How to explain LCHF so people don't think I'm crazy?

nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
I've had people look at my diet as strange before when I had to go gluten free due to celiac disease, but that was tinged with some sympathy so it wasn't a big deal. Now I find I get some pretty odd looks and pregnant pauses when I explain my food choices. I do tell people about my hopes to reverse prediabets and arthritis but still.... I can feel the eye rolls.

How do you handle it when you need to explain your food choices?


  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,792 Member
    I think the more important question here is, why on earth do you feel the need to explain your food choices to anyone?

    I've had discussions with friends about mine, but don't feel the need to explain or justify anything. I eat what I eat and that is my business and no one else's, except perhaps my physician, if what I am eating is leading me into poor health. End of story.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 208 Member
    I am the same, I don't explain unless directly asked. Some of the people I then explain to them what keto is and some are interested in getting more information, while some do look at me like I am so pathetic and desperate to lose some weight that I will buy into this weirdness, then I make mention of the fact that my doctor wants me to cut back on sugar....and suddenly its ok lol...the worst part is the ones that just think I am supposed to cut back on sugar are the ones who will try to feed me cake and ice cream.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I don't discuss it. I don't care if people think it is strange. I know that I feel better eating this way and that is what matters to me.
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    Food seems to accompany so many activities, especially when you are a parent or work outside the home. I haven't stuck with lCHF for a long period of time yet, but an easy out with people you aren't often associating with is that due to your crazy schedule you needed to eat before you came or you are feeling a little off today which is why you can't accept what they are trying to offer...

    I'm very guarded with who I discuss the details with, because, wow, opinions (of the often LOUD kind) vary even more than waist sizes/health conditions do!

    I can't even discuss it with my type 2 diabetic mom.... metformin is no longer enough and she is actually fairly careful and doesn't use insulin as a free eat card, but she is very much on the low fat train and I can't get her off. I had to stop trying.
  • annalisbeth74
    annalisbeth74 Posts: 328 Member
    I fortunately haven't had too many people argue with me when I tell them I'm doing low carb. I've been debating, though, whether to start spinning it as a "grain-free" diet. I'm wondering what the reaction will be if I just tell people I quit eating white stuff versus telling them I do LCHF.

    In the end, though, your results are going to start speaking for themselves.
  • Sajyana
    Sajyana Posts: 518 Member
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    How do you handle it when you need to explain your food choices?

    I don't. Simple as that. Unless people ask. If they find it weird I shrug and say, "It's working for me." End of discussion. Change the topic.

  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 208 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    lol...the worst part is the ones that just think I am supposed to cut back on sugar are the ones who will try to feed me cake and ice cream.

    Until I came to MFP I didn't know that, for many, food is religion. Which goes hand in hand with religious wars and such.

    Never give 'em an in. Keep 'em guessing at all times. Show your hand, they'll squash ya!

    @newmeadow, oh totally! I know a few talk about this behind my back, but who cares. I feel good! They don't.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Only my closest fam and friends even know how I eat. Most don't notice if I only have meat no potato, or wings no pizza. I don't bring it up so they don't notice.

    But I can tell you once you've lost the weight people will take what you say as gospel, they may think you're crazy now but soon enough they'll want to know your secrets :)
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    If asked, I reply that I am eating this way for my health. Usually, I am only asked when they see how much I am losing and they want to know how I do it.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    edited July 2015
    I sat down in the early days and explained to my partners family (including his little old mum who loves to feed cake and biscuits) that my whole family has diabetes (my dad and 6 uncles all have type 2) and I eat low carb to avoid the same fate, as advised by my doctor (last part not entirely true). Once they understood this they say nothing, and his mum puts out a plate of cheese and cold meats whenever I'm there. She also stocks cream for my coffee instead of milk. It does help that my partner's older brother and his wife are strict vegan, and his older sister is allergic to seafood and eggs, so they are well used to different dietary requirements.

    As for other people, co-workers and such, it's none of their damn business what I eat.
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 208 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    I feel good! They don't.

    ^^^ This! And there it is, right there :smile:

    Its an awesome feeling, isn't it. I wish others would just try it.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    lol...the worst part is the ones that just think I am supposed to cut back on sugar are the ones who will try to feed me cake and ice cream.

    Until I came to MFP I didn't know that, for many, food is religion. Which goes hand in hand with religious wars and such.

    Never give 'em an in. Keep 'em guessing at all times. Show your hand, they'll squash ya!



    Food Wars!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Nobody's business but yours.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Thanks all. I am probably sharing too much! I get excited and want to share before I forget that most people don't care. LOL
  • GSD_Mama
    GSD_Mama Posts: 629 Member
    I just tell them I don't it CRAP, they will figure it out if they want :)
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Since I have no health issues or allergies and chose keto because I discovered it was a thing that made amazing sense to me, I definitely got some sideways "you're on a fad diet" looks from the few people I have mentioned it to. But my friends and family quickly realized that I'm in it for the long haul and it never comes up anymore.
    But, I don't mind if it does. I know something they don't. I know an easy way to diet, improve overall health while eating great food! I feel like I won the diet lottery! I will tell anyone that will listen to me! Lol
    Anyone that that thinks it's weird or thinks I'm crazy just doesn't understand, and I feel bad for them.
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    I cannot think of any circumstance where I "have" to explain my food choices to anyone. It is my body and my business. I don't need to justify anything.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited July 2015
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    I've had people look at my diet as strange before when I had to go gluten free due to celiac disease, but that was tinged with some sympathy so it wasn't a big deal. Now I find I get some pretty odd looks and pregnant pauses when I explain my food choices. I do tell people about my hopes to reverse prediabets and arthritis but still.... I can feel the eye rolls.

    How do you handle it when you need to explain your food choices?

    I guess I don't follow the above. I tell them all about the diet, the why's and wherefores. How it made me loose a lot of weight and that my health and disposition is so much better. If we are eating together, I purposefully ask the waitress to bring me some melted butter. I then pour it over all my veggies and steak and proclaim, THIS is how I lose weight! If the boredom of my long explanation of the diet doesn't bore them to death ~ they'll live to tell the story ~ another day.

    Now, not only do my friends know exactly how I eat, they will sometimes give me the fat they cut off their steak (that I then graciously accept and eat) AND about 6 people ~ because of me ~ are now on my diet or a low carb diet using the MFP app. I told my pastor about it and he now knows and is happy with my results. He even mentioned a verse in the bible at yesterdays sermon mentioning (in a good way) ~ fat and he goes, "Dan you're gonna like this" and then shows the verse.... LOL!

    Now, if you don't have time to fully explain it to them, then ask them if they would like to eat lunch with you and offer to buy them their meal ONLY IF you get to order for them (and order it LCHF of course)... then take the time to explain it...

    If they have the internet, this is a comical video explaining the diet:

    LCHF is the XXXX (A funny animated explantion of the Keto WOE)

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    92 pounds down, 32 to go.

  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    As you can imagine, I have quite the struggle to explain my eating choices without seeming crazy. Generally, if someone is honest and wants to know, I approach it like we approach 'difficult' questions that children ask. That is, I tell them only as much as I think they can handle.

    For many people that might be, "I try to avoid foods with added sugars and refined white flour." That covers 95% of the foods that people want to offer me, and it's a good start for most people who might want to try it.

    For other people, I explain that I am trying to eat very low carb (I might even say "no carb" but not explain what that really means).

    Very rarely, do I get into the high-fat aspect of it. And even less rarely do I explain that I actually think all plant foods are bad and avoid them altogether. There have been a few that I've had that conversation with. Usually those who know I've also talked about my health results with as well. And, it's with those who understand that I've done research and who might want to read some of the same books.

    I don't explain it all at once to most people though. They're not ready to hear it.
  • camtosh
    camtosh Posts: 898 Member
    But I can tell you once you've lost the weight people will take what you say as gospel, they may think you're crazy now but soon enough they'll want to know your secrets :)

    When I tell them my "secret," they all go "no beer? no bread?" and roll their eyes. Sad, really!

  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Since I have no health issues or allergies and chose keto because I discovered it was a thing that made amazing sense to me, I definitely got some sideways "you're on a fad diet" looks from the few people I have mentioned it to. But my friends and family quickly realized that I'm in it for the long haul and it never comes up anymore.
    But, I don't mind if it does. I know something they don't. I know an easy way to diet, improve overall health while eating great food! I feel like I won the diet lottery! I will tell anyone that will listen to me! Lol
    Anyone that that thinks it's weird or thinks I'm crazy just doesn't understand, and I feel bad for them.

    This is how feel in many discussions in person and online.

    Life is just ironic at times.

    I'm 54. I will have a guy that is 35 or 40 that is out of shape with a spare tire telling me I'm all wrong on nutrition.

    I smile and nod and go my way.

    Bless their heart...

  • bluefish86
    bluefish86 Posts: 842 Member
    I feel like I won the diet lottery! I will tell anyone that will listen to me! Lol
    Anyone that that thinks it's weird or thinks I'm crazy just doesn't understand, and I feel bad for them.

    I know what you mean.... In my office, people are always offering me sweets and crisps. When I decline, I get told to "lighten up" or "live a little".

    I love seeing the looks on their faces when I tell them what I'm having for dinner: a nice, big, juicy steak with blue cheese, salad, sautéed mushrooms, tomatoes and green beans, a glass of wine and some good quality dark chocolate for desert.

    I agree, it's hard not to gloat. :D
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Bless their heart...


    I totally read that in the southern lady way. :lol:
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Bless their heart...


    I totally read that in the southern lady way. :lol:

    I am a southern gentleman!

    Southern accent included, of course.
  • DissLocated
    DissLocated Posts: 43 Member
    But I can tell you once you've lost the weight people will take what you say as gospel, they may think you're crazy now but soon enough they'll want to know your secrets :)

    ^^ This with bells on! When I first went LCHF people were mystified, 6 months later and 40odd lbs lost, suddenly I'm the diet guru and people are hanging on my every word!

    I feel like I won the diet lottery! I will tell anyone that will listen to me! Lol
    Anyone that that thinks it's weird or thinks I'm crazy just doesn't understand, and I feel bad for them.

    And this too, I'm delighted with my woe, if people want to know more I'll happily run on for hours about it. If they don't get it <shrug> they have my sympathy.
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    Sometimes I let people fill in the blanks on their own. I also don't share the fat aspect unless someone specifically points out my fat consumption. But even then I typically just say "fat keeps you full." Or if I'm at work and it's a lunch out with coworkers I'll say "it keeps me full until I eat again at 7." Oh hey, one other thing I found that works well is saying, "I'm just trying to hit my macros." That also seems to stop people in their tracks. The other day at work we had to order lunch in for some unknown reason. I ordered a black and bleu burger. A coworker "kindly" informed me that you should never order a burger for delivery because it wouldn't be hot when it arrived and everyone else was ordering deli sandwiches. I just said, "yeah, but I eat to meet my macros. Once you begin eating like that you really start understanding that food is meant to fuel you, not slow you down. Life became a lot easier once I learned to eat to live instead of live to eat." Silence.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    My SO has now lost 40 pounds (in 2 months). He was talking to a friend about it, and she told him he should be more careful because he sounds like he is evangelizing LC. He said I'm not telling YOU to eat this way, just saying what is working for me. She is a diabetic. But apparently she is sick of hearing about it. lol.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Since I have no health issues or allergies and chose keto because I discovered it was a thing that made amazing sense to me, I definitely got some sideways "you're on a fad diet" looks from the few people I have mentioned it to. But my friends and family quickly realized that I'm in it for the long haul and it never comes up anymore.
    But, I don't mind if it does. I know something they don't. I know an easy way to diet, improve overall health while eating great food! I feel like I won the diet lottery! I will tell anyone that will listen to me! Lol
    Anyone that that thinks it's weird or thinks I'm crazy just doesn't understand, and I feel bad for them.

    This is how feel in many discussions in person and online.

    Life is just ironic at times.

    I'm 54. I will have a guy that is 35 or 40 that is out of shape with a spare tire telling me I'm all wrong on nutrition.

    I smile and nod and go my way.

    Bless their heart...

    I love your reply Pro! The last line made me laugh out loud! (I was born and raised in Dallas and I knew you were from the south just by saying that!) :)

    For those that don't live in the South (USA), saying "Bless their heart" is a southern phrase with a special meaning ....

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    92 pounds down, 32 to go.
  • krystlestar00
    krystlestar00 Posts: 36 Member
    I say I'm not eating processed crap anymore and leave it at that.
  • Fvaisey
    Fvaisey Posts: 5,506 Member
    I've talked with a lot of people about it. If they don't seem to be interested I just give them the one sentence summary. I'll give them as much info as they ask for. I see a lot of interest in reducing Carbage.