Maybe we should start here...Introduce yourself!!



  • britzzie
    britzzie Posts: 341 Member
    Welcome, ladies!! Congrats on your success! Make sure to check out the 21 day logging challenge!
  • belle_of_the_bar
    belle_of_the_bar Posts: 474 Member
    Hi all! I'm Christina, 33 from South Carolina. I've been on MFP for about 10 months and have really enjoyed the changes I've made. I've also enjoyed a few pints of ice cream and some less than desireable food choices recently, but I'm getting on track. I have 13 pounds to go to my goal weight of 130, which is a loose estimate, as I'm more focused on getting into my own pants. The closet full of pants I haven't been able to wear in 3+ years.

    I started stronglifts 5x5 about 4 weeks ago, and I am already seeing some progress. Talk about thrilling after a 4 month plateau! Anyway, I'm proud of you all for the progress you've already made, and looking forward to the progress we'll make as a group.
  • hayles333
    hayles333 Posts: 105 Member
    Hi all! I'm Hayley from British Columbia, Canada. I've been on MFP since January, and have lost just over 40 pounds in that time. I am super proud of that achievement, but am stuck on these last 10 or so pounds (these 10 pounds though, will...when they finally come off...bring me to my lowest adult weight).

    I am a mommy to two little girls, and am currently on maternity leave (until October or so). My daughters are two and a half years old and 9 months old. I want to set an example for my girls. I want to show them how strong women are...and I don't ever want them to have to "diet". I want to give them a healthy example to follow and teach them how to make great choices for themselves (choices that I did a piss poor job of making myself, lol)!

    I work out with a small group of women in a personal training type atmosphere 3 days per week. I also run two days a week (but am just getting into that, so am constantly adjusting the running plan). I am hoping to start some heavier lifting in the fall (I currently do heavy lifting with my small group, but those sessions will be coming to an end in July).

    Wow...this was long-winded. Sorry!

    I'm excited to join you all on this final push towards our goals. We can do this...we just need to renew our commitment to ourselves!
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    My name is Allison and I'm from London Ontario.
    I've managed to lose roughly 50lbs, but I'd like to still lose more body fat and get fit and toned. I figure I have at least 20 more lbs to lose before you can see muscles!
    I'm getting married in September 2013, and that was the kick in the *kitten* I needed to start losing weight. I've done pretty well, but I still look nasty and feel worse. I'm proud of how far I've come, but now that things have slowed down, I need to get re-motivated and kick it into high gear so I can wear a bikini without being mocked on my honeymoon!