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Workout Check-in - Making fireworks in July!



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member

    Despite not wanting to get up this morning, I managed to pull myself out of bed and jogged 3.5 miles at the park.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I was away this week and the hotels gym was nice but missing a rack and barbells ... So I just kind of picked up dumbbells somewhat randomly.
    Got back early afternoon though and did bench and clean day 3
    75 lbs x 3, 85 lbs x 3 , 95 lbs x4 for both
    Then 5x8 supersets at 75lbs
  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    I just wasn't feeling it today, but I did ok.

    Squats: still at 105 working on form
    Bench Press: 70 lbs felt hard but good. I counted one as a miss
    Rows: 85 lbs and felt ugly. I was all bent out of shape by the catty crossfit group making fun of videos of people they train with. It made me self conscious.

    Tricep extensions @ 20 lbs
    Shrugs at 24 lbs
    Hip thrusts at 50 lbs
    Cable crunches: I think 20? The plates are just numbered
    Hypertensions at bw. Still not sure I'm doing these right
    Skipped bicep curls because I will probably do them tomorrow at my cardio strength class and the were killing me last week when I made that mistake.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i didn't do sl, but i'm giddy and euphoric because i went to the first session of this 'barbell training club' that this guerilla guy runs out of some warehouse/loading bay of some fairly grunge-level section of town. it may be a bit grunge for a lot of people, but it's exactly my kind of thing. ridiculously cheap, three other people (four this time around), and everyone doing their own thing with the trainer guy floating and working with everyone. all of the others are guys and doing some heavy-*kitten* lifts, and i really like the vibe and the atmosphere. he impressed me a lot by getting down to the angle and position he needed to watch for specific things in what people were doing - i've never seen any of the trainers at the rec centre do something like that.

    didn't fix my squats yet of course, but i'm extremely hopeful. we just worked on squats with no more than the bar, and then later on overhead press. it's obvious that my squats are a mess, but it seems as if most of the components are there and it's more just that i'm not putting them together in the right way. in other words, i do frankensquats. even so, i've already got some good new-to-me things that i never thought of before about taking my grip, some specific pointers/suggestions to absorb and apply wrt my specific problem, and a whole bunch of ideas. happy/hopeful.

    overhead press . . . can i brag? it's not like we used any serious weight, but he started me with a super-light bar and kept on moving me up in 5lb increments for one or two sets with each jump. finished up at 40 pounds, which is easy enough. thing is . . . glee glee. i seem to be good at the overhead press. good grip, good starting position (but some great ideas there too), good positioning coming 'through' the bar, good lockout. and at least one thing that i'd never heard of before that made a lot of difference and turned on a monster lightbulb for me. i can't wait to go try that out some more.

    i'm giddy and goofy, obviously. it's a good several extra miles out of my way (and a hill) to get there and then to get home afterwards, but i care not. monthly rates to be a regular participant in this friday group are at least half if not a third of what most trainers charge, and i actually like the 'group' mode more than i'd probably like individual work. not only do i get the trainer time my own self, i also get to watch and learn by the example of the other guys who are doing the same lifts themselves.

    i'm happy. has anyone noticed that yet?
  • Anniel88
    Anniel88 Posts: 150 Member
    @canadianlbs That sounds awesome! I wish I had something like that around!
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    @canadianlbs That sounds really awesome!

    Today was:
    Squat 5x50,60,70,85; 3x95; 8x70
    Bench 5x45,55,65,75; 3x85; 8x65
    Row 4x5x65; 3x75; 8x65 (I have 10# bumper plates so I won't go lower than 65# for these.)
    Front squat 3x8x45
    Nothing too exciting. I suck at front squats but I guess that means I just need to practice more.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Went to the gym after work. However, I need to remember to not leave my protein shake at home cause I forgot it today. Plus it was a short shift so I didn't take a break. The only thing I ate from 3 pm until midnight was a leftover cupcake. Now I'm trying to drink the protein shake before bed, bleh. Must not forget next time. Not a bad workout though considering I was a bit low on fuel.

    Workout B

    low bar squat 3x5 @ 125 - felt okay with this one

    ohp 3x5 @ 70 - barely made it through as they felt heavy

    deadlift 1x5 warmup @ 135 and 1x5 @ 165 - heavy but okay-ish

    clean 3x8 @ 50 - eh, not bad
    front squat 3x8 @ 65 - some were better than others, last set went decent

    Called it a night after that. Have a longer shift tomorrow and it's middle length jog day so get to wake up early. Oh goodie. I skipped last time so need to get up and do it this time. Switched my playlist a bit so have it charging to make sure iPod is ready to go.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    2.5 mile jog this morning. Went okay as jogged near apartment though there are more people out in the area due to some type of festival going on. Yesterday included a parade, which I didn't know about until I tried to get to the grocery store and apparently it had just ended so all the people were trying to leave. Took me like half an hour to go a short distance. Hopefully no problems today but I may need coffee before I venture to work.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Well, I think I'm getting into some kind of a groove here.

    Went to the gym yesterday and did some more leg presses because hey, I can move TONS of weight there!
    90x10, 135x10, 180x8, 205x5, 225x5, 250x5 (and it wasn,t even *that* hard! WTF!)
    And then back down to 205 to rest pause my way to 40 reps. I think I did 9, 8 ,7, 6, 6, 4? Definitely feel this one in my adductors today O.o

    did a few sets of left arm betn over Db row. 35x12, 40x9, 40x8, 35x10 (I had to stop because it was putting strain on my right shoulder to hold upright, not too hard to pull tho)

    calf raises on the seate leg press 200x15, 220x12, 220x15, 220x15

    And finished off with the bent leg crunch machine (where it's the lower body that moves) It was a sligth bit uncomfortable but not impossible. However my numbers were crap lol. 15x15, 30x15, 30x12? Eh

    And today I went for what was supposed to be a 2.25mile run but runkeeper said it was over after 1.75 (nuh?) but I mostly kept jogging back home for a total of 45 minutes and 3.3 miles or so. Then did some mobility work, some rehab stuff for the shoulder and foam rolled. I think moving forward I'll be going to the gym 3 times a week, running twice, bodyweight once and full rest (aside from mobility stuff) 1 day.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    I was planning to take the weekend off but I was bored tonight and felt like doing something. That and I wanted to eat a little more, and a nice chocolate whey drink sounded nice. Hey, I swear the ON Extreme Milkshake flavor tastes like a Wendy's Frosty blended with soy milk and ice.

    Squats 5x5 145lbs (warm up 2x5 45lbs, 1x5 95lbs, 1x3 115lbs). I dont' think I warmed up enough on these, my knees felt cold. Part way through I went back to my kneewraps, I thought I wouldn't need them again until 200lbs squats.

    Bench 5x5 90lbs (warm up 2x5 45lbs, 1x5 70lbs) - I banged these out really fast.

    Rows 3x5 95lbs, no warm up. I lasted 3 sets and decided i should stop as my back was really not liking being bent over. Stupid rows, of all the lifts this one bugs my back. I think I should really switch to dumbell rows which would be less back stress however I lack dumbells over 10lbs.

    Sumo Deadlift 1x20 95lbs. I still had some energy in the tank, especially from not finishing rows. I did some volume with lighter weight and working on form. My heart rate went insane on these!
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    I missed Friday's workout, so I haven't checked in for a week. Looks like you ladies are all killing it! :smiley:

    Workout A today:

    Squats, 5x5@95 lbs. Ugh, these felt tough today, so I'll probably repeat here.

    Bench, 5x5@65 lbs. Also tough, but got them done. Might repeat here next time, I'll see how 70 lbs goes first though.

    Rows, 5x5@65 lbs. Not sure my form was great on these, so I'll likely repeat here to work on form.

    Accessories: RDLs, 3x10@65 lbs.

    Cardio: 1 hour on the elliptical.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I've been MIA lately. I've still been doing stuff, but I haven't been checking in on here. Anywho.

    I finished my tri on Sunday!!!!!!!!!!!! I got 10th place! It was awesome! I've done lots of challenges before, but this challenged me in a totally different way. I really enjoyed it... And I may have already found another tri to do in September.

    My splits:
    550 meter open water swim: 14:05.40, 3rd place
    t1: 2:50.30, 10th place
    12.75 mile bike: 47:49.20, 15th place (and about 15 mins faster than my training pace)
    t2: 0:54.50, 1st place
    5k run: 39:55.6, 8th place
    Overall: 1:45:35.30, 10th place
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @xcalygrl - Awesome job!

    2 mile jog this morning. Going to check out gyms in the afternoon and see if any of the nearby ones are good options. If I don't work out in any of them, I'll go to my regular gym tonight.
  • andylllI
    andylllI Posts: 379 Member
    @canadianlbs my trainer took me off front squats and back to kettle bell sumo squats until we can fix the problem with my neck extension/ trap elevation. I'm sad.
  • Well, after years of thinking but not doing, today I went to the gym, went into the weights section and started the 5x5 :-D

    My puny efforts were as follows:

    Squats - 10kg
    Barbell Rows - 10kg
    Bench Press - 10kg

    But I'm just really pleased to have made a start and figured out how to use the weights. The instructor seemed all pleased to have a woman in the weights section and was chatting away about how most people do cardio but forget about the strength training.

    Just a quick question; do I add on weight for workout B, even though it is my first time doing Deadlifts and Overhead Presses, or do I do both workouts before I start going up in weight?

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    andylllI wrote: »
    @canadianlbs my trainer took me off front squats and back to kettle bell sumo squats until we can fix the problem with my neck extension/ trap elevation. I'm sad.

    i'll be sad with you. i'm not seeing light yet at the end of the tunnel, but tbh just feeling like i'm in a tunnel is an improvement right now. i guess kudos to both of us for knowing when we need to get outside help and not just going all macho on it until the stretchers get called. but yeah. pleh, bleh #sad.

    how's about we start ourselves a squat-rehab thread? daily tinkering and troubleshooting updates don't really belong on this one, but it would be nice to have a place where i could rant and obsess.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    ^^^^ because i have no sense of delayed gratification at all. http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10222172/the-rehab-work-thread
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Squats 5x5 150lbs (warm ups 2x5 45lbs, 1x5 95lbs, 1x5 130lbs). I think my body isn't used to getting warmed up as fast. My knees were still stiff at the start of work weight and I had to wrap them again. I was planning on jumping 10lbs to 155lbs but with my knees I just went up 5lbs.

    OHP 5x5 60lbs (warm ups 2x5 45lbs) - These were weird. The one hand the weight was light to me. The other hand, I've unlearned some form from my time off so most of these where trying to remember where I liked my hands on the bar and making the lift harder than it should be.

    Sumo Deadlift 1x5 145lbs (warm ups 2x5 95lbs, 2x5 135lbs) - I think I got a better grasp of these as I moved to a wider grip, which kept my shoulders locked better and decreased my range of motion.

    @blackcoffeeandcherrypie are you using the App? It'll do all the work for you. Your squat weight will go up since you got it today (if you are comfortable to do so), but otherwise do the starting weight for OHP deadlift.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @blackcoffeeandcherrypie - Pretty much what was already posted. You can increase on the squat but you'll want to use the starting weight (or less pending ability) for the other two.

    Day off from work, so that was nice. Not much in the area for gyms though I still need to check the pricing on one. Ended up taking a nap late afternoon due to headache, so I didn't accomplish much on the computer that needs done. I did get to the gym though and lifted, so that was good. My squats are now up just above body weight, so that's nice since my pendlay rows I had to drop back to 95, which I can do okay but increasing is proving a challenge. And I managed to get the 70 fixed bar back on a top spot on the stands, which I didn't think I was going to be able to do at the end of the workout, so that was good.

    Workout A

    high bar squat 3x5 @ 150 - Went slow but did okay. Yay for just above bodyweight.

    bench 3x5 @ 95 - Made it. Took 3-4 minute rests but I didn't fail the last set this time.

    leg press 3x8 @ 190 - finally increased and did this while waiting for spot to do the rows.

    p-row 3x5 @ 95 - considered dropping to 85 but did this instead, I've got this weight down, it's above that gets iffy.

    rdl 3x10 @ 80 - easy enough
    hip thrust 3x10 @ 70 - might be able to increase next time

    good morning 3x10 @ 50 - used the fixed weight and no rack, so had to clean the bar each time but easy enough.

    Overall, not bad. Now to finish up on the computer and go to bed. Sleepy and need to ponder gym options and maybe novels cause I need to write tomorrow.
  • @blackcoffeeandcherrypie are you using the App? It'll do all the work for you. Your squat weight will go up since you got it today (if you are comfortable to do so), but otherwise do the starting weight for OHP deadlift.

    No, no app for me. I don't have that sort of phone.

    With the squats, if the weight goes up twice as fast as the other lifts, does that mean you end up with a much heavier squat weight compared to the other lifts?