Guidance for starting LC at 356lbs?

pugetsound Posts: 12 Member
Hi all,

I started a calorie-restricted diet at my highest weight of 426 pounds and was able to lose quite a bit of weight, but after awhile I found myself losing and re-gaining the same ten pounds. Sugar is the biggest reason why I got to this weight, and it's been the hardest for me to overcome. I know moderation is a big key to living a healthy lifestyle, but sweets are the one thing that keeps making me break from my routine and over-indulging. Plus, my husband and I had lab work done recently and he was told he's pre-diabetic, which really frightens me. I want us to be able to kill our sugar cravings and eat healthier, whole foods, and LC seems the best way to accomplish that!

I've been pouring over all the information available here and in the FAQs so please don't think I'm jumping in without doing my homework! I've just not seen many documented examples of people doing low carb with as much weight as I have to lose so I'd love some extra guidance.

These are the macros I've calculated. I've read conflicting info on starting out at higher carb levels vs starting at lower levels as a sort of 'detox' so I'm not sure which is best for me. I don't intend on eating any grains or starches, but in the past few days I've been hitting between 50-70 net carbs from veggie, fruit, nut, and dairy sources.

I'd also love some tips on boosting my protein. At my size, using the .5g/lb of weight rule, I'd need to consume 178g of protein daily. Is that what I need to aim for?

2783 TDEE
1948kcal Daily Calorie Intake
70g Carbohydrates (14%, 280 kcal)
110g Protein (23%, 440 kcal)
136g Fat (63%, 1228 kcal)

Thank you in advance for any advice!


  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    This woe is completely doable at your size. The benefits are amazing and have changed my life. Sounds like you are at a great starting point for low carb. As a recovering carb-aholic I found that the true sugar cravings didn't stop until I got to 30g, or less, a day range. Then, when I went ZC (10 or less) hungry disappeared for me. You can get there too, you just have to find the levels that work for you! Best of luck to you! Welcome, and congratulations on an awesome weight loss already! :smiley:
  • pugetsound
    pugetsound Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Dan, and thank you!! Your stats are inspiring!

    I am definitely starting off as low carb vs keto, although I am conflicted about this. Some people recommend starting off keto and then progressing to low carb, others recommend starting off low-moderate carb and working toward keto. I'm not sure which is best for someone of my size...I suppose I will find out with some trial and error.

    I've read a lot about electrolytes and thanks to some articles here and I purchased light salt with potassium, himalayan pink sea salt, and mag-citrate tablets. I know with a carb count of 70g my electrolytes may not fluctuate as much as on keto but I'm armed and ready regardless!

  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    edited July 2015
    178g sounds like a too-high protein target to me. Most of the guidelines are based on very loose rules of thumb. You should be fine at around 100g or even a little less.

    Experiment with the carb level. 70g is a great target, IMO. A little more or less works well too. If you test your blood sugar, some people use that to gauge how carb-sensitive they are.

    BTW, where is that shot of Rainier from? I'm guessing somewhere around Bremerton?
  • pugetsound
    pugetsound Posts: 12 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    This woe is completely doable at your size. The benefits are amazing and have changed my life. Sounds like you are at a great starting point for low carb. As a recovering carb-aholic I found that the true sugar cravings didn't stop until I got to 30g, or less, a day range. Then, when I went ZC (10 or less) hungry disappeared for me. You can get there too, you just have to find the levels that work for you! Best of luck to you! Welcome, and congratulations on an awesome weight loss already! :smiley:

    Thank you so much for the encouragement! I feel reassured now that starting off low-ish carb and working toward keto may be the best option for me. I'm looking forward to the day when both my husband and I can say we've kicked our carb addiction to the curb!
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    pugetsound wrote: »
    Hi Dan, and thank you!! Your stats are inspiring!

    I am definitely starting off as low carb vs keto, although I am conflicted about this. Some people recommend starting off keto and then progressing to low carb, others recommend starting off low-moderate carb and working toward keto. I'm not sure which is best for someone of my size...I suppose I will find out with some trial and error.

    I've read a lot about electrolytes and thanks to some articles here and I purchased light salt with potassium, himalayan pink sea salt, and mag-citrate tablets. I know with a carb count of 70g my electrolytes may not fluctuate as much as on keto but I'm armed and ready regardless!

    Going from a SAD diet to a Keto maybe too overwhelming. It was for me. I started out about 100 g a day, but with the help of the Keto discussion group (a lot of the people on that group are here too), and Phinney & Vloek's book and Google ~ I was able to get to Keto in a short period of time, maybe 2-3ish weeks.

    Then once I get to my ideal weight (190) I will either do one or both of the following:

    1) Increase my caloric intake
    2) Increase my carb intake.

    I will still track with MFP and weigh-in to see which is better for me.

    But for you, I would concentrate on the now, not worrying about the future.

    Also, a great addition to Keto is water fasting. Don't worry about that now... and BTW, I did absolutely no walking or gm exercise ~ and lost the weight. All the "diet & exercise" mantra is a bunch of crap. Don't get me wrong, if you know a way to tone up your muscles, do exercise. But exercise is NOT for weight loss.

    I also want to agree with WAB, 100 grams of protein a day would be ideal, unless your are a body builder, triathlon athlete, etc. In other words, the macro thing is just a way to look how you're doing in general. Sooner or later you'll see this:

    Limit your carbs to a set amount, like 40 grams @ day max
    Protein is a goal to reach: 100 grams a day
    Fat until your are satiated

    That actually is a better way than macros.

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    Cream Cheese, Bacon & Chicken
    Do You Like Fatty Beef? Try Corned Beef
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    No one ever talks about how moderation is important with crack cocaine. Why is moderation important with carbs? Especially for people who know they're just as addictive and potentially more harmful? Screw moderation. Screw what "everyone knows."

    People lose a lot of weight with low carb. Welcome. I know you'll be successful here. We have lots of supportive people.
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Welcome @pugetsound !

    My highest weight was 330 pounds, and I've been following the low carb plan since the end of May (weighing 318 or so at that time). I started off at a carb goal of 50-60 gm/day or so, and have since dropped it to 30-50gm/ day. Like the others, hunger and cravings dropped away at that level.

    I aim for 0.8-1 gm protein/ kg body weight. So for you, 356lb= 161 kg; 161 x 0.8= 129 gm protein per day. Some people calculate based on ideal body weight, so you'll be ok if it's a bit lower.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I switched to LCHF and then Keto in the past 5 weeks. The people on this board have been super helpful - they know a lot. Taking their advice helped me.

    We're starting at different weights, but I was prediabetic too. I had problems controlling my sugar intake and it affected me in a way that I imagine a mild addiction would with shakes, mood swings, and headaches. After a couple of weeks in ketosis, I can honestly say that is gone. Today it is much easier to say no to sweets; it's more of a menatl thing than a physical reaction now.

    Going into ketosis really helped my blood sugar. My fasting BG is usually in the 4's, which is normal, with an occassional bump back into the prediabetic range (5.6+).

    I started off LCHF and very slowly shifted into ketosis, and I'm not sure a slow shift is easier. When my body was switching into ketosis, I would eat too many carbs after a day or two and go out of fat burning, and then go in again. It might have drawn out the fat adaptation phase and symptoms (head ache and fatigue) for me. I could be wrong and maybe it would have taken two weeks no matter how fast I made the switch to ketosis. LOL

    Now, I try to keep my total carbs to under 50g, and as close to 20g as I can get. That's about 5% of my calories. Fat is about 75% of my calories, at about 120g. Protein is about 70-80g. I eat between 1400 and 1800 calories on most days.

    Good luck! I hope you enjoy LCHF once you get settled in. :)
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Welcome. I do not have too much to add to the excellent advice of others except you may do well to strictly limit or eliminate your fruits and to avoid articifial sweeteners. I was diabetic for years with very high glucose levels and this worked best for me. I echo Ditto Dan to eat more fat if you feel hungry.
  • MimiOfTheLusciousLawn
    MimiOfTheLusciousLawn Posts: 2,212 Member
    Hi @pugetsound! I started LCHF at 402, 6months ago. I am 316 right now. My two biggest suggestions when starting are 1- take it slow, ease your carb intake down so as to minimize the crappy feeling. And 2- don't snack. If you're truly hungry, eat a meal. That's it! I agree with the person who thinks your protein is too high, just my opinion. And I do follow keto, <20g net carbs, 5c/20p/75f. I eat two meals a day, practice IF and am currently working on the C25K program. You can do this, and it's awesomely easy and sustainable once you detox from sugar. You'll be amazed at how good you feel now and how bad you really felt before. Great luck to you!
  • Thaeda
    Thaeda Posts: 834 Member
    edited July 2015
    pugetsound wrote: »

    I am definitely starting off as low carb vs keto, although I am conflicted about this. Some people recommend starting off keto and then progressing to low carb, others recommend starting off low-moderate carb and working toward keto. I'm not sure which is best for someone of my size...I suppose I will find out with some trial and error.

    My hubby went from 380 to 225 in a year by low-carbing. He avoided pasta, bread, rice, potatoes and anything with sugar. He did not eat fruit, except for the occasional handful of fresh berries. He has since kept it off for six months. He is 49 years old with a LONG history of obesity. He tended to keep his carbs at around 40g per day (net). He also started taking walks a few times per week for 30-45 minutes at a brisk, but not crazy hard pace. He avoids artificial sweeteners because he experiences a blood sugar spike and cravings when he uses them.

    You CAN do this! :)
  • pugetsound
    pugetsound Posts: 12 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »

    But for you, I would concentrate on the now, not worrying about the future.

    I also want to agree with WAB, 100 grams of protein a day would be ideal, unless your are a body builder, triathlon athlete, etc. In other words, the macro thing is just a way to look how you're doing in general. Sooner or later you'll see this:

    Limit your carbs to a set amount, like 40 grams @ day max
    Protein is a goal to reach: 100 grams a day
    Fat until your are satiated

    That actually is a better way than macros.

    I LOVE that top line. I may have to tattoo it on my arm so I can see it and remind myself of it in case I get too overwhelmed with the details.

    Thanks for the advice on the macros! Sounds like a very reasonable plan!

    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    No one ever talks about how moderation is important with crack cocaine. Why is moderation important with carbs? Especially for people who know they're just as addictive and potentially more harmful? Screw moderation. Screw what "everyone knows."

    People lose a lot of weight with low carb. Welcome. I know you'll be successful here. We have lots of supportive people.

    Your words mean a lot to me, really. When I first joined MFP and poked into the communities I was kind of discouraged because it seemed that the one key to success was something I'd never be able to have. It's much more encouraging to me to see people agreeing that certain foods are a problem!
    wabmester wrote: »
    BTW, where is that shot of Rainier from? I'm guessing somewhere around Bremerton?

    Wow you're good! :smiley: Have to admit, it's not my photo, I lifted it from google...I live 3,000 miles away but the puget sound area is my favorite place on earth! And thanks for the support, especially on my carb and protein targets!

    Cheesy567 wrote: »
    Welcome @pugetsound !

    My highest weight was 330 pounds, and I've been following the low carb plan since the end of May (weighing 318 or so at that time). I started off at a carb goal of 50-60 gm/day or so, and have since dropped it to 30-50gm/ day. Like the others, hunger and cravings dropped away at that level.

    I aim for 0.8-1 gm protein/ kg body weight. So for you, 356lb= 161 kg; 161 x 0.8= 129 gm protein per day. Some people calculate based on ideal body weight, so you'll be ok if it's a bit lower.

    Thanks for that! I'm hoping to mirror what you've done, taper down the carbs as I go and hopefully kill this sweet tooth once and for all! It's great to hear from someone with a similar amount of weight to loose, I'd love to follow your progress! And that protein goal sounds way more sensible than the 178 gram one.

    nvsmomketo wrote: »
    Good luck! I hope you enjoy LCHF once you get settled in. :)

    Thank you! And thanks for the advice and honesty about keto now vs later. You've given me more to think about!

    toadqueen wrote: »
    Welcome. I do not have too much to add to the excellent advice of others except you may do well to strictly limit or eliminate your fruits and to avoid articifial sweeteners. I was diabetic for years with very high glucose levels and this worked best for me. I echo Ditto Dan to eat more fat if you feel hungry.

    Fruit is going to be a hard adjustment for me. I started off my journey on weight watchers and quickly found myself eating four to five servings a day, with every meal and then as snacks. On Sunday when we did our first big LC shopping trip, I didn't buy any fruit (well, technically I did buy some squash and avocados) and so far I haven't missed it. I was thinking of incorporating some berries if I had cravings, but what you're saying makes sense. I may just wait out and see how I adapt with more fat. Thank you!

    Hi @pugetsound! I started LCHF at 402, 6months ago. I am 316 right now. My two biggest suggestions when starting are 1- take it slow, ease your carb intake down so as to minimize the crappy feeling. And 2- don't snack. If you're truly hungry, eat a meal. That's it! I agree with the person who thinks your protein is too high, just my opinion. And I do follow keto, <20g net carbs, 5c/20p/75f. I eat two meals a day, practice IF and am currently working on the C25K program. You can do this, and it's awesomely easy and sustainable once you detox from sugar. You'll be amazed at how good you feel now and how bad you really felt before. Great luck to you!

    Wow, AWESOME! I'm so excited to talk to someone of a similar size, especially someone who has had just progress. Congrats on your huge loss! I'm definitely following the take it slow advice. I used to be a HUGE snacker and I'm hoping to fix that. It's only been two days so I can't exactly say much at this point, BUT I'm happy to report I've not had any snacks so far, which is a true rarety for me.! Is the macro you listed, 5c/20p/75f per meal or per day? Do you mind sharing your usual daily calorie goal?

    I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to reply. I know there are many, many posts from newbies per day so I appreciate the effort you guys have made to give some personalized advice. I'm looking forward to learning more and being a part of the discussions here. :smiley:
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    My 2 cents: don't minimize the HF part of this WOE. That's what keeps me away from the chocolate and chips!
  • CoconuttyMummy
    CoconuttyMummy Posts: 685 Member
    saraphim41 wrote: »
    My 2 cents: don't minimize the HF part of this WOE. That's what keeps me away from the chocolate and chips!

    PBI: What;s HF, @saraphim41 ?

    @pugetsound - You're in the right place. :smiley:

    I would definitely recommend you reduce your carbs fairly gradually, rather than going straight to Keto. Some people adapt to reduced carbs quickly and easily, whereas some (like myself) struggled with 'carb flu' & withdrawal symptoms for a few weeks. Adaptation can be quite stressful on the body for a little while, so i think its kinder to reduce your carbs in stages, so your body has chance to become accustomed more steadily.
    I suggest you aim for under 100g carbs 1st (70g is great). Get used to that, and then consider lowering to >50g if/when you feel motivated to do so. From there you can decide to try Keto, at >20g, if you like, but you may not find it necessary - you should lose really nicely on low-carb at suitable deficit. I think the main benefit of reducing carbs dramatically is to reduce cravings and improve satiety in general - if you reduce gradually you will come accross your sweet-spot eventually, and it may be higher than some other low-carbers. We're all individual so ideal macros can differ quite a lot person to person.

    Well done for taking the 1st steps to a healthier, slimmer you. Im sure you will do great

  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups Updated

    Use the above for people that use abbreviations, acronyms and low carb terms you never heard of before.

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    92 pounds down, 32 to go.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    No one ever talks about how moderation is important with crack cocaine. Why is moderation important with carbs? Especially for people who know they're just as addictive and potentially more harmful? Screw moderation. Screw what "everyone knows."

    People lose a lot of weight with low carb. Welcome. I know you'll be successful here. We have lots of supportive people.

    I was trying to figure out how to say basically this.

    I was a SERIOUS sugar addict. Those damned chewy lemonheads are the devil!
    But seriously, before I started Keto, I decided to challenge myself first with what I considered to be my biggest weakness. To go one month without candy or sweets of any kind. I already didn't really eat much bread/pasta and other carbs. Fairly low in old diet. But SUGAR! Particularly sour, chewy candies! I was like a crack fiend running to Walgreens and eating them in my car before I got home so no one would know!
    I knew that if I could resist my biggest temptation, that I could cut the rest of the carbs too.
    It was amazing the way the cravings began to disappear. I couldn't believe it. I've even taken it further now to significantly reduce my usage of stevia and other sweeteners too and almost never have diet soda anymore either. I tried some diet coke the other day (my old fav) and it tasted like pure sugary syrup to me. I'm over it. Don't even want it anymore. I'm now enjoying those La Croix sodas I previously thought were completely disgusting! I figure it's like I've heard smokers that have quit say that they tried a cigarette years later and how gross they thought it was.
    Anyway, I don't need lemonheads in any amount of moderation. They benefit me in no way. The fact I regarded them as a treat in the past, however frequent it was, was just a way that I made myself feel like I deserved them and that they were special in some way. They weren't special. They were keeping me addicted to sugar. I have no interest in them anymore and I will not have them even in moderation.
    I really think if there are foods that make you feel like you can't control your consumption of, that it's really important to address it by removing them. It will only make you stronger and give you an immense sense of pride for beating the "addictive" feelings.
  • saraphim41
    saraphim41 Posts: 205 Member
    HF is high fat. LCHF...sometimes seems more emphasis on the low carb part. Hand in glove----
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    I think the .5g/lb protein figure is for LEAN BODY MASS, not actual weight. It has something to do with figuring your weight (based on your BMI) if you had no fat! Thus, your calculation would be way too high.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member

    I'm about 145 lbs less of body fat and 20 pounds of muscle added back in a year and a half now.

    Lower carb at 60-80 most days.

    Reversed type 2, diabetes, reduced blood pressure, slashed cholesterol <130now.

    Got fit!

    I did have a crappy diet I ate in excess... Eating crappy in moderation was not the answer.

    Total overhaul of how I see food. New way to live and use food to fuel life

    It really does work. Learn and proceed forth in confidence.