Stevia in the Raw is evil

annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
I bought some Stevia in the Raw (the big bag) to make myself a LC cheesecake for my birthday, so I wouldn't cheat with birthday cake. The whole week after I had cravings like mad, couldn't stop munching, and couldn't figure out why. I ended up having nachos for dinner a couple of nights and ordered a pizza once (and, of course, ate the whole thing). Finally upped my fat intake, which calmed the cravings, and I got back on track.

This morning I was looking up the glycemix index of artificial sweeteners, because I saw somewhere that Splenda has a GI of 80, which is higher than sugar. So I look at my bag of Stevia in the Raw, and the #1 ingredient is not stevia, it's maltodextrin, which has a GI of 110! Higher than glucose! I would've been better off just making my cheesecake with plain sugar.

I was so mad at myself that whole week for cheating and getting back into my old binge-eating habits, but I feel a little vindicated now that I know what awoke those cravings.

My Stevia in the Raw is now in the trash. Not touching that stuff again.

So what do you guys use to sweeten stuff when you want dessert?


  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Yeah, this is actually pretty common. A lot of the AS are packed with maltodextrin to avoid clumping and bulk them up to an amount that people will "expect" to use. That maltodextrin comes with carbs and insulin response. I had a friend who was wondering why low-carb wasn't working for her, until she pointed out how her morning coffee had a ton of powdered AS in it (enough to contribute like 35g of carbs right there).
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    edited July 2015
    I use liquid sweeteners, (sucralose, monkfruit extract) which avoid the fillers. However, that still causes cravings and stalls in sensitive people. They probably have a liquid version (aka super concentrated) of stevia somewhere. And you can get stevia leaf without fillers. You'll just have to hunt a bit more to find it. Or decide against using AS altogether.

    Hope you figure out a happy medium. :smile:
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    I think there are some powdered one that use inulin instead. I believe they have a shorter shelf life and can get clumpy, but they are out there.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Yeah, this is actually pretty common. A lot of the AS are packed with maltodextrin to avoid clumping and bulk them up to an amount that people will "expect" to use. That maltodextrin comes with carbs and insulin response. I had a friend who was wondering why low-carb wasn't working for her, until she pointed out how her morning coffee had a ton of powdered AS in it (enough to contribute like 35g of carbs right there).

    For the big bags, especially, it's more for the 1-to-1 conversion from sugar for baking and cooking (Splenda For Baking, for example, has fillers that the Splenda packets or "original" Splenda don't have or have less of). Sugar pulls double duty in things like cheesecake -- first to sweeten and second to get the consistency and texture right by adding a certain amount of dryness to balance wet ingredients.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member

    So what do you guys use to sweeten stuff when you want dessert?

    If your carb allowance can tolerate it, look for naturally sweet desserts that are fruit-based. The longer you go without artificial sweeteners or added sugars, the more your palate will change and you'll probably enjoy less sweet desserts than the sugar-laden treats you're used to.

    I have a square of Lindt 90% dark chocolate, or some berries, or some Paleo "fudge" (mostly coconut oil and coconut butter, with either some dark cocoa or some puréed berries to flavor it).

    If I have a sweet craving that just won't go away, I turn to pickled foods to help cut the craving in a low-carb way, with olives for the fat, too.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    I bought some Stevia in the Raw (the big bag) to make myself a LC cheesecake for my birthday, so I wouldn't cheat with birthday cake. The whole week after I had cravings like mad, couldn't stop munching, and couldn't figure out why. I ended up having nachos for dinner a couple of nights and ordered a pizza once (and, of course, ate the whole thing). Finally upped my fat intake, which calmed the cravings, and I got back on track.

    This morning I was looking up the glycemix index of artificial sweeteners, because I saw somewhere that Splenda has a GI of 80, which is higher than sugar. So I look at my bag of Stevia in the Raw, and the #1 ingredient is not stevia, it's maltodextrin, which has a GI of 110! Higher than glucose! I would've been better off just making my cheesecake with plain sugar.

    I was so mad at myself that whole week for cheating and getting back into my old binge-eating habits, but I feel a little vindicated now that I know what awoke those cravings.

    My Stevia in the Raw is now in the trash. Not touching that stuff again.

    So what do you guys use to sweeten stuff when you want dessert?

    Thank you for posting Annalisbeth. I will forward to some friends of mine just starting Keto.

    Dan the Man from Michigan
  • jumanajane
    jumanajane Posts: 438 Member
    I use erythritol. I can use it like for like and ,although some say it has a 'cooling' effect on the palate I never notice it. As its not quite as sweet as sugar I add a touch of splenda. I can detect no aftertaste and it has worked brilliantly in baking with no ill effects or cravings noted. I believe you can buy granulated and powdered. I love it!
  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    Splenda is pure poison, so I wont use that. If I really get sick if the taste of Stevia (liquid only) I will use erythritol (alcohol sugars) but only in moderation.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Wait. What??? I thought stevia was ok? Im so confused. :( That's what I put in my tea in the mornings!!!
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    Wait. What??? I thought stevia was ok? Im so confused. :( That's what I put in my tea in the mornings!!!

    It depends on the type of stevia, I think. I use Truvia which is Stevia and Erythritol. Or I use Swerve which is just Erythritol.

  • Healthymom_5
    Healthymom_5 Posts: 244 Member
    Wait. What??? I thought stevia was ok? Im so confused. :( That's what I put in my tea in the mornings!!!

    I'm thinking pure stevia is better, ie, the drops. "Stevia in the Raw" in the dark green bag, which OP used, has added maltodextrin as its first ingredient. Is this correct? Does anyone know the GI of pure stevia?
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Ok. I've seen that big bag. Yeah I'm the only one in the house that uses it so packets are fine.

    Thanks for clarifying!
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    I found some pure stevia powder which tastes good, thankfully. It is more expensive, but it takes so much less to sweeten something.

    It's so frustrating, I finally got used to watching out for hidden sugars. Now I even have to look out for them in the zero-calorie sweeteners, too!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    Ok. I've seen that big bag. Yeah I'm the only one in the house that uses it so packets are fine.

    Thanks for clarifying!

    You really need to read the ingredients. Most AS in powder form are mixed with a bulking agents like maltodextrin and dextrose. They have carbs, even in the packets. So make sure the formula is a zero-carb version. If the ingredients read those fillers, then it has carbs.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    I found some pure stevia powder which tastes good, thankfully. It is more expensive, but it takes so much less to sweeten something.

    It's so frustrating, I finally got used to watching out for hidden sugars. Now I even have to look out for them in the zero-calorie sweeteners, too!

    Glad you found something. :smile:
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I use liquid sweeteners, (sucralose, mo nkfruit extract) which avoid the fillers. However, that still causes cravings and stalls in sensitive people. They probably have a liquid version (aka super concentrated) of stevia somewhere. And you can get stevia leaf without fillers. You'll just have to hunt a bit more to find it. Or decide against using AS altogether.

    Hope you figure out a happy medium. :smile:

    I just wrote a long reply to another post about sweeteners. Im going through a major stall and i think the only culprit can be the liquid sucralose i use in my coffee all day. I also drink a lot of Pepsi Max, and chew a lot of sugar-free gum.

    Im really REALLY reluctant to give up my artificially sweetened coffee & Zero Soda as i hate water with a vengeance and im constantly thirsty (plus i need the caffeine!), but im desperate to lose this fat im working so hard to lose and if the sweeteners are messing with this process then i guess they'll have to go (*weeps uncontrollably and feels very denied*) :(

    Does anyone know of ANY sweeteners that are likely to have the least effect on bloodsugar and allow for continued weightloss at a calorie deficit on keto? I just cant believe that with everything im doing im still not losing weight. Its practically impossible if you look at my cals and macros for me not to be losing weight, but im not! So it must have something to do with the liquid sucralose, dont you think?

    Which sweetener is the best option for us keto-ites? Or is the sad truth that you cant have any of them?

  • randiewilliams72
    randiewilliams72 Posts: 119 Member
    I use Splenda but I only have 1-2 packets a day. But I've been reading more about the erythritol and I'm going to look for that. I also bought some stevia in the raw for a recipe. I never even looked at the ingredients. So thanks for bringing that to my attention. I am not. A fan of the taste of stevia since I've used Splenda for so long. Now I know and will be more aware.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I use Splenda but I only have 1-2 packets a day. But I've been reading more about the erythritol and I'm going to look for that. I also bought some stevia in the raw for a recipe. I never even looked at the ingredients. So thanks for bringing that to my attention. I am not. A fan of the taste of stevia since I've used Splenda for so long. Now I know and will be more aware.

    A small bit of stevia can be used to enhance the sweet taste of splenda. One packet of each tastes about like 5-6 packets of splenda alone.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,963 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    I use liquid sweeteners, (sucralose, mo nkfruit extract) which avoid the fillers. However, that still causes cravings and stalls in sensitive people. They probably have a liquid version (aka super concentrated) of stevia somewhere. And you can get stevia leaf without fillers. You'll just have to hunt a bit more to find it. Or decide against using AS altogether.

    Hope you figure out a happy medium. :smile:

    I just wrote a long reply to another post about sweeteners. Im going through a major stall and i think the only culprit can be the liquid sucralose i use in my coffee all day. I also drink a lot of Pepsi Max, and chew a lot of sugar-free gum.

    Im really REALLY reluctant to give up my artificially sweetened coffee & Zero Soda as i hate water with a vengeance and im constantly thirsty (plus i need the caffeine!), but im desperate to lose this fat im working so hard to lose and if the sweeteners are messing with this process then i guess they'll have to go (*weeps uncontrollably and feels very denied*) :(

    Does anyone know of ANY sweeteners that are likely to have the least effect on bloodsugar and allow for continued weightloss at a calorie deficit on keto? I just cant believe that with everything im doing im still not losing weight. Its practically impossible if you look at my cals and macros for me not to be losing weight, but im not! So it must have something to do with the liquid sucralose, dont you think?

    Which sweetener is the best option for us keto-ites? Or is the sad truth that you cant have any of them?

    It's really just individual as far as reaction. Here's a list of GI index of different sweeteners.
    You'll notice Splenda is higher than sucralose. That is because of the bulking fillers in the powder form. But just because an artificial sweetener is listed as 0 on glucose effect doesn't mean it doesn't affect you. It's well known that some people have a different response than others. They could cause an insulin response anyway. And until you are able to rule that out in yourself specifically, you just don't know.

    I have used them all along since June of last year. Still using them. Have they slowed me down lately? I don't know. Fact is that I'm unwilling to eliminate them. I need them in my coffee. We currently have a boat-load of diet sodas as DH found a sale. I suspect that the Ace K and aspartame in the sodas might do something to me now. I used to be able to drink alcohol on keto with no effect of my rate of loss, but since January it started affecting it. So I can no longer drink often. It could be that as close as I am to goal, the sweeteners are going to hinder me. When the sodas are gone, I may cut them out for awhile to see. But the sweetener in the coffee is non-negotiable. I really don't like it black, even with cream and CO. I need a little bit of sweet to mitigate the bitter.

    I stalled for over a month in April/May. It sucked, but the scale finally started moving again. I may be doing that again. We'll just see how the rest of this week plays out.

    I don't know how long your scale progress has stalled. Wait the full 4-6 weeks before you start to get really upset and change things. Periodically our bodies will pause to reevaluate. Sometimes for 1 week, 2 or even a month. You may just be going through that. Mine is just overall being a slow jerk about it. :disappointed: Mine isn't a stall though. I lose 2 tenths of a pound here and there every week or week and a half. So it's not a stall, just a sedated snail pace.

    But if you continue to stall after that, and you rule out all the other possible errors (carb creep, calorie creep, lax weighing of food, food sensitivity-like dairy or something) then you may need to do an elimination experiment to see if the sweeteners are indeed the culprit.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    I use Splenda but I only have 1-2 packets a day. But I've been reading more about the erythritol and I'm going to look for that. I also bought some stevia in the raw for a recipe. I never even looked at the ingredients. So thanks for bringing that to my attention. I am not. A fan of the taste of stevia since I've used Splenda for so long. Now I know and will be more aware.

    Tell me about it. I used powdered Splenda for years before realising it contained carb heavy fillers, and then switched to the pure liquid sucralose. I thought i could tolerate any artificial sweetener's taste but Stevia tastes vile to me - it starts out ok, but then bam comes that awful bitter aftertaste. Urgh! I just cant get used to it. The brand i used is the liquid Sweetleaf Stevia drops. Is there a better tasting brand out there without that god-awful aftertaste? Mind you, is Stevia proven to be any better than liquid Sucralose regards blood-sugar/carbs etc anyway?