Stevia in the Raw is evil



  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    I use liquid stevia drops from Trader Joe's. They are similar to the Sweetleaf drops, but I don't think they taste funny...but maybe that's just me used to them.
    Also for people craving low carb drink options, might check into La Croix:


    It's sparkling water with a little natural flavour added. There are NO sweeteners. It plays tricks on my mind...I have the lime and I swear, I think I'm having a Sprite because of the carbonation, the sparkle, the citrus smell and slight tang...but then, no syrup. No sugar hitting my system. They also have an orange and a cherry limeade that I love.
    In addition, Virgil's has some delicious soda options which include a zero carb BLACK CHERRY soda, cream soda, root beer...

    That stuff is a rare treat for my fiance and I. B)

  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Strawberry pineapple LaCroix is awesome. Just saying. And I'm almost out! Good thing I can get more tmw!
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Teneko wrote: »
    I use liquid stevia drops from Trader Joe's. They are similar to the Sweetleaf drops, but I don't think they taste funny...but maybe that's just me used to them.
    Also for people craving low carb drink options, might check into La Croix:


    It's sparkling water with a little natural flavour added. There are NO sweeteners. It plays tricks on my mind...I have the lime and I swear, I think I'm having a Sprite because of the carbonation, the sparkle, the citrus smell and slight tang...but then, no syrup. No sugar hitting my system. They also have an orange and a cherry limeade that I love.
    In addition, Virgil's has some delicious soda options which include a zero carb BLACK CHERRY soda, cream soda, root beer...

    That stuff is a rare treat for my fiance and I. B)


    Oh mannn, why do i have to live in the UK? I dont think we have those brands here.

  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    A small bit of stevia can be used to enhance the sweet taste of splenda. One packet of each tastes about like 5-6 packets of splenda alone.

    That's the synergistic effect of mixing sweeteners. I use one packet of sweetnlow with liquid stevia in my BPC for that reason.
  • DrawnToScale
    DrawnToScale Posts: 126 Member
    Stevia tastes terrible. I like.erythritol. Very much like sugar.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    I use Splenda but I only have 1-2 packets a day. But I've been reading more about the erythritol and I'm going to look for that. I also bought some stevia in the raw for a recipe. I never even looked at the ingredients. So thanks for bringing that to my attention. I am not. A fan of the taste of stevia since I've used Splenda for so long. Now I know and will be more aware.

    Tell me about it. I used powdered Splenda for years before realising it contained carb heavy fillers, and then switched to the pure liquid sucralose. I thought i could tolerate any artificial sweetener's taste but Stevia tastes vile to me - it starts out ok, but then bam comes that awful bitter aftertaste. Urgh! I just cant get used to it. The brand i used is the liquid Sweetleaf Stevia drops. Is there a better tasting brand out there without that god-awful aftertaste? Mind you, is Stevia proven to be any better than liquid Sucralose regards blood-sugar/carbs etc anyway?

    Yeah same here. I tried Stevia packets and liquid and it doesn't taste that good to me either. I like liquid Splenda and/or packets & Monk Fruit much better. I read somewhere else that many people have the aftertaste thing and some swear by it....

    Dan the Man from Michigan
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited July 2015
    Teneko wrote: »
    I use liquid stevia drops from Trader Joe's. They are similar to the Sweetleaf drops, but I don't think they taste funny...but maybe that's just me used to them.
    Also for people craving low carb drink options, might check into La Croix:

    It's sparkling water with a little natural flavour added. There are NO sweeteners. It plays tricks on my mind...I have the lime and I swear, I think I'm having a Sprite because of the carbonation, the sparkle, the citrus smell and slight tang...but then, no syrup. No sugar hitting my system. They also have an orange and a cherry limeade that I love.
    In addition, Virgil's has some delicious soda options which include a zero carb BLACK CHERRY soda, cream soda, root beer...

    That stuff is a rare treat for my fiance and I. B)


    Thank you T... yet another thing I'm gonna buy. I am always looking for other things to drink than boring water.

    Oh, you mentioned Chai on another post, I looked it up. It said it was a popular drink/tea from India. Funny thing is, I work at an almost all Indian company. (About 75 employees and all but 5 of us are Indian). LOL! The same thing happened with Ghee. They all laughed at me for not knowing what that was.... I'll ask them about Chai tomorrow...

    Thanks for the good info on the sparkling water!

    Dan the Man from Michigan
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »
    Thank you T... yet another thing I'm gonna buy. I am always looking for other things to drink than boring water.

    Oh, you mentioned Chai on another post, I looked it up. It said it was a popular drink/tea from India. Funny thing is, I work at an almost all Indian company. (About 75 employees and all but 5 of us are Indian). LOL! The same thing happened with Ghee. They all laughed at me for not knowing what that was.... I'll ask them about Chai tomorrow...

    Thanks for the good info on the sparkling water!

    Dan the Man from Michigan

    if you like pumpkin pie spices, you'll LOVE chai.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Just wanted to thank all of you for the awesome info. I never thought of the after effects of sweetners until I had cravings when I drink Hawaiian punch lemonberry sugar free mix in. Boy does it send me down a very slippery slope... and it's the only water mix in that does it. So I put 1 packet for 16oz water in 32oz water and it doesn't seem to do the same. It dilutes it. For some odd reason, it doesn't do the same diluted as at full strength. I have so many packs left, but when they are gone... they are not being replaced. I'm using more lemons and limes now.
  • dgriffin0312
    dgriffin0312 Posts: 1 Member
    edited July 2015

    I bought Sweet Leaf brand stevia which is supposedly all pure. Since it's more pure it tends to clump up a little but has a glycemic index of 0 unlike some other artificial sweeteners.

    It definitely depends on what type of stevia you get. Not all have a high GI. Stevia in the raw/pure via or any other kind doesn't affect me negativity if I am on a low carb diet, but I know others may react differently.
  • AndreaReid123
    AndreaReid123 Posts: 5 Member
    my experience with Stevia was it made me very physically ill...apparently it is derived from a part of the Ragweed plant, which I am quite allergic instead of breathing it in and having issues breathing...I ate it and was violently ill :(
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I can't stand the taste of stevia products! My kids like then though.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    When I went off carbs it included all forums of sweeteners to keep it simple. I substituted fat for most all carbs. Some of the these sweeteners do a number on me when I get them by accident so I just stay away from them. It is easier for my simple mind. :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I bought Sweet Leaf brand stevia which is supposedly all pure. Since it's more pure it tends to clump up a little but has a glycemic index of 0 unlike some other artificial sweeteners.

    It definitely depends on what type of stevia you get. Not all have a high GI. Stevia in the raw/pure via or any other kind doesn't affect me negativity if I am on a low carb diet, but I know others may react differently.

    Pure Via has dextrose as the first ingredient, just FYI...and my WM stopped carrying it now. I wish they carried Sweet Leaf, but they don't. I found another one that is stevia and erythritol, but it is plus "natural flavors." So tired of so much crap! Still says the impact is NO GI on the going to try it more ...
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    I bought Sweet Leaf brand stevia which is supposedly all pure. Since it's more pure it tends to clump up a little but has a glycemic index of 0 unlike some other artificial sweeteners.

    It definitely depends on what type of stevia you get. Not all have a high GI. Stevia in the raw/pure via or any other kind doesn't affect me negativity if I am on a low carb diet, but I know others may react differently.

    Pure Via has dextrose as the first ingredient, just FYI...and my WM stopped carrying it now. I wish they carried Sweet Leaf, but they don't. I found another one that is stevia and erythritol, but it is plus "natural flavors." So tired of so much crap! Still says the impact is NO GI on the going to try it more ...

    I began with Pure Via on your recommendation, and my grocery store carries it. I think a little more expensive than Walmart price, but they do still carry it. Hmm, just looking online and Amazon has it. 800 packets for $26 something. That is a deal since the 40 packets in the store are like $3.29 or something, it would cost $65 for 800 packets. I'm buying it.

  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    Well, dangit. I switched to Stevia today to see if the splenda I was using in my coffee was stalling weight loss and absolutely hated it. The aftertaste is horrid. I bought some Swerve off Amazon, should be here tomorrow. Does it mix well with coffee and hot tea? I'm like several others here, I can't do black coffee. I can drink tea without sweeteners, but prefer it a little sweet.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Well, dangit. I switched to Stevia today to see if the splenda I was using in my coffee was stalling weight loss and absolutely hated it. The aftertaste is horrid. I bought some Swerve off Amazon, should be here tomorrow. Does it mix well with coffee and hot tea? I'm like several others here, I can't do black coffee. I can drink tea without sweeteners, but prefer it a little sweet.

    You have to start with less stevia than you think you need. Because too much and it gets bitter. So do half or less than you expect you need. Sweeten it just to tolerance, not to taste. Dunno about the rest.

    And as for liking it a bit sweet, you'd be surprise what you adapt to as your taste buds change. I've also been told that adding just a little salt to your coffee cuts the bitter edge sharply.
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    edited July 2015
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    I've also been told that adding just a little salt to your coffee cuts the bitter edge sharply.

    This works for me, I sometimes add a dash of salt and a dash of salt substitute (potassium chloride) to black coffee if I don't want cream. A little carmel sugar free toranis with it is also lovely.

  • ldmoor
    ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
    Swerve is extremely sweet to me, and doesn't dissolve well. I have to cut the amount in half to get the sweetness I want, and since it doesn't dissolve well, I get some grainy parts in my fat bombs and a little residue in the bottom of my coffee cup. Taste is fine to me, but my daughter says it has an aftertaste.
  • hkann76
    hkann76 Posts: 12 Member
    I bought some Liquid No Calorie Stevia from Walmart and it's 0 carbs. It has Erythritol in it along with the Stevia. Is that bad?