Chatr and Accountability (rest of July)



  • leopardprintaholic
    leopardprintaholic Posts: 76 Member
    Hammer, Jen, Howie, Carol & myself are "all in" so far ... <3


    Let's all start (or continue) to move our 'Moneymakers' (aka tushies) in August!

    Starting date is August 1 and we'll track/share in the accountability thread.

    Try to even come up with fun, new spins for your exercise routine (ie: different music, out of the ordinary routes, even pay yourself a buck per session)! Let's put the "joyful" back in our movement, as we propel ourselves towards our goals! In the end (yes, pun intended) our 'moneymakers' will thank us. Lol :)

    Come along, "Shake your Honeybuns" and have a blast.
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    Howie, i think it's so awesome that you bike to and from work! You get to get your exercise in, get to work, save gas and help the environment. So many good things! I hope you keep it up but maybe put in some rest days so you don't get get burn out.

    Jen, sorry about your feet but that might not be because you are out of shape? Could be a foot wear issue? Maybe you need new insoles? Sore feet are usually a sign of footwear issue, if you are sore somewhere else that could be a different story ;) but do keep it up even if it's just around the block. I'm truly sorry that you are dealing with issues and I hope you will get better. Keep striving towards health! The rest will fall in into place

    Carol, i agree with Howie just reading it is exaahsting haha . Yep be patient, and remember a lot of it is water weight.

    Debsue sure I wil join.

    I'm trying IF in combination with low carb, I've only been on it for 5 days, and I see a change in scales, super happy because i have Been holding steady for over 6 months. This week is a busy week for me, I finished he quilt a couple of days ago and now I have to turn my attention to cooking. Arturo's brother and nephew are visiting in order to help out his mom I've committed to cook for 8 for the weekend and I am making the main course a baby shower for 12 this weekend as well. I will be so tired after this weekend. Starting August Arturo and I are trying a new WOE for 21 days in combination with IF from the hormone cure book that is pretty similar to the whole 30. After that we reintroduce certain food one by one and see where to go from there.
  • I did a pre DebSue Move your Moneymakers walk this morning. Two miles and did require a couple stops. I found my shoe inserts which helped a little bit with the feet but I still needed to top a couple times. My average time was over 17 minutes/mile which to me is super slow. But I'm just not going to push it and take things slow for now. I'm starting from a health standpoint that is far worse than anything I've had in the past and I realize that.
    Take it slow Jen.
  • leopardprintaholic
    leopardprintaholic Posts: 76 Member
    HOORAY, Heron ... I was hoping you would join us! Tell me more about your I. F. Protocol :)

    Baby step, My Beloved Jen ... We're doin this TOGETHER, Girlfriend! Cheering you along & waving my Pom-Poms, Slim
  • Ok, honesty time. I'm not going to be doing regular weigh-ins but I will weigh in on September 1 after DebSue's August challenge. Sooooooooo, today's weight is
    214.2! Oh, I am SOOOOOOOOO not happy. But who's fault is it? Yep, Just have MYSELF to blame.

    Have a great Saturday everybody. Get out there moving or DebSue will let you know about it! :tongue:
  • heronh
    heronh Posts: 529 Member
    DebSue, I eat from roughly 3-8. I usually break my fast with a shake of almond butter, almond milk, spirulina, flax seed, soaked chia seeds and triple fiber. I want to make sure that I get my fiber since I have such a short eating window. Then I will eat dinner. One thing about IF: it sure save me time since I don't have to worry about lunches anymore and probably money. The few couple of days are a little tough but I've been so busy so that made it easier. I will stick to this because it makes life a lot easier.

    Jen, well, now you know and you can do something about it. :smile: fare you going to try the whole 30 again? Did that made a difference for you? And yep listen to yourself, take it slow ;)

    I am soooo tired. I was cooking, meal prep yesterday from 7-6 and now I am up to finish up stuff for a baby shower which I am providing the main course. Plus I had something that didn't agree with my stomach and I was throwing up, haven't done that in years!! I hate throwing up but after the last one I did felt better and so I have maybe 3 hours of crappy sleep. I'm dreading looking at food right now...
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Heron, I'm tired reading your last posts last week. We are tired together. I'm in Monterrey and the eating/sleeping schedules here are bizzare. No one seems to eat dinner until well after 9:00. Ours was at a packed restaurant last night and we were served at 10:45pm. That little taco place stays open until 2:00am on weeknights but it was Friday so they stay open until 5:00am. I'm so upside down here! But today is my high carb day so I'm excited. Not worrying about making it a "carb-NIGHT." I just want to let loose and so it will be an intentional cheat day. The other days have been ok. Still too many nuts in the diet but here in Mexico it is really difficult to find an alternative snack that I can feel good about. It's all so tasty but I don't have access to all the veggies and whatnot that I would have in my own kitchen. But we are not losing ground and that is my goal right now.

    Howie - I agree with Heron. What a great thing that you bike to work on so many levels!!

    Jen, that could be your Harajuku Moment. Tim Ferris writes about that in his Four Hour Body book. It is the moment you decide enough is enough. Super powerful place to be if you let it lead you.

    John - I'll email him. Hope he joins. And thanks for keeping me on the loop in the fitbit land. Not sure where my fitbit is!!

    I was energized by everyone's updates but time to go to August! Off to start the other thread.
  • Heron, I'm not planning on a Whole30 attempt anytime soon. I'm just going to slowly work back to what has worked for me in the past. No more soda, cutting out the processed foods and sugars.
  • carolssalva
    carolssalva Posts: 546 Member
    Jen… PERFECT PLAN. Let's do it!!