July Morning Coffee and Gratitude



  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Long post warning. Grateful for docs who'll take the time to answer questions. Saw the gastrointerologist.
    Questions answered.
    1. Why Waist and stomach bigger during this flare, and measurement inches greater than 2 weeks ago. Answer, Diarrhea probably wiped out intestinal flora. Use probiotic. That actually was to be question 2. She gave instruction to get the ones with the most bugs, but not to save money buying the cheaper ones which have fewer of the bugs.
    2. Probiotic. See 1.
    3. Fat % recommended. 20 to 25% of good fats. Remember that this is because I was put on the D.A.S.H. diet by my Internist years ago, when the fat recommendation was only 15%, and this past year I've been following a modified version to get as many vitamins and minerals as possible, and CDC now recommends higher level.
    4. Puree raw vegetables so I get fiber without the irritation whole raw veg are giving me? Answer, good idea. Puree, not a juice extractor.
    5. Meal frequency? Answer, many small meals. Forgot to ask if that is for everyone or only colitis folks, but she did remark offhand that Americans tend to eat two or one large meals, and that's not what she thinks is advisable. Again, not sure if she meant for everyone, or just us with a form of this disease.
    6. Fiber supplement okay? (I find citrucell bothers me less). Depends on type of colitis. For mine, yes.
    7. Calcium supplement when not on cortisone.? Answer, Check how much calcium I got for day and supplement if calcium was low.

    Am Back on the new version of cortisone, with change in dosage schedule. Husband said ignore the cost. (I've hit the first tier limit on prescription coverage. ) We'll lick this thing.
    FYA. ;-b. Doc's scale at this office is much. friendlier, or winter clothes really do weigh that much more. On my weigh ins, I wear the same robe and slippers year round.
    Oh. And results of the celiac test. One marker showed I might have, but I didn't have the second marker. Rather than go for an endoscopy now, I'll do a challenge. I've been eating very little wheat (eating fewer grains was the modification I used to limit calories when in weight loss mode. ) I've never noticed symptoms when I've had wheat, so she thinks it's quite possible I don't have celiac.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    You are an amazing woman to have been so successful with weight loss and have a " irritable bowel " to complicate things. I will say a pryer for you that you do not have CELIAC disease.
    Have a great rest of the day !!!! ;)
  • bvifun
    bvifun Posts: 402 Member
    I am so grateful that this morning was, after a great night's sleep, a time of feeling well. It is so long this I have felt this good. Went for a walk despite the heat and had a good yoga practice without having to push myself.
  • mamamiau
    mamamiau Posts: 36 Member
    Sharon, glad you got some answers! Sounds like you have a very thorough doc with excellent bedside manner!
  • ashkinb
    ashkinb Posts: 18 Member
    Sharon - I am also delighted you got some answers. And that you are so organized with your questions. You are truly an inspiration - being so disciplined with such challenges!
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Sharon, gratz on finding out you probably do not have celiac. If you did, surely the wheat would bother you. I just found out that I do not have rheumatoid arthritis, and that actually makes it so much easier to deal with the idea I have osteo! We take what we can get at this point and then we buck up and move on. And this is a great place for doing this!

    It is great when you can find an MD who gives answers. Too often these days, that means the specialists. The PCPs, especially those in groups, are pushed to schedule patients every ten minutes which really makes for a tendency towards people who just do specialist referrals and push legalized drugs from the pharmaceutical industry. It's sad.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Oh and I forgot to add the grateful! I am grateful for all the wonderful advice I get in here! I have been doing Charlies tip for the foot stretches all weekend and I have ZERO pain in my foot at this point! While I was having no inflammation I also added hand stretches to my yoga routine and this morning I have no pain or stiffness anywhere. Now dh has gone back to work and I have only four days to complete that garage. We will see how the stiffness is after I get into that project! lol
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,755 Member
    Sharon, nice to hear how supportive your husband is, it can make all the difference in our results with that kind of support. I think you manage your health extremely well, doing research, getting answers out of a dr. is a big accomplishment these days, and I hope your time with cortisone is short. If you have been off and on it during your weight loss of 80 lbs. that in MOST impressive.

    Glad you're not celiac. I had the test done because I do react to too much wheat. I'm no,t so I just have to monitor how much wheat I include in my diet if I want to keep typing and using my hands. Some thing besides the gluten effects me and I haven't sorted that out yet. I am doing my research but to find legit sources of info on it these days takes a lot of time. So much rubbish about gluten, wheat etc. is around.

    Bvifun, glad you are feeling well and able to do more of the things you want to do.

    DreamOn, happy news about those hands and feet. Remember to take stretch breaks while cleaning out the garage, don't let your hands get too stressed at one time.

    Grateful that I will be doing an set of tests tomorrrow to check on any possible blockages in my neck, abdoman, and heart. I think I am ok, will be good to see if I really am. LOL. These will be my baseline info going forwards.

    I am also grateful that Ringo Starr is still around on his birthday today. I am a Beatlemanic and always will be.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited July 2015
    TY Joell for solving the mystery ... This morning I said to myself, "July 7... Hmm, why is this date ringing a bell?" Also a Beatlemaniac and Ringo has always been my favorite. Happy 75th and many happy returns of the day to him! - Kathy
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Grateful daughter's birthday is today. :)
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    Grateful that I have this group to return to at the END of what can only be described as a binge!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,755 Member
    And END is the magic word in the sentence.

    I am grateful for the sunshine. I am so sick of rainy afternoons. I am having to get up earlier and earlier to enjoy any sunshine around here.

    I am grateful I am digging deep and finding the patience to do this metabolic reset, I needed it for sure. At the end of the day, this is a small amount of space to be able to eat better in the long run.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Today the Mountain is out and there's a warm breeze coming up off the bay. So grateful to live in such a green place.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I could not decide exactly where to put this thought. Perhaps a strange thing to put here, but oh well.

    I am grateful this morning for a painful and sleepless night. Oprah used to have a saying that God will whisper to you, and if you do not listen, then he will shout. Well, I have arthritis in my right knee, started many years ago due to a ski slope injury and now, of course, its the deterioration process osteoarthritis. Well, yesterday dh and I were out for several hours running errands, though we were not doing anything strenuous and it was not for an exhausting period of time. Got home and the knee started to hurt and NOTHING I did cut the pain. Spent the night with a pain patch, ice, elevation, Ibuprofen. VERY little sleep. And it kept going through my mind that a 1 lb weight loss is a reduction of 4 lbs of stress on the knees. Its a choice to translate the pain into motivation. I plan to make that choice.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,755 Member
    DreamOn145 wrote: »
    I could not decide exactly where to put this thought. Perhaps a strange thing to put here, but oh well.

    I am grateful this morning for a painful and sleepless night. Oprah used to have a saying that God will whisper to you, and if you do not listen, then he will shout. Well, I have arthritis in my right knee, started many years ago due to a ski slope injury and now, of course, its the deterioration process osteoarthritis. Well, yesterday dh and I were out for several hours running errands, though we were not doing anything strenuous and it was not for an exhausting period of time. Got home and the knee started to hurt and NOTHING I did cut the pain. Spent the night with a pain patch, ice, elevation, Ibuprofen. VERY little sleep. And it kept going through my mind that a 1 lb weight loss is a reduction of 4 lbs of stress on the knees. Its a choice to translate the pain into motivation. I plan to make that choice.

    Wow that is a powerful thought, DreamOn. You are so determined and looking for motivation everywhere. Just keep working on it, you will be successful. Healing thoughts sent your way as well.

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    I promise, promise, promise that the weight loss makes the joint pain better, even in the areas we found miserable before. Was thinking about that just last night.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    I should not say this, it truly sounds callous, but I am grateful this morning that dH went back to work after 9 days on vacation! I love him to death but he is a really bad influence! Other than the little trip we took to Pensacola, he spent the week playing computer games, snacking, watching movies and inviting me to participate. Of course it was not his fault that I joined him way more than I should have! Now I will get some exercise just cleaning my house and getting back on track! Its good to be back! lol
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    ;-D. As hubby kept pushing cookies at me last night, I was thinking of renaming Supper on my diary to Defensive Snacking!
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Happy Monday!!

    I just posted this on the July chat, but wanted to post here also.
    We are so very grateful and thankful that we were protected last night. We had a very strong wind storm come through last night. There was an actual hook on the radar on our phones so we are thinking more than just straight-line winds :s We are very fortunate that we only lost tree limbs. :o Lots of cleaning up for my guys today. We had limbs in our yard from a tree many yards from our yard area.

    All of the electricity poles south of us were broken for 3/4 mile. More down futher south of us. Many farms are without electricity today.
    We are fortunate ours came back on before we went to bed. :p

    But I did not handle the storm very well as I grazed the kitchen and did mindless eating. :s
    But today is a new day and we are very thankful! o:)
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    @DreamOn145 My Mother had a hard time when my Father retired as he thought he would help out in the kitchen. Not a good move on his part. My Mom was an excellent very knowledgeable cook and believe me, did not need Dad's help! LOL
    They finally found their happy medium.

    Where did you find the information about a 1 lb weight loss is a reduction of 4 lbs of stress on the knees. I am very interested in reading about that.

    I am having terrific pain in my knee in the leg with the blood clot. I don't know if the clot has moved to that area or what but I am in pain.

    It is soooo good to connect with all of you again. Why do I quit MFP? I will never know the answer to that question.