How to explain LCHF so people don't think I'm crazy?



  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    I don't go around voicing my diet to people IRL and rarely get asked. So far the few that have asked are already familiar with keto/lc and either shrug, congratulate, or say nothing at all. Save for my grandma..... She just tries to feed me.

    My DH on the other hand..... God bless him but he tells all and sundry. This has opened up all kinds of fun conversations; from the girl behind the counter at Gamestop explaining to him how he's going to die because of his diet to the waiter at the Mexican restaurant in town asking for tips. (DH has lost 30 lbs so far, about 3 weeks) I used to just stand there red faced and glare at him; now I wish I could have popcorn just to enjoy the conversation LOL. Hmm, pork rinds instead maybe?

    He loves controversy. He also just loves to talk. He doesn't even bother telling them his Dr. suggested LC to begin with which I find sort of funny.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I think that's what I'm doing: evangelizing. I just need to zip it moreand only tell people who ask. Not many people are asking yet because my weight loss is just barely becoming noticeable to others.

    I'll zip it.

    I am surprised by how against this WOE people are. It's weird how some will take it personally!
  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    I have always ate a "balanced diet", so aside from the lack of starches, no one has really noticed a change.

    Sometimes, I have been given the side-eye for slathering my veggies or steak in butter, but that's about it.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    edited July 2015
    It surprises me really that in this day we still have to explain it. Low carb is very mainstream now (at least in Australia it's not a foreign concept to most people). I mean, if you offer a steak to someone and they say "No, I'm a vegetarian" no one's going to blink. Low carb is becoming the same way. I think it's easier to avoid mentioning Keto or the high fat component, no one cares about the science.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    I think that's what I'm doing: evangelizing. I just need to zip it moreand only tell people who ask. Not many people are asking yet because my weight loss is just barely becoming noticeable to others.

    I'll zip it.

    I am surprised by how against this WOE people are. It's weird how some will take it personally!

    It shouldn't be amazing that people are against it. Think, if you told a hard core alcoholic or drug addict or or smoker ~ that they shouldn't do drugs or alcohol or cig's, what response will you get from them? Carbs are an addiction to many people. I am a recovering carboholic. The dynamic is very similar.

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    92 pounds down, 32 to go.
    Previous Discussions on the LCD & Keto Groups
    DittoDan's Keto Sub Groups Blog

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    LOL Good point!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    My SO has now lost 40 pounds (in 2 months). He was talking to a friend about it, and she told him he should be more careful because he sounds like he is evangelizing LC. He said I'm not telling YOU to eat this way, just saying what is working for me. She is a diabetic. But apparently she is sick of hearing about it. lol.

    I really think some people have this kind of response due to thoughts that start to come up making them feel like they are being judged on their way of eating. Especially if they are battling health issues that could be improved by a diet change and they choose not to do it. Their demeanor will become defensive and they will start to regard you as being preachy even if you're being very careful to keep it simple and only answering their questions or defending your choices because they initially commented negatively.

    I don't ever ask my sister about her health anymore. She's type 2 but has so far refused to use meds (bad for you ya know) and absolutely will not change her diet. I just can't offer her a sympathetic ear when she's going on and on about her issues knowing that she's making no effort to help herself. I know exactly what she needs to do but I can't help her at all.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »

    I am surprised by how against this WOE people are. It's weird how some will take it personally!

    It shouldn't be amazing that people are against it. Think, if you told a hard core alcoholic or drug addict or or smoker ~ that they shouldn't do drugs or alcohol or cig's, what response will you get from them? Carbs are an addiction to many people. I am a recovering carboholic. The dynamic is very similar.


    This is exactly what comes to mind when ever I see someone say "I couldn't do it. I love my carbs"! Or when people start in accusing you of "demonizing" carbs and sugar. Also, anytime I see someone mention they just cut carbs or want to be cause they feel like they have binge issues with it and someone else comes along and advises against it preaching self control instead.
    I'm always thinking "This person just admitted they lose control of their eating and cravings with this food. Would you tell the heroin addict they can have a little heroin, they just have to have self control"?
    I actually tried helping someone once who said they lose control with sugar once by simply encouraging/supporting their decision to remove it from their diet. A short time later I went back to say something else and the post had been deleted I guess because I couldn't find it.
    Sorry addicts! I guess you just have to figure it out on your own. Smh
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Apparently, I stink at cutting quotes down to the right part. Lol
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    The methadone approach -- eat a little everyday so you don't eat a lot. lol
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member

    It shouldn't be amazing that people are against it. Think, if you told a hard core alcoholic or drug addict or or smoker ~ that they shouldn't do drugs or alcohol or cig's, what response will you get from them? Carbs are an addiction to many people. I am a recovering carboholic. The dynamic is very similar.

    You are right. It shouldn't be surprising... I guess I like to think that I tend to be open minded towards ideas that might help me. I'll look into it, read some books, do some research, and then I use it or discard it. Maybe it is surprising that more people aren't willing to even consider the idea.

    Then again, if you you think about it in terms of addiction, then I shouldn't be surprised... LOL

  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    nvsmomketo wrote: »

    It shouldn't be amazing that people are against it. Think, if you told a hard core alcoholic or drug addict or or smoker ~ that they shouldn't do drugs or alcohol or cig's, what response will you get from them? Carbs are an addiction to many people. I am a recovering carboholic. The dynamic is very similar.

    You are right. It shouldn't be surprising... I guess I like to think that I tend to be open minded towards ideas that might help me. I'll look into it, read some books, do some research, and then I use it or discard it. Maybe it is surprising that more people aren't willing to even consider the idea.

    Then again, if you you think about it in terms of addiction, then I shouldn't be surprised... LOL

    Exactly! But it was actually @DittoDan that said that part. Due to my bad quoting, it didn't show up as his quote.
    Just wanted to clarify.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    LOL I'm a bad quoter too. @DittoDan you are right - again.
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    I find that what people really can't process is the "high fat" part so I never mention it.

    I use: "I'm a diabetic and can't eat sugar or flours." People more or less agree that sugar and flour are bad so that works for most, at least until I decline to eat some fruit or granola (most of my friends are "healthy whole foods" evangelists).

    It's much easier now that I've lost a lot of weight, people assume I must be doing something right. :D
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    KetoGirl83 wrote: »
    I find that what people really can't process is the "high fat" part so I never mention it.

    Yes, except when they find out about the bacon and cream cheese, etc, they say how horrible that is for you.

  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    KetoGirl83 wrote: »
    I find that what people really can't process is the "high fat" part so I never mention it.

    Yes, except when they find out about the bacon and cream cheese, etc, they say how horrible that is for you.

    OMG, I had someone freak out one time, because I mentioned that my diet is such that I could have a plate of bacon as a meal (I needed something that I could possibly take with me, since I might have needed to eat on the go, and needed to finish half a pack of bacon or risk it going bad, because we actually don't eat much bacon) and not feel guilty about it. He started going nuts about how I'm going to do nothing but gain weight, and he completely shut out the fact that I mentioned that I was finding more success with the high fat way of eating than I have with any other way of eating and am actually losing weight where I wasn't before, because he was that married to the "fat is bad, especially animal fat, eat low fat" mantra. It wouldn't surprise me if he was an avid follower of Fuhrer or other such low fat vegan proponent.
    DittoDan wrote: »

    I am surprised by how against this WOE people are. It's weird how some will take it personally!

    It shouldn't be amazing that people are against it. Think, if you told a hard core alcoholic or drug addict or or smoker ~ that they shouldn't do drugs or alcohol or cig's, what response will you get from them? Carbs are an addiction to many people. I am a recovering carboholic. The dynamic is very similar.

    This is exactly what comes to mind when ever I see someone say "I couldn't do it. I love my carbs"! Or when people start in accusing you of "demonizing" carbs and sugar. Also, anytime I see someone mention they just cut carbs or want to be cause they feel like they have binge issues with it and someone else comes along and advises against it preaching self control instead.
    I'm always thinking "This person just admitted they lose control of their eating and cravings with this food. Would you tell the heroin addict they can have a little heroin, they just have to have self control"?
    I actually tried helping someone once who said they lose control with sugar once by simply encouraging/supporting their decision to remove it from their diet. A short time later I went back to say something else and the post had been deleted I guess because I couldn't find it.
    Sorry addicts! I guess you just have to figure it out on your own. Smh

    But heaven forbid you use such an analogy or mention that part of the adjustment period is withdrawal! Because, you know, if your withdrawal symptoms don't risk killing you (like they do with some of the harder drugs), it's not really an addictive substance and you're not really going through withdrawal.

    Yes, I actually had someone tell me that before, when I mentioned that part of the reason you feel like crap when switching to a whole foods based and/or lower carb diet is because of withdrawal.

    (BTW, to make quotes right, just make sure the opening [ quote] tag number matches the closing [ /quote] tag numbers. The username/post number stuff isn't required to make the quote styling.)
    KetoGirl83 wrote: »
    I find that what people really can't process is the "high fat" part so I never mention it.

    I use: "I'm a diabetic and can't eat sugar or flours." People more or less agree that sugar and flour are bad so that works for most, at least until I decline to eat some fruit or granola (most of my friends are "healthy whole foods" evangelists).

    It's much easier now that I've lost a lot of weight, people assume I must be doing something right. :D

    Ah yes, the "but these are good sugars!" crowd. Sorry, but like the corn growers' association ad regarding HFCS says -- sugar is sugar. If "sugar is sugar" works for cane vs HFCS, then it works for cane/HFCS vs fruit, as well. No one likes that logic, though. ;)
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    deksgrl wrote: »
    My SO has now lost 40 pounds (in 2 months). He was talking to a friend about it, and she told him he should be more careful because he sounds like he is evangelizing LC. He said I'm not telling YOU to eat this way, just saying what is working for me. She is a diabetic. But apparently she is sick of hearing about it. lol.

    I really think some people have this kind of response due to thoughts that start to come up making them feel like they are being judged on their way of eating. Especially if they are battling health issues that could be improved by a diet change and they choose not to do it. Their demeanor will become defensive and they will start to regard you as being preachy even if you're being very careful to keep it simple and only answering their questions or defending your choices because they initially commented negatively.

    I don't ever ask my sister about her health anymore. She's type 2 but has so far refused to use meds (bad for you ya know) and absolutely will not change her diet. I just can't offer her a sympathetic ear when she's going on and on about her issues knowing that she's making no effort to help herself. I know exactly what she needs to do but I can't help her at all.

    I feel your pain. My MIL is pretty much the same way. Even going on insulin herself, and her mother (who's a largely-uncontrolled diabetic) having emergency bypass because of 90%-clogged arteries (yes, 90% - it was a wonder she hadn't had a heart attack) haven't been enough to get her to actually change anything, despite her saying that she didn't want to be on insulin like that, because she hates needles. That's how powerful that kind of thing is. The woman who hates needles with a passion would rather stick herself with one on a regular basis than change her diet to reverse her situation entirely.

    I've given her the information to get her started, I've offered support, I've been an example of success. Unfortunately, you know what they say about horses and water. :ohwell:
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I think people need to hit a bottom before they change, and I think it is a harder and lower bottom when the change is perceived to be really big. I've known about the LCD for a couple of years, and dabbled in it, not long enough to reap the benefits but just the discomfort, yet I wasn't ready to commit until I felt I really needed to. Now that I'm doing it I wonder why I waited. LOL

    Your families know about this WOE, hopefully they'll consider it soon.
    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    hahha I had to explain to the ER nurse that I am doing LCHF with no meat…He was a LC'er too and was totally flummoxed.. ( I was in the ER for a serious flu attack, and he was going over my history)

    "What do you EAT?" And how is that possible?" he was shocked I wasn't chowing down on meat all the time.

    I just smiled and said "I eat a lot of FAT of course.. I'm protecting my sole kidney, and I've lost 24 pounds"

    Since LCHF is MOSTLY 70% fat, right? …choosing what WORKS for ME individually for protein finally made sense to him. We had a good discussion on full fat dairy, eggs, veggies, and I talked about hempseed protein which is far kinder to my kidney.

    One mistake I learned from: When I even used the words LowCarb 'high fat" my Urologist NP came unglued..and her eyes actually bugged out at the word "butter"…. was lumping transfats with saturated fats, and so was in a poor position to advise me.. (was warning me of cholesterol/heart disease/blocked arteries) ….. which is sad.

    If you WANT to say anything I've seen people/sites use the term " low carb Healthy Fats"…you just say" like Olive Oil".....everyone knows about the Mediteranian diet, and will agree it is wonderful, because that is the current "approved diet, and we all 'know' junk food is bad, so no one will defend that.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    edited July 2015
    newmeadow wrote: »
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    I think people need to hit a bottom before they change, and I think it is a harder and lower bottom when the change is perceived to be really big.

    There's a lot of wisdom in this post. Thanks for it. Most people really DO learn the hard way, myself included.

    Agreed, and lets hope the "bottom" isn't death by: diabetes/heat attack/stroke....

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    92 pounds down, 32 to go.

    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet Updated
  • pedidiva
    pedidiva Posts: 199 Member
    I share when people ask. I have researched the LCHF lifestyle quite a bit by watching youtube videos, listening to podcasts, and reading. I fell pretty well prepared if someone questions me as I have the science. If they don't get it, then I shrug it off. They have as much right to their way of eating as I do. No biggy. They may not be a carb sensitive/insulin reisitant as I am. Case in point--my husband and second son--I supply healthy foods.they can tolerate the fruits and sweet potatoes with no weight gain.. My first some and I are carb sensitive and cannot.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    ..... We had a good discussion on full fat dairy, eggs, veggies, and I talked about hempseed protein which is far kinder to my kidney.

    How do you prepare your hemp seed? I add it to all baking for my sons (usually using coconut flour and flax meal) and into smoothies, but beyond that I don't know what to do with it.
    If you WANT to say anything I've seen people/sites use the term " low carb Healthy Fats"…you just say" like Olive Oil".....everyone knows about the Mediteranian diet, and will agree it is wonderful, because that is the current "approved diet, and we all 'know' junk food is bad, so no one will defend that.

    That's a good way to word it. Sneaky yet true....
  • azcowgirrlup
    azcowgirrlup Posts: 208 Member
    @KETOGENICGURL , that is perfect.. I tried "I can't have sugar" and that was an epic fail....but low carb healthy fats like olive oil should work. Thank you!
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited July 2015
    My mother in law is constantly trying to push fruit into my mouth. She doesn't get it at all and thinks I am a weirdo. When I tell her how much weight I lost, she rolls her eyes and asks me if I am sure. She always prepares massive salads for me because "you're on a diet!" when I say I don't eat salad, I'd rather have a boiled egg.

    Funny thing is, she is always on some different diet all the time. Last month it was food tailored to her blood type. This month she read a book about diet and arthritis, and is telling me how evil sugar is - but only cane sugar. Fruit and honey are fine. But no tomatoes, the acid gets into your joints. And no red meat as it's full of chemicals. Etc etc.

    She had a blood panel done and her cholesterol was very high, but she still tells ME off for eating butter and eggs. My cholesterol is smack bang on normal. Sigh.

    I just tell people that I have a history of gestational diabetes, my dad has type 2, and I am headed for type 2 myself and trying to prevent it (all true). Most people tell me it's awesome.

    My dad had a heart attack in his.mid forties and I don't want that to be me.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Minties, how badly would it break her if you just said, "My cholesterol is fine, maybe you should try eating the way I do"?
  • madpiratebippy
    madpiratebippy Posts: 20 Member
    I have lost 80+ pounds, so when people try to tell me not to eat how I am eating, I can very easily just say, well, what I am doing let me loose over 80 pounds, so it's working for me!

    When co-workers have tried to give me snacks I look sad, like a puppy that knows you have the stick but you won't throw it.

    "Oh, I'd love to, but I've found out that starches give me horrible gas. I'd be happy for about two minutes eating your delicious cupcakes, Coworker Lady, but then everyone would suffer for hours. I couldn't do that to you."

    Being known as a walking fart bomb stops the feeding pressure. For a lot of people eating is a social event and they get a lot of joy out of feeding the people around them (I used to be the office baker, I know), but no one wants to be in the cubicle next to the Pooting Princess.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    LOL Pooting Princess... :D

    Congrats on 80+lbs. That is very impressive!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    I think people need to hit a bottom before they change, and I think it is a harder and lower bottom when the change is perceived to be really big. I've known about the LCD for a couple of years, and dabbled in it, not long enough to reap the benefits but just the discomfort, yet I wasn't ready to commit until I felt I really needed to. Now that I'm doing it I wonder why I waited. LOL

    Your families know about this WOE, hopefully they'll consider it soon.

    I totally agree. Just like with most any addiction.

    It was when in Aug to doctors said for me to read about Enbrel injections and come back on 7 Nov 2014 to start them. Aug/Sept I "tried" to taper off of carbs and I failed. First of Oct I told myself that I was going to die if I did not ditch carbs. For the next two weeks I thought I was going to die from cold turkey carb withdrawal then the physical addiction faded fast but the mental addiction lingered for a few month but that was not too strong and pasted as well.

    I have an edge on some of you because I am 64. By 64 you know you are mortal. You are watching your family and friends die monthly due to poor eating and couch potato lifestyles.

    While I wish I had changed 40 years ago thankful besides almost total body arthritis I am OK and have not taken any Rx meds for over 10 years.

    When as an old crippled up man I tell them when I ditch most all carbs (have to say sugar and bread because the general population does not know what "carbs" means) and within 30 days my pain level when from a 7-8 level to 2-3 on a 1-10 scale they just say that is good but they could never give up sugar and bread.

    There is about 1 out of every 100 of people you talk to will at some point circle back and with personal interest will ask more questions about LCHF. That is why I share in an open way with others.

    I had known for years that sugar made arthritis pain worse. It was staring at my painful future death from cancer, etc because I had knocked out my immune system with Enbrel injections that became my rock "bottom" moment.

    9 months later I am in better health and with much less pain then at any point in the last 30 years.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    That's great!
    I'm in the beginnings of arthritis myself. Boney spurs - boo. The pain was a large reason why I went LCHF. It just kept getting worse. This was my bottom. Gaining weight wasn't enough for me to make enough changes. Autoimmune problems and their symptoms wasn't enough. Hip arthritis wasn't enough either but when my knees flared up suddenly, that was my go-switch.

    I too have been extremely happy with the reduction of symptoms. It's still there, but it's at a level that I can live with - I can be active.

    Thanks for sharing that. It was motivating.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    I saw my dad on the weekend. He is type 2 diabetic and very sick, and doesn't want me to end up that way. He's one of the few old people I know who understands carbs and what they do to your body. We sat down to lunch and I took some cold meat and cheese but no bread roll and he says "oh, you're back off the carbs, that's good" like I'd quit drugs or something. :)