Weekly cycling of carbs

gonebeast Posts: 102 Member
I love keto. I like not eating carbs, I feel pretty good. Its just that it doesn't fit my lifestyle on the weekends. I'm in my early 20s, and of course I like to go and have fun on the weekends.

My friends love drinking and I enjoy it too. This is conflicting with Keto.

I decided to do keto from Sunday-Thursday. Friday & Saturday I eat around 150g of carbs with beers, alcohol, a pizza and maybe a burger. I don't believe I go past 220g

Opinions? How long does it take to go into ketosis? If its a couple of days then there's no point if im gonna get out of it in the weekend.


  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    edited June 2015
    I don't know how long it will take you to get back into ketosis eating that way. I know that for me, I have to work extra hard during the week to make up for anything bad I ate over the weekend. Have you considered swapping beer for wine or spirits, and eating your burger with a lettuce wrap instead of a bun? Certainly not as cool as beers, pizza and burgers with the guys, but I have learned to adjust my weekend consumption to meet my own goals, even if it means looking a little weird or neurotic to my friends. They'll understand when your body is looking hot though!

    (edited for grammar)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    edited June 2015
    I don't drink because I've never been a big drinker, but you can definitely do vodka and water or diet soda - just alternate with plain water, because keto is easier to get dehydrated. Bonus: once you get keto adapted, it takes far less to get your buzz on, so you'll save $$.

    I eat pizza, but I just eat the toppings and leave the crust. Or ask for double or triple the toppings, pile the toppings up between two pieces of dough only....

    I LOVE burgers. It's my favorite thing to eat when out. I just don't eat the bun. Typically I get a double burger (usually 1/2 pound to 1 pound total), double cheese, extra bacon (if it's good bacon - some places SUCK), and slather that bad boy with mayo and mustard and eat it with a fork. Man, my mouth is watering thinking about it. And I just ate lunch...lol. I just ditch the sides. Get a triple or quadruple burger if you want, but leave off the sides... You'll feel more full and satisfied eating less.

    150 grams of carbs is at the very upper threshold of low carb eating. It is not anywhere close to keto. Since you are young and haven't given us any indicators of metabolic disorders, you may be able to swing in and out of keto without too much trouble. Some people can do that. Others cannot. For me, it only took a day or two to get over the worst of the adaption. But I was very deliberate in how I adjusted. (The Eskimos and Native Americas apparently often switched easily in and out of ketosis quite regularly without the misery of adapting....so it is *possible* but they also didn't drink like fish and eat like Americans. ;) LOL)

    The thing that will not happen is that you will not ever reach fully fat-adapted, to where you burn all of your energy needs from fat dropping off the radar like this regularly. If you could keep your regular days below 20 and your weekends no higher than 75 grams, this could be doable on a regular basis, but honestly, you won't know what your metabolism can do until you try.

    I know there is a program that was designed by a woman called "Trim Healthy Mama" that alternates between low carb days and low fat days, and apparently is quite effective (I personally know one woman who has lost 100 pounds in 12-18 months and is successfully keeping it off easily when she could never lose weight before). I don't know if that type of plan might help, but the main combatant in this argument is that you want to do high carb and high fat together, which is the American way, but is also why we have so much obesity and heart disease. Your metabolism might spring back now in your 20's to eating this way all the time, but there is no telling the damage you are doing to your body...

    So, long story short - try it. It may work for you. It may not. Try to make reasonable compromises wherever possible. And maybe Sundays can become an intermittent fasting type of day where you "recover" from your excesses. There are many ways to play around with all these options, but the bottom line is - what are you wanting to accomplish by eating a ketogenic diet? Because this perspective above is like wanting to eat foods you are allergic to because it is fun...that's how it seems to me.

    Good luck whatever you try and whatever you decide.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    Might I suggest new friends? I'm 19, so don't think I'm some old fogey. You don't need to be out drinking every weekend and eating all kinds of crap. You act like this behavior is normal and part of successful people's lives on a weekly basis. If you're going to do it don't do it nearly that often. Have new years as a cheat day, maybe one during summer too. But cut that *kitten* out and get your life together based around more healthful things.
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    I was married by the time I was 20 so I don't have much experience there but I'd really weigh my pros and cons. What, at this point in time, is more important to me. Losing weight and getting healthy or drinking and eating carbage with friends? Theres no reason you can't go out and have a burger on a lettuce but with a vodka and diet pop. But I WISH I would've taken my health more seriously when I was your age (and I'm only 33). I look back and realize how much undue stress I've put on my body and my joints and my bones.
  • gonebeast
    gonebeast Posts: 102 Member
    Jajaj I can't get new friends. These are the best i'll ever have, they're good friends, okay, they made mistakes but really they're good friends. We just live the typical 20 year old lifestyle in the weekends.
    Last weekend I ate pizza, I was looking lean but then the morning came. My face had inflamation, I wasn't as lean so I assumed I spilled over.

    Keep in mind I am a guy doing keto, I find this diet to be femenine. I'm gonna try wine and see the reaction I get from my friends while eating a big *kitten* burger with the soccer game on. I'm prepared to be called girly.

    @KnitOrMiss how can I tell if I can get in and out of ketosis.easily or not? What's a feeling I'd get if I can't swing easily? Also reason I'm doing is cause I feel better not having carbs. Today I was craving Pringles so I might get Pringles during the weekend, depends if I feel like giving in to my cravings or not.

    I just don't believe I'm ready to try & fully adapt to keto. Its not the time, maybe when I'm 40, which I can't even imagine what I'll be like then in my life. Seems hard to imagine that I'll be 40 one day (scary stuff)
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    Why not just try low carb then (100g a day) or something. I know for me, going out of ketosis and back in isn't very fun. Feelings like a bad hangover the next day. Can't imagine purposely doing that to myself 3 days a week.
  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    You should google John Kiefer, or check out his book Carb Nite... he has some really good advice if you're looking to do carb cycling.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Well, 40 will come and go faster than you will ever imagine. 40 isn't that bad, you finally get your s*(& together and hopefully if you played your cards right you've saved some money to have a higher quality of fun. It is much scarier being 20, than 40. LOL. Put your seatbelt on and enjoy the ride.

    I find the gender characterization of a diet interesting, "keto is a feminine diet". I used to eat just salads (and starve my little girly petite self, and was miserable, hungry, and b )*chy all the time.
    Now, I'm flipp'n steaks on the grill and eating bacon and eggs like a trucker on a long haul. I'm losing more weight, feeling happy and energetic enough to exercise (lift) and losing weight at twice the rate - like a guy. LOL. Everyone's perspective can be interesting.

    Personally, carb cycling did not work for me. No weight loss, no cutting, and I too had a "hangover" effect. Experiment and see what works for you.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    gonebeast wrote: »
    Jajaj I can't get new friends. These are the best i'll ever have, they're good friends, okay, they made mistakes but really they're good friends. We just live the typical 20 year old lifestyle in the weekends.
    Last weekend I ate pizza, I was looking lean but then the morning came. My face had inflamation, I wasn't as lean so I assumed I spilled over.

    Keep in mind I am a guy doing keto, I find this diet to be femenine. I'm gonna try wine and see the reaction I get from my friends while eating a big *kitten* burger with the soccer game on. I'm prepared to be called girly.

    @KnitOrMiss how can I tell if I can get in and out of ketosis.easily or not? What's a feeling I'd get if I can't swing easily? Also reason I'm doing is cause I feel better not having carbs. Today I was craving Pringles so I might get Pringles during the weekend, depends if I feel like giving in to my cravings or not.

    I just don't believe I'm ready to try & fully adapt to keto. Its not the time, maybe when I'm 40, which I can't even imagine what I'll be like then in my life. Seems hard to imagine that I'll be 40 one day (scary stuff)

    Basically, you'll feel like crap the day after you have a bunch of carb crap. Like you'll feel like you have the mother of all hangovers or you'll feel sick. If you just get a mild headache or whatever, you're good. Up your sodium, water, and electrolytes.

    How on earth is this diet feminine? I can have whiskey on the rocks, vodka and tonic, all manner of worldly, manly drinks. Forget wine! Some of the wines have fewer carbs than beer (but wine still can add up fast carb-wise), but I'd personally stick with straight spirits - or spirits with diet drinks...or no sugar added juice. (Did you read my whole post above?) I eat steak and fried pork chops and bacon by the pound. I eat an entire rotisserie chicken by myself, starting with the awesome crispy skin and dip every bite in butter! I eat eggs and bacon and not girly steaks like filet mignon, either. I eat a big old honking burger if I want it. I pile the meat on my plate and ignore the pansy salad stuff. I slather butter, cream cheese, and cheese on things like it's an art form. What about that is "feminine?" This is probably the stereotypically "manliest" way of eating I've ever followed. LMAO

    Anyway, I think you can easily go low carb in general without forcing the strictness of keto, allow your carb number to float more, and adjust more easily to and fro. When you drop carbs, and then add them back in, carbs require a crap ton of water to process, so your body will hold in water like crazy. If you are normally around 20 grams of carbs and eat upwards of 200 grams of carbs on a weekend night (and just one, mind you, not two in a row), that is ten times the number of carbs, so you will likely have at least 10 pounds of straight water to ditch... To me, there is no amount of "fun time" or bonding or somesuch nonsense worth that constant torture.

    Scary stuff is that you can hear from all of us "old fogeys" that if we had things to do again, we'd find a way to make better choices when we were younger because kind of like interest on a loan, health problems compound and multiply without anyone noticing until they are HUMONGOUS. Who wants to deal with that? I'm 38, and I've been working on regaining my health for a decade already. I can only imagine what my life might be like if I had done the hard work when I was in my early 20's instead of going out to eat all the time and enjoying food and stuff with friends back when...

    I do want to ask a question. If you feel better eating less carbs, why would you want to jump back into misery every few days? Just to not make waves? Maybe all your friends will get on board with what you're doing and you can all get/stay healthier together? What are you planning to gain from eating low carb, because depending on your goals, you won't be able to do it the way you're approaching it. This is not some magic "diet." Low carbing it is a plan that requires a lot more mental effort and choices than some plans. And as long as you keep bouncing back and for on your eating, you will NEVER DEFEAT YOUR CRAVINGS. And there are other ways to feed the cravings, too...
  • PPumpItUp
    PPumpItUp Posts: 208 Member
    If you work out it is good to do carb loading on the weekend but I do not think carbs from beer are quality carbs, stick with the hard liquor. I have read how many people start their carb loading Friday night and end it Saturday Night, 24-36 hours of carb loading. They make their workout right before the carb loading phase an intense workout because of a concept called super-saturation of of the muscle. Than on Sunday they do a hard workout with long duration low intensity cardio to deplete their glycogen stores and get back into ketosis. I am trying to do this but I am pretty new to Keto so I cannot tell you about my experiences yet.
  • gonebeast
    gonebeast Posts: 102 Member
    Yeah I do work out around 3-4 times a week. I noticed my workouts aren't as good, lower energy. I still haven't actually bought all my keto food, I'm missing sausage, bacon, prosciutto, butter, coconut flour and flax seeds (for pancakes) and coconut butter. This payday I'm actually gonna go to whole foods and buy those things. Any more I should get?

    This not having all the foods I need its making me under eat quite a bit. I'm not worried yet cause it takes few weeks for the metabolism to slow down based on your food consumption.

    @KnitOrMiss jajaj you are right. It ain't that girly but its funny even 2 of my girl friends were against me doing keto full time. They said its not sustainable. Idk I guess I want to see what happens if I do this. I just want to cut more body fat. Doing this took me from 170 to 164 in almost a month. Not bad. I lost very tiny amount of strength, just a sand grain. So its not all muscle lost.

    38 is not old, I been with someone a little younger than u. Why she was with me, I'll never know lol. I'm excited to carb load at this korean place on friday lol
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    gonebeast wrote: »
    Yeah I do work out around 3-4 times a week. I noticed my workouts aren't as good, lower energy. I still haven't actually bought all my keto food, I'm missing sausage, bacon, prosciutto, butter, coconut flour and flax seeds (for pancakes) and coconut butter. This payday I'm actually gonna go to whole foods and buy those things. Any more I should get?

    This not having all the foods I need its making me under eat quite a bit. I'm not worried yet cause it takes few weeks for the metabolism to slow down based on your food consumption.

    @KnitOrMiss jajaj you are right. It ain't that girly but its funny even 2 of my girl friends were against me doing keto full time. They said its not sustainable. Idk I guess I want to see what happens if I do this. I just want to cut more body fat. Doing this took me from 170 to 164 in almost a month. Not bad. I lost very tiny amount of strength, just a sand grain. So its not all muscle lost.

    38 is not old, I been with someone a little younger than u. Why she was with me, I'll never know lol. I'm excited to carb load at this korean place on friday lol

    OMG I love Korean. I always end up eating more protein and veggies than carbs though.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    gonebeast wrote: »
    Yeah I do work out around 3-4 times a week. I noticed my workouts aren't as good, lower energy. I still haven't actually bought all my keto food, I'm missing sausage, bacon, prosciutto, butter, coconut flour and flax seeds (for pancakes) and coconut butter. This payday I'm actually gonna go to whole foods and buy those things. Any more I should get?

    This not having all the foods I need its making me under eat quite a bit. I'm not worried yet cause it takes few weeks for the metabolism to slow down based on your food consumption.

    @KnitOrMiss jajaj you are right. It ain't that girly but its funny even 2 of my girl friends were against me doing keto full time. They said its not sustainable. Idk I guess I want to see what happens if I do this. I just want to cut more body fat. Doing this took me from 170 to 164 in almost a month. Not bad. I lost very tiny amount of strength, just a sand grain. So its not all muscle lost.

    38 is not old, I been with someone a little younger than u. Why she was with me, I'll never know lol. I'm excited to carb load at this korean place on friday lol

    I don't feel old. I feel about the same way I did in my late teens early 20's. I'm not worried about. That was said somewhat tongue in cheek.

    That being said, there are people in another group I'm in who have eaten this way for 20-25 years. And not just one person, dozens. So it is as sustainable as you choose it to be.

    Congrats on your progress.

    Now that you're a month in, you should start seeing the strength gains return.

    Also, check out \ketogains on reddit. It has great information for body building while eating keto...

    This is the site I mentioned above, or rather the group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/394-low-carber-daily-forum-the-lcd-group

    There are a ton of shopping list posts roaming around there. Look up scotch eggs - it's a new favorite. I eat all kinds of meat, I haven't messed with alternate flours, and I would add cheese, cream cheese, heavy cream, coconut oil (for cooking of a boost in your hot beverage of choice - start with small amounts), pepperoni (crucial for me to gram quickly), eggs by the dozen - I go through 1-2 dozen a week by myself, tuna in pouches is great to up your protein, pickles are a must for me to keep up sodium (though space them 2-4 hours away from coconut oil to avoid disastrous result)... These are the things I can think of off the top of my head. If you miss veggies at all, go for broccoli, asparagus (roasted!), green beans (with bacon, almond slivers, and butter), cabbage (google "keto crack slaw recipe"), etc. Higher carb veggies won't bring you out of keto for the most part. Nuts can be done in moderation. For me, macadamias are a perfect balance of fat/carbs. I keep them on hand for when I can't eat anything else.

    I make a loaded tea for breakfast I love that usually keeps me very full for 6-14+ hours, depending on day.

    It's all about how you do it.

    I haven't been logging in my diary lately, but this is a post I made in response to some friends asking me: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/KnitOrMiss/view/partial-diary-info-kinda-751856

    In the blog I have other keto recipes, too...

    Good luck to you! Sounds like you're making great progress, so maybe carb cycling will work splendidly for you.
  • gonebeast
    gonebeast Posts: 102 Member
    Thats good ! Age does not determine how we feel. Youth can be eternal (:

    Thank you for helping me ! I'll see what happens when I increase my calories again. A big chunk was lost when carbs went. Haven't adapted my foods.

    I don't really do cheese, except in pizza & burgers. I don't care for cheese but I must have it on those foods lol. Jaja I know what u mean about the eggs. I eat 4 whole eggs a day, I burn through them. Again thank you for thr information ! @KnitOrMiss

    @Raynne413 its going to be my first time ! I'm looking at the BBQ. The place looks good. If there are 2 orders of BBQ they sit u where theres a coal grill in the middle of the table for u to cook your meats (:
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    I'm going to be really frank here...keto and even low carb/high fat doesn't seem to fit your goals AND lifestyle right now. If I was in your boat and not willing to give up those things, I'd find a different way to achieve the goals.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    gonebeast wrote: »
    Thats good ! Age does not determine how we feel. Youth can be eternal (:

    Thank you for helping me ! I'll see what happens when I increase my calories again. A big chunk was lost when carbs went. Haven't adapted my foods.

    I don't really do cheese, except in pizza & burgers. I don't care for cheese but I must have it on those foods lol. Jaja I know what u mean about the eggs. I eat 4 whole eggs a day, I burn through them. Again thank you for thr information ! @KnitOrMiss

    @Raynne413 its going to be my first time ! I'm looking at the BBQ. The place looks good. If there are 2 orders of BBQ they sit u where theres a coal grill in the middle of the table for u to cook your meats (:

    Yeah, where we go, ALL of the tables have the grills but we haven't used them yet. we usually get bul-galbi (grilled marinated beef) and ojingeo bokkeum (spicy squid stir fry)