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Workout Check-in - Making fireworks in July!



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    No, no app for me. I don't have that sort of phone.

    With the squats, if the weight goes up twice as fast as the other lifts, does that mean you end up with a much heavier squat weight compared to the other lifts?

    To a degree since you squat every time while the others are every other time, plus upper body tends to be hard to increase on for many of us, in particular the overhead press. Deadlift also can move up at a quick pace in the beginning because the recommendation is 10 increase instead of 5. However, at certain points you may choose to stay at a weight for a couple of sessions, or not get all of the reps and have to do a de-load.

    But my squat is definitely higher than many of my lifts. Benching 95 is difficult while on the other hand, I didn't worry I'd fail at the 150 squat. Deadlift is the only main lift for me that is heavier than squats. No app for me either, I just use a notebook to keep track of what I lifted.
  • Thanks for the advice, really helpful :-)
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    Welcome, @blackcoffeeandcherrypie
    @DawnEmbers I am a bit jealous of your body weight squats. I have been lifting for a long time and was close, but haven't been able to match my body weight yet. That's my goal before the end of the year.

    Last night I did:
    Squat 5x50,60,70,85,95 Easy enough but I'm worried my hips are going up too fast. I really struggle with fixing that.
    Bench 5x45,55,65,75,85
    Row 4x5x65; 5x75
    Glute bridge 3x10x145 I'm excited to do those at just over bodyweight next week.
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member
    Hello everyone! I forgot to post on Monday:
    Workout B:
    Squats: 75lbs
    OHP: Still at 40lbs
    Deadlift: 75lbs


    Workout A:
    Squats: 75lbs. I didn't go up to 80lbs because my form wasn't completely solid by the 5th set.
    Bench: 55lbs - the last set of 5 I could only do 3 reps. Staying with 55lbs for next time. However, I did really well and felt improved on the other 4 sets.
    Row: 75lbs

    Russian twists: 3x40
    Medicine ball sit-up throws: 15lbs 3X15
  • meglo91
    meglo91 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey there. I haven't been on here in, like, forever. What's up canadianlbs?

    But in the past two months I have rebooted SL 5 x5. Here's where I'm at today:

    Squats Warmups then 5x5 at 130. The wall is coming. Hoping I can get to 150 before I stall out.
    OHP warmups then 5 x 5 at 80 lbs. This IS the wall. I touch the wall. I embrace the wall. I finished but it was UGLY. Repeat.
    DL Warmup then 1x5 @ 170. I need to work on my grip strength. The legs and back are willing, but the hands are weak and sad.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Workout B

    low bar squats 3x5 @ 130 - getting bit heavy for my arms, as low bar isn't quite as easy for me as high bar

    OHP 1x1 @ 75 then 1x4 and 2x5 @ 70 - tried for 75 but nope, one rep is it for now on that one, but 70 is okay

    deadlift 1x5 @ 170 - felt so heavy but managed. Firs time doing it in front of squat rack but the other spot was taken and I had no idea how long the guy would be since he was stretching and stuff still when I started putting the weight on the bar. Going to keep moving up even though it's a challenge each time.

    lat pulldown 3x8 @ 70 - increased this time

    shrugs 3x10 @ 27.6 - okay
    wrist curls 3x10 @ 12.5 - figured I'd try and do these on occasion since my wrists need some work

    Next up is lifting freight at work. Fun.
  • Managed workout B despite legs that were oh-so-sore.

    It's difficult going up in the recommended increments as we're sort of stuck using fixed weight bars and they only go up in 5kg increments. There is one Olympic Bar but it's in very high demand. So I basically stuck to my original weight as I wasn't sure if I'd be able to do the squats anyway.

    Squats - 10kg
    Overhead Press - 10kg
    Deadlift - 10kg.

    The deadlift was a lot easier than I expected. No doubt it will get a lot harder, very quickly!
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    I have been having a bad flare of some inflammation I have in my chest and hands so I wasn't feeling great today and almost skipped my workout but I remembered that usually when I skip a workout my body ends up feeling worse so I just kept it short tonight.

    Squat 5x50,60,70,70
    OHP 5x45,45,55,60
    Deadlift 5x95,115,130,150
    I was not happy with my deadlifts after watching my video of my last set so I actually went back and videoed myself doing another rep and when I saw that looked good I did three more. I think that it may help me to stand up and reset after each rep so I am going to try that next week. I am very grateful that I lift at home and can go back and mess with things to work on my form whenever I feel like.
    Happy lifting, all!!
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    I have been having a bad flare of some inflammation I have in my chest and hands so I wasn't feeling great today and almost skipped my workout but I remembered that usually when I skip a workout my body ends up feeling worse so I just kept it short tonight.

    Squat 5x50,60,70,70
    OHP 5x45,45,55,60
    Deadlift 5x95,115,130,150
    I was not happy with my deadlifts after watching my video of my last set so I actually went back and videoed myself doing another rep and when I saw that looked good I did three more. I think that it may help me to stand up and reset after each rep so I am going to try that next week. I am very grateful that I lift at home and can go back and mess with things to work on my form whenever I feel like.
    Happy lifting, all!!
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Congrats xcalygirl on your tri! You sure nailed it!

    Back from vacation and trying to get back into a routine. In the meantime I forgot how to squat. Sigh.
    I deloaded 10% even though I didn't want to but I definitely needed to in fact maybe should have deloaded more (more sighing).
    Squat 95
    Press 45
    DL 130 (didn't deload here)
    Jog /walk speed intervals
    (My legs are so so sore I thought this might help - eye roll)
    Great job everyone!

  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    meglo91 wrote: »
    Hey there. I haven't been on here in, like, forever. What's up canadianlbs?

    hey!! :D:D:D what's up is i suck at everything except form creep and i'm on a reboot as well. but! i have located a trainer who may be sliced bread's bigger and better brother, so just wait.
    This IS the wall. I touch the wall. I embrace the wall.

    heh. i pictured you in a black body suit and white mime gloves, doing . . . well you know.

  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    Ugh, hopefully finally getting back at it. Besides vacation, we have had 2 weeks straight of heat advisories, which have wreaked havoc with my asthma leaving me exhausted and gasping for breath. Workout have been few and far between. What I thought would be a "take it easy" deload was harder than expected last night.

    Squat - 3x5 at 135 lbs. Actually struggled a bit with this. :( This was my last warm up set a few weeks ago :(
    Bench - 3x5 at 65 lbs. Ok but harder than expected.
    Row - 3x5 at 70 lbs. Fine.

    Shrug - 3x8 at 50 lbs. Well, 1x5, 3x8. I counted wrong on the first set and only did 5, so I did an extra one to get my 3x8. It was fine.
    Barbell curls - 3x8 at 40 lbs. These didn't seem much harder than before my break, so that was ok.
    Skullcrushers - 3x8 at 35 lbs. Meh. Not horrible.
    Hyperextensions - 3x10 with 15 lbs. Fine. Need to go to 20.
    Cable crunches - 3x10 at 50 lbs. Barely.
    Pull ups - 1 :( Got 90% of the way up on my second rep of my first set, then the same when trying a second set. Boo.
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member
    Workout B:

    Squat: 80lbs
    OHP: 40lbs (However, I did a few reps with 45lbs [FINALLY ABLE TO], but I could tell I wouldn't be able to another set, so went back down to 40lbs, I'm confident I'll be able to do 45lbs next time.)
    DL: 85lbs

    Added oblique twists with 10lbs medicine ball 3x20 and 15lbs medicine ball sit-up throws 3x15.
  • coltsgirl311
    coltsgirl311 Posts: 226 Member
    Workout B:

    Squats, 5x5@95 lbs. I am going to move up to 100 lbs next week. These felt good.

    OHP, 5x5@55 lbs. A couple of reps were really shaky, so will repeat here next time.

    Deadlift, 2x5@105 lbs. Still feeling good by going up 5 lbs at a time.

    Accessory: Good mornings, 3x10@55 lbs.

    Finished up with an hour of cardio. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Although I almost considered going back to bed this morning, I managed to go to the park and do my long jog. Just over 4 miles.
  • indianarose2
    indianarose2 Posts: 469 Member
    Still sore, didn't think I'd do any good but it went pretty well.
    All 5x5
    Squat 95 (stayed here form still wonky)
    BP 65 (a deload but felt really good, trying a wider grip)
    PR 70 (reloaded but felt fine)
    No time for anything else...
    Have a great weekend!
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    I'm totally the accident prone type of person. Somehow I messed up my knee while I slept. I decided I'll just do upperbody volume today as squatting bugs my knee. I got inspired with Alan Thrall's video on plateau on 5x5 that I wanted to try it out his program suggestions. Turns out, volume is hard! I was trying for 50 reps (with breaks) but that was just too crazy and 20 without removing the weight was also killer so there was a compromise.

    OHP 2x5 45lbs. 1x20 65lbs. OMG these were killer! I banged out 12 with ease, had to rack it to rechalk as I was a sweaty mess, and then painfully did the rest.

    Bench 2x5 45lbs. 1x20 80lbs. I probably could of gone 85 or 90lbs but I had no spot so I didn't want to risk it.

    Dumbbell Rows 1x20 35lbs each arm. At this point I couldn't feel my arms so these weren't an issue. I found some kettlebells so I used those. Much better than barbell rows as this was no stress on my back or knees. I wish heavy dumbbells were cheaper to own.

    Shrugs 3x10 75lbs. For fun. Now I got a killer pump in my traps for a Friday night.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    At this point I couldn't feel my arms so these weren't an issue.


  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hey, look, this gal can barbell squat again! Sorta...

    I was like wtf this is easy so switched the bar with the only other one I could grab, which may or may not have been another 35 in retrospect (it was fatter and sat worse/better on my back? Iunno) So the following weights might be -10
    45x10 (including 5 with a looong pause at the bottom)
    75x20 because reasons

    Not happy with my form on these. Given I can,t tighten up my upper back at will, so even the chest up cue is useless, but I was bending over a LOT no matter how hard I tried to sit back/stay upright...

    This was accompanied with lots of shoulder rehab/mobility work (as it turns out, too, stabilizing while I do the prescribed exercises on the left side is more painful than doing them with my hurt shoulder. Go figure...

    Short story is I spent an hour in there doing just that. Rest of the rant is in the rehab thread.
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    Today was:
    Squat 5x50,60,70,85; 3x100; 8x70 Yay for being back up to triple digits!
    Bench 5x45,55,65,75; 3x90; 8x65
    Row 4x5x65; 3x75; 8x65
    Front squat 2x5x55
    Russian curl 3x8 Holy glutes!
    Assisted chin-ups with negatives 3x5

    I was fairly pleased with my form today so yay for that.