps too. My husband isn't going quite as drastic, but is really supportive which is great since he does 95% of the cooking.

    My goals: lose weight, get off statins, improve cardiac and overall health and stave off T2 diabetes which runs in my family.

    Glad to have so many fine folks to share the journey.
  • SteveKroll
    SteveKroll Posts: 94 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm Steve, age 54. My wife and I started on keto last year after I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Even though I was way overweight, I was initially less concerned about weight loss than just getting my blood glucose levels back to a normal range. My wife also joined me at the time, mostly out of convenience, so that we wouldn't have to follow different diet plans.

    Several months later, I have lost 70 pounds and she is down almost 40. My blood glucose is normal now and I am no longer diabetic as far as the medical community is concerned. In the process, I've also eliminated my GERD and arthritic pain.

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    SteveKroll wrote: »
    I'm Steve, age 54. My wife and I started on keto last year after I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Even though I was way overweight, I was initially less concerned about weight loss than just getting my blood glucose levels back to a normal arrange. My wife also joined me at the time, mostly out of convenience, so that we wouldn't have to follow different diet plans.

    Several months later, I have lost 70 pounds and she is down almost 40. My blood glucose is normal now and I am no longer diabetic as far as the medical community is concerned. In the process, I've also eliminated my GERD and arthritic pain.

    Fab U LOUS!
  • paleogal1129
    paleogal1129 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey all! I'm Jordan. I'm 20 years old and hoping to lose about 40 pounds. My family has a long history of obesity related health problems, and while I don't "feel" obese or terribly over weight, I would love to go ahead and lose some weight to avoid having a bigger problem later in life. I'm brand new to the low carb thing, and am doing it to try and help my endometriosis. I love this group already. Reading through the old posts have given me a ton of information!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I'm Patrick.

    I'm actually not a low carb dieter. But, I like discussion and I like the MFP forums, so I tend to spread myself around into other groups and read forums and occasionally chime in with my opinion.

    I've recently taken a strong liking to powerlifting, having competed twice this year with 2 additional competitions (possibly 3) coming up before the end of the year. I'm also a personal trainer and online coach, and I enjoy that a great deal.

    You all have a great forum group here.
  • Sk8Kate
    Sk8Kate Posts: 405 Member
    Hi, I'm Kate. 51, 5' 2.5". I accidentally joined the LCHF movement after stepping on scale in April & realizing I needed to do something. I rejoined MFP & saw a thread "Over 50 ladies-our special needs". I never even looked at another woe after reading their posts. 50 was not my finest year. Multiple health issues developed on top of my Hashimoto's. 4 surgeries later, I discovered LCHF. I also became a grandma which I may have handled better at 49 or 51, but 50 made me less than graceful. Since starting LCHF I have only lost 14 lbs, but I'm off my colitis meds, & migraines & Hashimoto's crashes are becoming less frequent & of shorter duration. I think I actually am keto with my macros set at: carbs 16 g, pro 65g, & fat 108g. (Calories 1300) I hope to be down another 16lbs by my son's wedding July 24/15. If not, the health benefits are worth it alone. The advice & support here are amazing!
  • brikachuu
    brikachuu Posts: 30 Member
    Hi ! I'm Brittney and I'm a super newb, to this forum and the app (3 days in) in love with it so far. I used to be one of those girls that could eat whatever and stay tiny.. But in this recent year and a half , I stopped waitressing, and went through losing two grandparents in two months and depression got me good and in this time I managed to put on quite a bit of weight.. Which only added to my depression. In the beginning of May I decided that it was time to change. I started running/walking and also some strength training. Recently I realized I needed a little help with my eating habits, so here I am ! I'm really loving the motivation and advice so far !

    Ps- I'm a very picky eater, so I'm interested in seeing any low carb recipe/food suggestions you guys may have to add variety to my diet.
  • elizaFDB
    elizaFDB Posts: 9 Member
    Hello. I'm an intermittent lurker who has finally decided to take the leap and go LCHF. I have about 80lbs to lose to get back into a healthy weight range.

    I've been struggling with compulsive eating issues (for whatever a lot of years is - I'm 36 and I have been 'obese' for about 10 years) and looking at my diet over a period of time with the help of my doctor and food diaries, my worst cravings and binges seemed to be related to processed carb intake. And I ate refined carbs almost every day - so :) .I'm pre-diabetic, suffer pcos and I'm sick of being the 'fat one'.

    I started on Wednesday and am currently aiming to keep below 20carbs per day. I've had the low carb flu for a few days but I feel better now and hope to get back to the gym tomorrow. I'm feeling optimistic - normally 5 days into a 'diet', I'm feeling hungry all the time and a bit miserable, but I'm barely thinking about food at the moment.
    I'm not counting calories yet - I want my body to adjust for a few weeks before I start looking at that, but experimental recording in my food diary has shown that I'm not overeating so, I'm happy enough.

  • Almoshposh
    Almoshposh Posts: 139 Member
    I'm Constance, 35yo married mother of a 41/2 yo living in South Africa.I've been on MFP for about 3 years but not really doing anything useful until this year when I decided to take my weight loss seriously. I'm truly a professional yo yo dieter. I could never stay on a diet for longer than two weeks. When I hit 90kg / 198 pounds (I'm 152 cm or about 5 foot ) over Christmas I knew I needed to get serious about low carb. I had lost a bit before cutting carb but of course I threw myself off the wagon ( I can't say I fell because I made the choices) before I lost any significant weight.

    I restarted Keto seriously on March 20 and I've lost 6kg/ 14 pounds so far. I've stalled for about a month but I'm not letting it bother me too much. I've made up my mind that this is a lifestyle change not a diet I'll take the weight loss, if any, at whatever rate. My body loves this way of eating. I'm sticking with it. So there!
  • JustMe2C
    JustMe2C Posts: 101 Member
    I've really enjoyed reading these.