Checking my macros

WhatLouAte Posts: 155 Member
Hello, thank God for this group and thanks for letting me in :)

I have my macros set at 20% (c) 20% (p) 60% (f) does this look good?

My diary is open but I have just returned from 2 weeks in Cyprus so may look a little random at the minute.



  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    Welcome to the board. Let us know what your goals are so we can help. I think your protein should be higher, how did you come up with your macros?
    Here is handy calculator to help you with macros.
  • WhatLouAte
    WhatLouAte Posts: 155 Member
    edited July 2015
    My goals are to lose weight, have more energy, not feel tired all the time. I am currently 233lbs at 5ft10.
    I was previously following a paleo/primal low carb way and then thought I would try calorie counting but realised I was eating too many convenience foods and trying to fit in ice cream every night! My energy also really dipped counting calories.
    I am not too fussed about being in keto right now I just want to get my carbs at a decent deficit to begin with to feel good and lose weight.

    I came up with the macros by just reading around and trying to figure it out myself! :)

    The keto calculator gave me

    2025 kcal Daily Calorie Intake
    25 g Carbohydrates (5%, 100 kcal)
    110 g Protein (22%, 440 kcal)
    165 g Fat (73%, 1485 kcal)
  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    The macros sound reasonable, what is your calorie deficit? Im 5'8 and just recently upped my calories to 1740 as well as my carbs to 40 as I'm now in maintenance at 139lb, which is actually below my goal. When I started, my macros were 5/15/80 and calories at 1460, now it's 10/20/70, I will try this for a month and see where I'm at. Do you exercise regularly or do you set yourself as sedentary? This will make some difference in your calories.
  • WhatLouAte
    WhatLouAte Posts: 155 Member
    I have it sent for 1lb loss a week so I think that's a 500 cal deficit. I normally have it set at lightly active, currently its on sedentary as I was on holiday for 3 weeks but my job is on my feet a lot. I use the fitbit and have negative adjustments enabled. If I put it back to lightly active I have about 2020 cals per Day then adjusted with the fitbit accordingly.
    For exercise I walk a lot as I have dogs and I go on my elliptical occasionally.
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    edited July 2015
    Hello, thank God for this group and thanks for letting me in :)

    I have my macros set at 20% (c) 20% (p) 60% (f) does this look good?

    My diary is open but I have just returned from 2 weeks in Cyprus so may look a little random at the minute.


    Hi there and welcome!

    My macros are set to: 5% carbs, 25% protein, 70% fat.

    This works out to 15g carbs, 75g protein, 93g fat.

    However, i sometimes aim more towards 30% protein (90-100g), as im getting into a heavy weight-lifting program and want to sustain my LBM. Its up to you - many people use 20% protein and do fine. I just want to ensure i feed my muscles sufficiently for growth (or at least maintenance). BUT, if you're going to aim for Ketosis you dont want to go too high with the protein as excess can turn to glucose, hence kicking you out of keto, but at 25-30% protein levels you dont have to worry about that. I personally wouldnt go any higher than 30% though.

    Obviously when my protein intake rises slightly, my fat level drops slightly, but its still in a ketonic ratio: 5% carbs, 30% protein, 65% fat.

    As a rule, if my protein & fat macros are close to equal (in grams), im good to go.

    My calories are set to 1200, but lately ive been aiming for 1000-1100 during the week and 1300-1500 (1500 is my maintenance) at the weekends, dependant on hunger (i stop eating if/when i become satiated). This is in an attempt to sort of re-set my metabolism so hopefully it doesnt get used to the very low calories in the week and slow down dramatically. Basically to try to get me out of an almost-stall because im only 9 pounds away from healthy target weight and very short (5ft) so my body is slowing down its losses eating constantly at BMR.

    How many grams of carbs does your 20% work out to? Basically you want to aim for below 50g carbs a day for low-carb, and less than 20g carbs a day for Keto. Im Keto - i actually find it easier than low-carb as my cravings have subsided and hunger controlled better,

    I always stick to below 20g carbs, majority of the time its 10-15g, usually the lower end, sometimes single digits.
    However, during the 1st few weeks of cutting carbs it may be easier to reduce carbs gradually whilst the body adapts. Carb-flu can really kick your butt - it had me out of action for a whole month solid.. others adjust to keto much quicker & without all the nasty symptoms though. If you find yourself feeling fatigued, crampy, headachey, dizzy, super hungry, weak etc like i did at the start i would suggest you raise your calories to maintenance whilst you adapt, go easy on exercise and make sure to keep your fluid intake and electrolytes up - if you decide to go keto you will likely want to supplement with magnesium & potassium, and drink broth for extra sodium. This is really important as you will find your electrolyte levels can drop dramatically on a keto diet, partly due to urinating constantly. I think this can happen to a less dramatic extent on low-carb, so its good practice to supplement either way.

    Hope this helps a little. If theres anything else youd like to know just holler. Add me too if youd like - my diary's open to friends.

  • WhatLouAte
    WhatLouAte Posts: 155 Member
    Thanks for the info! my macros in grams currently are 87g(c) 118g(f) 87g(p)
    I have already been through carb flu after the few days I got back from holiday so I am hoping it's done for now! I will drop my carbs a bit more I get going I think, not sure where I stand on the whole calorie counting thing and whether I should just concentrate on keeping with the carb goal?
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    Id definitely try to lower your carbs to at least below 50g. Where you are now is kind of no-mans land, better than the standard carb-heavy SAD, but not exactly low-carb either, so you may find its actually harder to control your carb cravings etc at those levels.

    Regards calorie counting its totally up to you. At the start many find it easier just to count carbs and to eat until satiety, but at some point you may decide to count your calories to ensure you stick to a suitable calorie deficit, as this is what is required for continued weight-loss, after the initial water shed at the start of going low-carb. Some people find when they go low carb their hunger subsides to the point they are eating at a deficit naturally. Unfortunately i am not one of those people. Give me free-reign to eat until satisfied, with no calorie counting to guide me, and i am certain to eat to at least maintenance, but more likely than not well over that (weight gain territory). Counting calories is essential to me losing weight. Even on days like today, where ive chosen to eat more calories to re-set my metabolism after a stretch of eating below BMR, i still count calories so i know exactly how many calories im putting into my mouth and i can stop at maintenance MAX. Without calorie counting as a guide i would grossly underestimate how many cals ive consumed - its impossible to gauge without accurate weighing/logging - and i would lie to myself that just one more bite of whatever would be ok. Free-wheeling it got me overweight in the 1st place. I dont see the point in being super strict with the types of food i put in my mouth, only to gain weight because im eating too much of it. Thats just me though (and many others i presume) but if you have an inner guide that will keep you eating at a deficit without having to track then you will lose weight successfully that way. Those inner guides are rare though!