That's it, no dairy



  • ireadlabelsdammit
    ireadlabelsdammit Posts: 64 Member
    What will you replace dairy with? I'd love to cut dairy, but yogurt and cheese help me reach my macros. Fake cheeses have more carbs, so not really a good option...
  • annieboomboom
    annieboomboom Posts: 176 Member
    give up eggs? The perfect food?
    Giving up cheese is easy. Eggs? my body loves the down time after so much beef. Truely sorry it doesn't work for everyone.
    I am Scandinavian decent. I think we lived on dairy.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    edited July 2015
    I am confused about the egg comment. I do not think OP is giving up eggs, just dairy. Maybe I missed something. However, I am not eating dairy or eggs and beef or lamb only once per week. I subsist on chicken, seafood and salad mostly because of food sensitivities. It's not fun, but manageable.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    What will you replace dairy with? I'd love to cut dairy, but yogurt and cheese help me reach my macros. Fake cheeses have more carbs, so not really a good option...

    I am not replacing it with anything. I don't track macros, and dairy didn't help me meet the macro goals when I did. Cheese is way less fatty than my usual meats.
    give up eggs? The perfect food?
    Giving up cheese is easy. Eggs? my body loves the down time after so much beef. Truely sorry it doesn't work for everyone.
    I am Scandinavian decent. I think we lived on dairy.

    Not cutting eggs, although I haven't bought any in months because they have doubled in price here. Eggs are still in, nothing like an eggs with steak or on a burger.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    As for what I will be eating for the next month. Mostly ground beef and steak (95%) with ribs and other animal meats making up the rest of it. Chased with cups of black coffee and water.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Sorry you feel yucky :( Do you think it's because maybe your body isn't used to eating other kinds of foods anymore and developed an intolerance? Also, why the dairy binge... did you feel deprived? I've only been strict lchf for about a month but i don't think i'd binge on what I cut out b/c I don't miss it
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited July 2015
    I have always been dairy intolerant. Even before low carb. I have also always loved cheese and sour cream and everything else. This is nothing new.

    I haven't felt deprived either. Why the increase in dairy? Because we've been out a lot recently and dairy is frequently available as acceptable snacks for me. Meat and cheese trays, sour cream, cream cheese, etc. Dairy is also easy to bring with us, if we're going to someone's house, without worrying about bringing cooked meat or cooking it there.

    I also went out and had the 7x7 from Steak 'n Shake. That's a bunch of cheese right there. My wife bought a bunch of cheese because she was going to be low carb, then never went low carb and didn't want to eat it. And so on. For various reasons I have been surrounded by excess dairy. And, I ate it. I call it a binge, but it isn't like what most people would consider a binge. It is just consistently eating a "lot" (for me) or dairy.

    For most people here, the amounts I ate would seem normal.

    Edit: I know I said "not small amounts" in the first post. But, 4 oz of sour cream and 3 oz of cheese in a single day is a massive amount for me. That's probably typical for one of the heavier days. I can probably get by with an oz or so. Other days it was a couple oz of cream cheese, hard cheeses, or whatever. It's just the consistent constant eating.

    Also, I'm not feeling yucky anymore. That passed pretty quickly once the cheese made it through. I just know I'll feel like crap if I eat it again. Yet, I typically keep going back and eating it again. LOL
  • dalansteiner
    dalansteiner Posts: 61 Member
    I have just been diagnosed with EoE and so have to cut out dairy, eggs, gluten, soy, tree nuts, and shellfish. So I am with you fit goat. And then some...
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I have just been diagnosed with EoE and so have to cut out dairy, eggs, gluten, soy, tree nuts, and shellfish. So I am with you fit goat. And then some...

    At least I still have my eggs and shellfish. I feel bad for you.

    I'm two days down. I almost broke today too. There was so much cheese at the party I was at today. Cheese trays, cheese burgers, and so on. I had the host make me a couple plain burgers. And, I stuck to those and my ribs. I just love cheese. I think I am having cheese-withdrawals. LOL
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Have you tried breaking it down into dairy fats, lactose, and casein to see if you're sensitive to one but not others? And have you tried grass-fed dairy (some people react to the grains and soy in conventional dairy) or goat dairy (fewer people are sensitive to goat dairy).
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    It isn't likely just lactose. Because even low lactose foods cause me issues. It is probably casein, but it doesn't matter. I am cutting it all. Just easier that way.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Fair enough. I'm avoiding dairy right now, too. I plan on reintroducing ghee in August, it's 99% pure dairy fat, and I've tolerated it well in the past so I'm hoping I can get back to it. I'm a Wisconsinite at heart, it just doesn't seem natural to not eat dairy ;)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Maybe I should watch drinking my heavy whipping cream directly out of the quart cartoon.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I have problems with dairy too but I can (and do) tolerate ghee. I was told that I could have American cheese or blue cheese but I find when I do that I eat too much of it so I don't. I'm with you FIT_Goat - I love love love cheese but my health is more important.

    I took a Vermont and upstate NY cheese trip a few years ago and got a map for Wisconsin cheese farms - that's on my bucket list for someday hopefully...
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited July 2015
    Pure dairy fat rarely bothers anyone. I could, if I wanted, include butter without concerns. I'm choosing to just keep things simple by not including any. I have always had issues with lactose, and I have probably also always had issues with casein. Oddly enough, I have been able to drink large amounts of heavy cream, a whole cup, with minimal side effects. That's probably because the amount of protein (4.9g) and carbs (6.6g) is minimal and buffered by the amount of fat (88.1g) in that amount.

    Still, it's just easiest and most consistent to cut it all out. It's not like I haven't been just fine without dairy before. I usually last a week or two before I break. But, I will try for longer now. I'm going to bake more ribs today or tomorrow. Maybe I'll smoke them, but my wife likes them better baked. I have tons of ground beef and steak on hand. I'm actually doing just fine in the way of foods to eat. It will probably work out to save me money.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    I have just been diagnosed with EoE and so have to cut out dairy, eggs, gluten, soy, tree nuts, and shellfish. So I am with you fit goat. And then some...

    Did you have the skin prick test done and have all that stuff come back positive, or is it a 'just in case' kind of thing?
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Oh, woe is me! This is so hard. LOL


    OK, actually, it's not bad at all. No cheese or dairy in the house anyway. This was tonight's dinner. Don't worry, it only looks cooked. The inside was exceptionally rare. No, I don't know how big it was. Somewhere above 12 oz. Just a little steak seasoning and served with some iced [black] coffee.
  • Teneko
    Teneko Posts: 314 Member
    I think that would be about my entire protein allotment for 2 days!
    I don't know how you do it. I'd be hard-pressed to get my macros settled without dairy. I remember trying to figure out how I'd do it when I first started researching keto and just said to heck with it and dove right into a plate of fried cheese. And bacon. (This from lactose intolerant seafood "vegetarian" for a huge chunk of my life.)
    I am curious, though - how are you ensuring that your fat percentages are higher than your proteins?

  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited July 2015
    Teneko wrote: »
    I am curious, though - how are you ensuring that your fat percentages are higher than your proteins?

    I'm not, but they will be. I don't track macros and I don't ensure anything. Experience tells me that it will all work out in the long run anyway, if I eat the types of meat I desire. Sometimes I want a leaner type of meat, but often I'll seek out a fattier one.

    I could eat sirloin steak (which is way leaner than I prefer) all day and be fine. Sirloin (choice trimmed to 1/8" fat) is 14.3g of fat and 19.9g of protein (per 100g). That is 61.8% fat and 38.2% protein. That's also about as lean as I normally go.

    Today worked out to roughly 2,300 calories (very rough estimate assuming a pound of 75/25 ground beef spread across brunch and a late lunch and a ~12 oz ribeye for dinner). The rough macros would be 187g of fat, 154g of protein (no carbs). That is 73.2% fat and 26.8% protein. Way more fat than protein. And, I was sure it would work out that way before I checked it just now.

    I don't worry about macros and percentages. I've had days where I ended up eating nothing but two Disney turkey legs. That's obviously less than ideal (55.6% protein ~ 305g total), but as a single day thing, it's not a huge deal. I'll be unhappy and feel full but unsatisfied when I end up eating like that (actually when that happens, I usually end up with some mayo to dip the second leg in, although that vegetable oil is probably worse than excess protein). My natural preference is for fattier meats and to eat the fattest stuff I can get my hands on. That's usually enough to keep me in the 70% fat or higher range pretty easily.

    Edit: To get more protein than fat, eating the amounts I do, I need to hit almost 300g in a single day. That's a LOT of lean meat. I lose interest in eating lean well before I hit that amount. I often would rather just not eat than continue to eat lean when I hit around 200g.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Yep, it was grilled. The storm finally broke long enough for me to step outside and fire this baby. I am almost out of ribeye. Only two left. Then I have to work my way through 20ish pounds of chuck steaks. After that, it will depend on what's reasonably priced when I hit the stores.